petermolnarto be honest I really enjoy using stupid little frameworks like sanic or Flask with python; it brings back the good ol' days of coding, when I didn't have to care about compatibility and about namespaces in PHP
Loqi[IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club] Description
The IndieWeb Plugin for WordPress helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and h-card fields.
It also includes a bundled installer for a core set of IndieWeb-related plugins. It’s mea...
[miklb], [barryf] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
davidmeadJust got my OwnYourSwarm posting back to my site. aaronpk had to free up my account, and then i changed it to using the JSON micropub output. Having at “Simple” didn’t pass it back correctly. Using the WP micropub plugin
tantek, ricmac, davidmead and Loqi joined the channel