2017-07-02 UTC
ricmac, [kevinmarks], tantek and davidmead joined the channel
# 12:45 davidmead GWG: with the webmention plugin, do i still need <link> in the <head> from webmention.io? I have both and I think it’s causing issues with OwnYourSwarm etc.
ricmac and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:02 sebsel davidmead: I tried to find out what webmention endpoints your site exposes, but then I clicked one of your .click urls, and got redirected a bunch of times, and then the server said I was visiting it too much :(
# 13:04 sebsel (it's more for -dev, but hey, I just got you here)
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# 13:12 davidmead that’s the issues i’m running into all of a sudden sebsel :-(
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# 13:34 GWG davidmead, Webmention.io is hosted Webmentions. The WordPress plugin handles everything, no third party needed
davidmead joined the channel
# 14:15 GWG davidmead, Webmention.io is unnecessary for WordPress installs
# 14:16 davidmead <link rel="pingback" href="https://webmention.io/davidjohnmead.com/xmlrpc" />
# 14:16 davidmead <link rel="webmention" href="https://webmention.io/davidjohnmead.com/webmention" />
# 14:17 davidmead <link rel="webmention" href="http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint" />
# 14:17 davidmead <link rel="http://webmention.org/" href="http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint" />
# 14:18 GWG Yes. Webmention.io is hosted Webmentions. The WordPress plug-in hosts it for you in the WordPress database
# 14:20 davidmead now i have to figure out why OwnYourSwarm isn’t posting anything to the blog still
# 14:20 davidmead i saw [mikldb] posted a reply to something on his site, but I didn’t see it come through on mine. wondering if it’s related
# 14:21 GWG davidmead, if you had Webmention.io in your header, it might have sent his reply there instead of to WordPress
# 14:27 davidmead if i add [miklbs] reply URL from his site as a webmention on my post i get an error - {"code":"target_not_found","message":"Cannot find target link","data":{"status":400}}
# 14:31 davidmead maybe his post, though it says is a reply, doesn’t have my URL on it?
# 14:33 GWG You can check. If it links to yours
tantek joined the channel
# 14:37 davidmead Ugh. Just posted a reply to him and used his webmention form on his post and got this back…
# 14:37 davidmead {"link":"https:\/\/miklb.com\/2039-2\/#comment-841","source":"http:\/\/davidjohnmead.com\/blog\/2017\/07\/02\/17209\/","target":"https:\/\/miklb.com\/2039-2\/","code":"success","message":"Webmention was successful"}
# 14:38 davidmead that is a terrible experience. what am I supposed to do now? navigate back to his site? back button?
# 14:39 tantek That's a good point - I wonder what other sites return from using the webmention form on a post (e.g. adactio)
# 14:41 aaronpk mine shows the response inline without leaving the page if you have JS enabled
# 14:41 aaronpk otherwise you'll get the webmention.io HTML response which shows a readable summary
# 14:41 tantek I can't remember where we documented indieweb examples of this
# 14:42 tantek someplace we should provide a how to and screenshots
# 14:42 tantek that kind of UX documentation and guidance helps a lot
# 14:44 tantek I'm guessing it is in one of the webmention subpages ;)
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# 14:53 davidmead tantek aaronpk if not using webmention.io but the WP plugin, do we have to style the endpoint as part of the plugin, or the theme?
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# 15:01 aaronpk i would imagine it's part of the webmention plugin but i'm really not sure
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# 15:10 davidmead i just liked one of your posts aaronpk, via webmentions, to see what you have in action. it’s nice and what i’d expect :-)
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# 15:13 tantek davidmead - did you take a screenshot of the nice result? :)
# 15:15 davidmead now i have to figure out why my handsome visage is not being pulled through to aaronpk’s page where I posted :-)
# 15:17 aaronpk oh i thought that list was more about showing webmentions
# 15:17 aaronpk i wouldn't want to clutter that with screenshots of "after" submitting the form tho
# 15:17 tantek I was just looking for existing documentation
# 15:22 aaronpk davidmead: i don't see an "author" property on your post
ricmac joined the channel
# 15:29 [miklb] I’ll need to look to see if it’s something with my site or need to open an issue with the webmention plugin re: the bad UX after submitting a webmention
ricmac joined the channel
# 15:37 davidmead aaronpk: WP has my name on each post as class=“author vcard” but not p-author. is that what you pull in?
