#wordpress 2017-07-10
2017-07-10 UTC
davidmead, [kevinmarks], [miklb] and billbennettnz joined the channel
[eddie], prtksxna, davidmead and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] good morning

Loqi [pfefferle]: davidmead left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: I’ve added my child theme to GitHub - https://github.com/davidmead/child-themes

prtksxna joined the channel
prtksxna I am on Webmention 3.4.1 and am getting an odd link to bridgy.appspot, similar to https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/97.
prtksxna I got it on http://prtksxna.com/2017/03/27/published-breathe-to-the-chrome-web-store/, and suspect it has something to do with https://brid.gy/about#appspot, since the link the webmention has seems to have the correctly formatted “like”: https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/prtksxna/884177742367002627/866268539291713537
[pfefferle] @prtksxna you have to also install the semantic linkbacks plugin to have mf2/semantics support...

[pfefferle] hey prtksxna ?

[pfefferle] oh

[pfefferle] what version to you have on your server?

prtksxna Its using http://php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php but not passing a string, but a float as 5.3?
[pfefferle] what php version do you have?

[pfefferle] 5.3?

[pfefferle] oh you are way above the requirements...

[pfefferle] hmm

[pfefferle] but this is the CLI version

[pfefferle] you have to check your webserver version too

[pfefferle] ok, then it will not work, sorry ?

[pfefferle] the semantic linkbacks plugin uses the mf2 lib and this needs PHP 5.4 https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/blob/master/composer.json#L14

[pfefferle] your welcome ?

davidmead, prtksxna_away, grimspound, prtksxna and [jemostrom] joined the channel
[jemostrom] This is probably a pure WP question but I would be grateful for pointers of how to do what I want: I’ve been using Independent Publisher v2 for my blog (very nice display of pictures) but I’m considering switching to IP v1.8 instead. One thing I would like to do is to display different categories in different ways not just cosmetically (CSS) but structurally (HTML) but I
[jemostrom] … but I’ve never figured out how to this using WP. Does anyone have any hints/pointers how to do this?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] you can try to use different templates for the different categories https://codex.wordpress.org/Category_Templates

[pfefferle] this also works for child themes, If you do not want to change the main theme code

prtksxna [pfefferle]: The comment doesn't have appspot any more, but its still not what I was expecting - http://prtksxna.com/2017/03/27/published-breathe-to-the-chrome-web-store/ (see the 2nd comment)
tantek, [miklb], [xavierroy], dougbeal|mb1, [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich], prtksxna, [colinwalker], [shaners] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I was just reading through the github notifications when you entered.

[chrisaldrich] GWG++ for improving indieweb friendly themes!

tantek joined the channel