#wordpress 2017-07-08

2017-07-08 UTC
[kevinmarks] and davidmead joined the channel
!tell pfefferle: I’ve added my child theme to GitHub - https://github.com/davidmead/child-themes
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[davidmead] child-themes: Wordpress child themes
[miklb] joined the channel
edited /WordPress (+85) "/* Getting Help */ #indieweb-wordpress channel"
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tantek joined the channel
edited /WordPress (+1454) "Richard MacManus' indiewebifying post; general advice about indiewebifying"
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[cleverdevil], prtksxna, prtksxna_, davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
I appreciate all the work being done by the team working on the WP Coding Standards, but the amount of work being done has me questioning how accurate it was previously. Still waiting on support for phpcs 3.x
someone in the micro.blog wordpress channel is experiencing an issue where in the IndieWeb plugin, for other sites in the user profile, if you put more than 2 sites, even if you put them on separate lines, when you save the profile, it puts them on one line, which breaks it.
I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work though.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[miklb] #76 Other Sites Saves all URLs on One Line
[miklb]: It's, once again, my mistake that needs to be fixed.
GWG, I had never used that so didn’t know if it was expected. I can take a look at the code, just wanted to confirm before digging in.
[miklb]: I know what needs to be fixed
The code was the same I used in Syndication Links
I fixed it there.
I didn't know anyone was using the Other Links box.
tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
In addition to the admin UI defaulting the output to a single line, it also appears that it's not outputting the <links> with rel="me" either.
I set it up because petermolnar, who wrote the original rel-me code in the Indieweb plugin, only defined Indieauth sites, and I thought people would want more than that.
GWG my point is, if you’ve already got a lot going on, just point me in the right direction and I can do a PR
GWG, I've used it in the past and know it worked properly.
[miklb]: It's in the class-hcard-user file.
I'm always in the middle of 50 things
I have a PR for Semantic Linkbacks, then some PR requests to go through, then back to Independent Publisher, mf2_s, and _s.
[jemostrom] joined the channel
I'm looking at my version running the same thing and I don't see the same problem phil is having AND the rel-me output is working properly on my site. Hmmmm....
[chrisaldrich]: You have any thoughts on Independent Publisher? I know you advocated its Indiewebification
It still should be saving as an array, not a string
I love Independent Publisher in a broad general sense.
I do wish it had a better nested menu set up (perhaps like 2015)
Another thing that would be nice in it would be to have a facepile of likes/favorites broken out for webmentions.
Though it does do a pretty good job of trimming down on the size and display of generic mentions compared to other indieweb friendly themes which show a lot of "cruft" instead of featuring "real" comments.
someone summoned me
chrisaldrich I disagree that an explicit field for micro.blog would be scope creep. I see the idea that the IW plugin is for ease of getting started. When the day comes that every site needs a rel=me link, that’s a bigger & better problem to solve IMO
I can certainly see your point, but the IW plugin is already adding a huge number of fields to the user page already... ease of getting started eventually isn't so easy if you're presented with 1000 fields to fill in....
And it's not very transparent based on that page what is being done with any of that data.
Given the prevalence of micro.blog users that are indiewebifying though, it may be worth it in the short term too.
“And it’s not very transparent based on that page what is being done with any of that data.” is a different problem
Well, some of the extra fields are for an h-card widget that never got built.
GWG, I thought there was a beginning of an h-card widget that got pulled out? Or was I dreaming?
I do not disagree that the profile field options cover a lot, but I would say that a useful now field for micro.blog is more important than “honorific title” ?
but consensus isn’t something common with the WordPress plugins these days
I'm confused. What field are we looking to add?
I suggested a field for your micro.blog URL
[chrisaldrich]: It is still in Syndication Links. I'd like it out, but I've never been able to add a nice one.
GWG, sorry, we brought a conversation from another slack channel back here...
[chrisaldrich]: Which room? I'll scroll through the logs
in addition to fixing the other sites field
microblog wordpress
[miklb]: Happy to pause and handle the error.
cool, because I suck at that fancy php
GWG, the data being saved to the "relme" field is being stored in wp_usermeta is stripping out the line returns for some reason
[chrisaldrich]: That is why I fixed it in Syndication Links
Oh, and [chrisaldrich], happy birthday
GWG: Thanks! I don't think it's even in my h-card...
[chrisaldrich]: I saw it elsewhre
But I could add that field. However, still not using it.
[miklb]: You've got review request.
looks good to me. There was a CI issue it looks like.
[miklb]: Unneeded spaces
what rules are run against that? WP coding standards?
needs to look closer at the release process for the IW plugins.
[miklb]: Yes
my phpcs is broken currently ?
also, see my comment about the Coding Standards repo
hmm. I guess pushing a tag isn’t enough.
I had that problem. It is supposed to be though.
I also made a formal “release” in GitHub but not sure what is supposed to trigger the deploy script.
I thought it was the tag
!tell pfefferle can you confirm the tag/release process for the indieweb plugin?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
oh, it worked
pfefferle has 4 karma in this channel (31 overall)
gwg has 8 karma in this channel (250 overall)
tantek, davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
So, I submitted a PR to Independent Publisher, which leaves mf2_s to fix
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
gwg has 9 karma in this channel (251 overall)
[chrisaldrich]: Lots of small changes