#wordpress 2017-07-03
2017-07-03 UTC
ricmac, davidmead, [miklb] and tantek joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme Wonder how much work it would be to sell WordPress on adding jf2feed support

ben_thatmustbeme Yeah, unfortunately I'm spread this enough with projects I work on

ben_thatmustbeme To WordPress: Newer format that is much simpler than RSS/atom. Very similar to jsonfeed, but actually has an official mime type, w3c recognition, and extensible by a living spec of vocabulary (microformats)

ben_thatmustbeme To indieweb devs : it's a way to get mf2 vocab into all templates, not just one or two

ben_thatmustbeme That's the issue I have yet to work on. Bc filing issues with as many feed

ben_thatmustbeme Readers as I can very shortly

ben_thatmustbeme That's the next step, but it's always a chicken and egg situation

ricmac, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
ricmac and tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme Hmm actually, I'd imagine it will be pretty much a copy of this code base https://github.com/manton/jsonfeed-wp

ricmac, tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
petermolnar (should I write a YAMLFeed for WP? I don't think I should, people would think it's a real thing.)

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] !tell aaronpk just wanted to ask if you have generated the wordpress@indieweb.org email address?

pfefferle and ricmac joined the channel
ricmac, davidmead and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] moin moin

[pfefferle] good, sorry for not answering your merge request, but I had a free weekend

[pfefferle] will have a look hopefully later today

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] europe?

Kaja joined the channel
ricmac and Kaja joined the channel
[pfefferle] I've read that one...

[pfefferle] what have you eaten

[pfefferle] ?

ricmac joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] lachs

[pfefferle] (the german word)

ricmac joined the channel
ricmac, tantek, [jeremycherfas] and [miklb] joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "meta key mf2_content--webmentions" yet. Would you like to create it?

[miklb] this is a little weird https://gist.github.com/miklb/9429596c7f2521a1d6678e1691a23bc5

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] what is the key?

[pfefferle] woops

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "key" yet. Would you like to create it?

[pfefferle] hmmm me too ?

[pfefferle] it is not part of semantic-linkbacks or webmentions as far as I can see

[pfefferle] is it comment meta

[pfefferle] or post meta

[pfefferle] oops, seems that semantic-linkbacks is also setting meta-keys https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/blob/b070f615485af7eb6176a9f237b2adfd478d8c29/includes/class-linkbacks-mf2-handler.php#L253

[miklb] commentmeta https://cdn.miklb.com/miklb_commentmeta.png

[miklb] oh, weird, it’s coming from calumryan http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalumryan.com%2Fnote%2F834

tantek joined the channel
ricmac and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] I have to admit that i am not sure... it was a change of GWG... have to have a look later... would be very spammy if so...

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] then it seems to be a bug

[pfefferle] and perhaps we should whitelist instead

ricmac and doubleloop[m] joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
ricmac, tantek, [kiai] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG I would start with the data you really need

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey tantek nice to see you in the wordpress channel

[pfefferle] GWG have you seen my merge requests?

[pfefferle] sad, that I am so far away ?

tantek [pfefferle]: but the sessions are all captured online and with video! check it out: https://indieweb.org/2017/Schedule lots Saturday and one session on Sunday too (plus the demos obviously :) )

[pfefferle] yes, I saw most of them and participated to the WP session online

[pfefferle] but it is not really the same

[pfefferle] ?

[miklb] joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb yes, It was serialized

[pfefferle] miklb yes, thats why we should whitelist and escape attribs

[pfefferle] we already do that for the webmention plugin and for the classic semantic-linkback metas

[pfefferle] but you are right, there are some fields missing

[pfefferle] we should really fix them

[pfefferle] should be esc_url

[pfefferle] and all comment-meta

[pfefferle] hey GWG, do you have some minutes to talk about your merge request?

ricmac joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG I added some comments... I don't think that your changes will work and I do not understand why to replace the `wp_update_comment_data`

[pfefferle] I would also like to change the action name in the Webmention plugin to `webmention_edit_post` to be more compatible to `webmention_post`

[pfefferle] to be more consistent

[kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
pfefferl_ joined the channel
[pfefferle] miklb can you PM aaronpk your email, to add you to wordpress@indieweb.or

tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] ok, I created an WordPress.org account for the autodeployments and I will add the email to this account if it works

Loqi deployment is the both the act (to deploy), process, and specific instances (a deployment) of updating (and sometimes installing) software on a server, like a web server https://indieweb.org/deployment

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "autodeployment" yet. Would you like to create it?

[pfefferle] yes

Loqi The WordPress Outreach Club is a group of active IndieWebCamp participants who reach out to individuals already running WordPress to add IndieWeb functionality to their existing sites https://indieweb.org/WordPress_Outreach_Club

tantek wordpress outreach club << https://profiles.wordpress.org/indieweb

Loqi ok, I added "https://profiles.wordpress.org/indieweb" to the "See Also" section of /WordPress_Outreach_Club

loqi.me edited /WordPress_Outreach_Club (+42) "tantek added "https://profiles.wordpress.org/indieweb" to "See Also"" (view diff)

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey GWG

[pfefferle] what about the rest

[pfefferle] I do not understand why these changes and I think they will not work

[pfefferle] GWG ?

[pfefferle] that means you don't know it either?

[pfefferle] GWG no problem ?

[pfefferle] GWG ok... for example the avatar changes

[pfefferle] Is there a more understandable version of it?

[pfefferle] GWG no problem! let's do it anyway!

[pfefferle] if we have a migration concept i am fine with anything

[pfefferle] should we start a wiki page on that?

[miklb] anymore thoughts on https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30#issuecomment-312375228

[pfefferle] GWG I would love to start with some more unittests for the SL plugin, that makes it easier for us to add such fundamental changes

[pfefferle] I think we should start with create and update

[pfefferle] miklb added a new comment

[pfefferle] miklb but I am not sure that I am the correct person to discuss this issue... I see it only from the theme developer perspective...

[pfefferle] GWG i think in both

[pfefferle] sorry, sometimes it's hard to find the right words in a foreign language ?

[pfefferle] I think uf2 is the correct place to discuss it, because the uf2 plugin should also be disabled if another plugin or theme already supports the semantic

[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] so I see uf2 not as a manager, but as another participant, like semantic-linkbacks, micropub and indie post kinds

[pfefferle] If I always need uf2, I can directly implement it into my theme...

[pfefferle] thats way easier

[pfefferle] and that's why I prefer a very simple version, like the proposed theme_support

davidmead joined the channel
[pfefferle] will you or should I?

doubleloop[m] Is there a nice way to post to my indieweb wordpress site from my android phone?

doubleloop[m] The wordpress app is good, but doesn't include any interface for plugins you add

doubleloop[m] So you can't do indieweb stuff with it

doubleloop[m] I've just been using the web interface, but it's clunky on mobile

doubleloop[m] Mainly notes. And notes with photos

doubleloop[m] [miklb]: thanks

doubleloop[m] I just tried it, but it doesn't seem to have posse'd to Twitter. I'll have a play around with it.

doubleloop[m] Yeah

doubleloop[m] GWG: bookmarks would be great

doubleloop[m] GWG: yea it was there - I selected it but hasn't posted

doubleloop[m] That's cool though, quill! - would the process also then add the link into semantic linkbacks?

doubleloop[m] Sorry - syndicated links.

ricmac_ joined the channel