# 15:40 tantek davidmead - are you using the microformats2 plugin?
# 15:40 tantek it might be fixing some things, but is perhaps forgetting to fix the class=“author vcard” (which should be class=“p-author h-card” in mf2)
# 15:41 davidmead tantek: no. it caused issues when using SemPress on what it sent to twitter when posting
# 15:41 davidmead <a class="url fn n" href="http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/author/davidmead/">davidmead</a>
# 15:41 tantek davidmead, then I think you may need to update your theme
# 15:42 tantek I think those are the two choices - either use the mf2 plugin to fix your classes for your, or update your theme yourself to use mf2 classes
ricmac joined the channel
# 16:01 aaronpk no photo though, so it won't look any different on my site if you re-send the webmention
# 16:03 [miklb] davidmead, if you take a look at the mf2 plugin, there may be a function that would use gravatar if one is found. I don’t recall exactly how that’s done though.
ricmac joined the channel
# 16:04 davidmead my h-card is on davidjohnmead.com which isn’t in WP. I make rods for my own back all the time :-)
# 16:04 [miklb] I don’t mean to keep pointing to that plugin, it’s just that a lof of the heavy lifting is done there. I have similar functions that I cribbed from GWG before I knew about that plugin.
# 16:06 [miklb] if you do, you can remove that function that you added yesterday for h-entry, or at least comment it out while testing the plugin
# 16:12 [miklb] if you really want to get into the guts of it, it would be a great experience to model your own functions after the examples in the plugin. I just don’t know if you want to do that much coding, or for it to just work™
# 16:12 [miklb] and by just work, I mean minimally viable mf2 based on core limitations. ?
# 16:22 davidmead [miklb] I’m not a programmer, more Gen2 in a Gen1 world :-)
# 16:23 GWG First, we have a proposal to return HTML on the webmention form. Gregorlove filed it last week
# 16:23 davidmead also moves h-entry to <body> on a single entry, but it’s in <article> in the “stream” view
# 16:23 GWG Second, tantek is correct about the Microformats 2 plug-in
# 16:24 GWG davidmead, the Microformats 2 plugin does the best it can to add markup without theme cooperation.
# 16:27 GWG davidmead, happy to help in between work summonings
# 16:28 GWG I am in the midst of trying to decide how to enhance my theme.
# 16:28 davidmead thx GWG. I’m going to go do some running around and get back to this later. I have set up a child theme so it could be easier for me to turn things on/off now
# 16:28 GWG davidmead, good idea. I am happy to peruse the code if you share it
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# 18:49 davidmead GWG: where does mf2 plugin add the h-entry to the <body> so i can try and overwrite it?
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# 18:52 davidmead GWG: don’t worry. there’s too many things that mf2 plugin is doing to overwrite. easier if i unactivate it again.
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# 20:00 davidmead putting h-entry on the <body> instead of the <article> means when i post i get content sent to twitter that i don’t want there.
# 20:01 davidmead also the mf2 plugin didn’t add p-author or h-card as far as I could see
# 20:02 davidmead it also caused a <div> with e-content to be added which would then double-up on the e-content I have in the replies snippet i use
tantek joined the channel
# 20:05 davidmead GWG: I’ve been tweeting test posts like mad this afternoon :-) seeing what works and what doesn’t
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# 21:08 GWG davidmead, I use a test Twitter for that
# 21:08 davidmead GWG: about half way through I thought I should be doing the same :-)
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# 21:21 GWG davidmead: We had the idea of writing mf2 compatible versions of the bundled WordPress themes, 2014-2017.
# 21:22 davidmead that’s why i’m dabbling in to a child theme of twentyseventeen
# 21:24 davidmead i’m finding it needs to be more looking at where i’m adding content into WP and adding mf there, rather than where it “should” go if that makes sense
ricmac joined the channel
# 22:20 GWG I have been improving Independent Publisher. I hope raamdev agrees.
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