#wordpress 2017-07-18

2017-07-18 UTC
tantek joined the channel
https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/issues/110 - Another parsing issue. Time to check and see if I broke something in the last update
[dshanske] #110 Parsing Issue with URL
Might not be till Thursday
[miklb] joined the channel
speaking of parsing, where does auto-parsing posts from micropub fall on your itch list?
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[miklb]: Fairly high, but not specifically for Micropub. I also want it for bookmarklets.
I have to figure out why that URL isn't working. So I may be in that code anyway.
So might be time.
I’m hoping after I work out the kinks in using silo.pub for GitHub issues/stars I can extract it out into a plugin. But I have a “I want to build” ideas on my list already ?
[miklb]: I'd like to set up a simple Post UI for bookmarks, likes, etc.
I have a lot of ideas, you know. And I jump aound.
You ship a lot of code though.
I have the Facepile stuff, which I'll have to continue on the other side. I've never been good at working on planes.
[miklb]: Do I?
I never really thought so.
I have done a lot in recent weeks admittedly
I think so. You are constantly iterating on several plugins. I sincerely appreciate it.
Well, I'm hoping they get to a point where I don't feel they need it.
The timezone feature, for example, of Simple Location doesn't need any more after I redid the design.
The location box design is still something I might need to tweak.
The Parser in Post Kinds I regularly tweak.
yeah, but around that point, Gutenberg will be introduced to WP and you’ll have a whole new playground
The last update tried to accommodate inverted OGP...
[miklb]: I don't want to do more JS
A light sprinkling to enhance is the extent of what I want.
That is why I may be adding a simple Post UI
my 2¢ would be to do the auto-parse 1st so bookmarklets/micropub can be your Indie post UI
Well, either way I will.
dougbeal|mb1`, [miklb] and tantek joined the channel
GWG was there ever a plan to have bridgy publish fire on micropub posted notes? I’m just now exploring, so forgive me if you’ve answered this before.
It does already. It sets syndication targets.
doh. Running on too little sleep. This micropub client doesn’t support syndiate-to yet. Probably a good time for me to step away from the keyboad.
Sleep well
dougbeal|mb1, tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
[pfefferle] joined the channel
pfefferle, saw your plug-in
should this be part of the webmention plugin or should we reference the 410 plugins?
pfefferle, would someone install 410 if they didn't install Webmentions?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
yes, why not…
GWG https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-410/ is also a standalone version
[Samir Shah] Description This plugin will issue a HTTP 410 response to requests for articles that no longer exist on your blog. When you delete a post or page, it records the URL for that page and issues a 410 response when that URL is requested. You can also m...
GWG but this plugin works with custom post types instead…
If it has merit by itself, being separate makes sense.
but my changes are so little, perhaps we really could merge them
will think about that
I am sending a 410 instead of a 404 if a post is in the trash… nothing more…
GWG: Apart from checking the setting and writing the excerpt, is there anything else that needs to be done to post the excerpt to twitter while using bridgy publish. I recently tried, and it just tried to publish from the content.
It shouldn't, but if it is malfunctioning, open an issue and I will investigate
[shanehudson] and tantek joined the channel
GWG: I'll try again with another post.
[miklb] joined the channel
just switched to a different library in the indieweb-wordpress plugin to better fit the WordPress admin UI
but it used to use that.
It was overkill for our needs
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[miklb]: Which one do you use now?
[dcooney] wordpress-plugin-installer: A PHP class for installing and activating WordPress plugins.
Thanks [miklb]
[miklb], tantek, tbbrown and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel