#wordpress 2017-07-06

2017-07-06 UTC
GWG you said you use something jf2-like right?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Want to check it against validator.jf2.rocks?
Yes, flattened mf2, similar to x-ray and jf2
Curious if it actually validates as jf2 though
ricmac_, billbennettnz and [miklb] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, how would I know
ricmac_ joined the channel
GWG paste an example in at validator.jf2.rocks
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Oh. Will do
ricmac_, tantek, davidmead, [miklb], prtksxna, ricmac, tboy, [renem], ben_thatmustbeme, Loqi and [davidmead] joined the channel
So I haven’t quite figured out where the best place to put the code to have a checkbox in the add media screen to add `u-photo` or `u-featured`. I was thinking the indieweb plugin, then the mf2 plugin, but after some of the discussions, neither seems like a appropriate place. Maybe just share the gist for anyone to add to their own theme/plugin?
ricmac joined the channel
[miklb]: they're such different things
ricmac and [miklb] joined the channel
what’s different things tantek?
the use cases
asking a user u-photo vs u-featured is only going to be confusing -
use cases of what? the two classes?
it's more like, hey is this a photo post?
or are you just decorating this blog post?
I didn’t say that’s what the UI was going to be, I just said it’s going to be a checkbox to allow someone to add the class without having to edit the post.
I fully understand the difference between the classes.
The question I have is, is there an appropriate plugin in the ecosystem to add the feature to?
It’s a pretty simple feature, but something that confuses new users. “Why didn’t my photo POSSE to FB?”
ideally there would be no checkbox, and the plugin could tell if the user was creating a photo post or an article
I give up.
ricmac joined the channel
miklb, which plugin adds the u-photo or u-featured into the markup?
ricmac_ and [miklb] joined the channel
There isn't one.
[miklb]: u-featured could probably be added to any post_thumbnail, the term for a featured image in WordPress. Microformats 2 plugin idea
GWG my thinking there was what if someone isn’t using post-kinds or post-formats, how do they add u-photo then? What if someone wants to use the WP featured image but that be the primary content still? Maybe I am trying to oversimplify by giving the user a radio button to choose photo/featured/none when they attach the image.
over simplify or over complicate. I’m not sure anymore.
ricmac_, tantek and billbennettnz joined the channel
miklb. so much to do, so little time
gwg has 7 karma in this channel (249 overall)
tantek, my dreams far exceed my reach
same! :)
dream big my friend
I keep jumping from thing to thing
tantek and ricmac_ joined the channel
I have the code, just wasn’t sure if the mf2 plugin would be the best place, since it could be useful for someone using a theme that has mf2 baked in. But I guess a theme could over ride it or copy the function.
[miklb] joined the channel
Comes down I guess to the decision to keep all of the plugins separate, inevitably, there’s going to be either overlap or someone could miss out on a feature.