#wordpress 2017-07-17

2017-07-17 UTC
tantek, davidmead, [miklb] and [ciudadanob] joined the channel
hello miklb ! ?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG I had a first look… what is about RSVPs?
and there are a lot of reformattings of arrays… is this intended?
intended indents? ?
could never type that correctly at once
Lucaconti and tantek joined the channel
pfefferle: Reformatting of arrays? I'm not sure what you mean. As for RSVPs...that is next. I wanted a preliminary thought.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell GWG but I like the rest so far! thanks for merging all the “old” ideas ?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
pfefferle, I think I ran phpcbf on it. Must have reformatted
GWG: [pfefferle] left you a message 3 minutes ago: but I like the rest so far! thanks for merging all the “old” ideas ?
pfefferle, either way, will continue with RSVPs. I want to indent that
The properties being under a single heading
I would display the RSVP like we did up to now
keep them in the main stream makes no sense I thin…
but I would keep the text: “XYZ is attending” instead of facepiles
GWG I had no time yet, to implement the caching, but will do! wanted to play with OStatus a bit ?
I think I can arrange that.
I wanted to add a style property to the function I wrote similar to short ping
I like your first shot!
for a longer term we really have to think about the comment-type thing
but for now I think this a simple and good approach
I would really like to see comment-type support by WP-Core, that would make grouping and theming so much easier
So would I. It is a blessed task though
fferf, [shanehudson], Lucaconti, [miklb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Good morning IndiePressers
In the past month or so, I've seen references to a handful of people turning off traditional comments set ups in lieu of webmentions only. Has anyone done this in WordPress yet?
Chrisaldrich, no setting for that. Easy to program. You just remove the form
[chrisaldrich] and [miklb] joined the channel
I had hoped it would be so easy, but didn't want to remove it only to discover webmentions went along with it.
Could be a useful setting in the Webmentions plugin.
tantek and doubleloop[m] joined the channel
pfefferle I’m working on integrating using silo.pub to interact with GitHub and am trying to figure out how might fire a micropub POST, kinda like how bridgy-publish sends webmentions. Hook it into post_update ?
[jemostrom] joined the channel
A webmention question, I’ve installed it on my main site and in the FAQ it says that I should enable a few things on the discussions page (mine is localized) and from bullet nr 3 (“Set a page to redirect homepage mentions to …“) and forwards there are options that I can’t find on my discussion page. Where do I find the settings for bullet 3-5?
jemostrom are you seeing any Webmention settings? They come right after the Comment Blacklist textarea.
Nope, I see “Svartlista för kommentarer” (“blacklist for comments”) and then “Markdown”
And the webmention plugin is definitely activated?
Duh (slowly crawling back under my rock - I apparently was to fast for my hosting/network)
tantek, tantek_, [jeremycherfas] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
miklb you should also use 'publish_post' for new posts
Hi all
[miklb] joined the channel
pfefferle ah, right.
evening GWG
Last day
I guess I didn't finish venue support before I left
[miklb] joined the channel
slacker ?