#wordpress 2017-07-07

2017-07-07 UTC
tantek, Kai1, ricmac_, ricmac, davidmead, billbennettnz, prtksxna, prtksxna_, [miklb], sebsel, petermolnar and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
good morning!
miklb If it is a post-type of image or gallery I use `photo` otherwise I use `featured`
ricmac joined the channel
ruxton has 2 karma in this channel (3 overall)
woot, 3!
ricmac joined the channel
pfefferle: do you not use indieweb-post-kinds?
ricmac joined the channel
no, I only use core features and add links by hand atm.
but I am working on some more lightweight tolls
I only need posts-types that are not shown on the main page
ricmac joined the channel
but the last time I tried post-kinds is years ago... perhaps I should give it a second try...
Ruxton why are you asking?
ricmac, prtksxna, [kevinmarks], davidmead, ben_thatmustbeme and [davidmead] joined the channel
snarfed gRegorLove I made changed to the functions.php in my child theme to add `u-url` to the “posted on” URL with `rel=bookmark` and the “posted by” URL. Hopefully that fixes the issue my end going forward
[miklb] joined the channel
pfefferle same question, what if someone doesn’t use post formats? Or are they more ubiquitous than I think they are?
ricmac, dougbeal|mb1 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
miklb that's a valid point... but I think it is easier to start with a simple solution that works and improve by user feedback... ?
lol. I never would have thought adding a radio button to allow a user to add a class would be considered complicated, but based on feedback here, I was wrong.
ricmac joined the channel
I’m just going to add it for my own site and share the code snippet for anyone else, rather than send it as a PR for a plugin.
[davidmead] joined the channel
I don’t use post-kinds, but would be interested in the ability for WP to assign post format based on indieweb content (bookmark = link)
davidmead nice idea... would be a feature for indieweb-press-this perhaps
pfefferle hmm. having it there might make me use indieweb-press-this ?
ricmac joined the channel
sure... but if you do not use it, you could easily choose the format type by hand ?
That’s what I do at the moment
do you have a repo with the changes in your child format?
nope. i have yet to embrace GItHub
davidmead I am highly interested in any theme optimisations ?
davidmead can you explain your expected posting flow?
it’s a mix. OwnYourGram and OwnYourSwarm handle Instagram/Swarm entries. Foodspotting, Last.FM likes, and Untapped checkins are handled by WPMatico monitoring RSS feeds and creating posts (which is good as I can assign post type and tags when being created)
everything else is hand done using the WP interface in Chrome on my laptop.
Posts, Twitter replies, bookmarks, etc.
davidmead aaaaahhh now I understand... and you have to re-edit all posts because ownyourgram/microdata do not support the format types
ok, that makes sense
ricmac joined the channel
It would be great if I could specify OwnYourGram is a photo. There is an IFTTT that does this (think Chris told me about it) but it didn’t work with OwnYourGram. Had to use IFTTTT to post to my site from Instagram if I remember correctly
davidmead perhaps we should make this a micropub feature?
Also the hell of doing this on a phone too
lost of copy & paste. WP Android app didn’t seem to show the plugins so I have to use the web gui
hmmm, in this case an independent plugin that tries to fix the post-format would really make sense
ricmac and Loqi joined the channel
i've had feature requests for adding categories to the ownyour* micropub requests
would that help this case?
ricmac, prtksxna, Loqi, [aaronpk], [miklb], [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /WordPress.com (+369) "Moved logo up page; added category; moved TOC down a tad for readability; automatic POSSE from .org"
(view diff)
ricmac joined the channel
created /WordPress_Crosspost (+324) "basic definition and link to plugin"
(view diff)
tantek and ricmac joined the channel
aaronpk, if I recall ownyourcheckin sends a tag "checkin" that WordPress properly and automatically pulls in as a category.
yeah that'd be the idea, except i want you to be able to choose whether it does that and what the tag name is
You might also send something that GWG's Post Kinds could parse to properly set the kind as a "photo" as well.
for example i don't want it to set that on mine
I have post type discovery in Post Kinds
One of these days I'll switch from OwnYourCheckin to OwnYourSwarm. Has anyone documented the set up for WordPress yet?
I know davidmead and anomalily have done it, and perhaps tamaracks?
GWG sounded like he might try it while banging on location in his new location....
chrisaldrich, the configuration of ownyourswarm is why I paused the work.
Nested microformats
ricmac joined the channel
aha! I've been trying to keep up on logs, but alas, I'm only getting every three days... #TheNewHouseIsKillingMe
ricmac joined the channel
chrisaldrich, basically my storage and the micropub stuff doesn't match.
Need to figure out long term
ricmac and [davidmead] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I had to make sure OwnYourSwarm is sending as JSON, not using the “simple” method as it was causing problems http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/2017/07/01/ownyourswarm-posting-issues/
[davidmead] Posted on 2017-07-012017-07-04 by davidmead OwnYourSwarm posting issues… As of today I’m getting an extra piece of content being cr...
ricmac, [kevinmarks], tantek, [johnhenry] and [miklb] joined the channel