[miklb]I’m hoping after I work out the kinks in using silo.pub for GitHub issues/stars I can extract it out into a plugin. But I have a “I want to build” ideas on my list already ?
[miklb]GWG was there ever a plan to have bridgy publish fire on micropub posted notes? I’m just now exploring, so forgive me if you’ve answered this before.
[miklb]doh. Running on too little sleep. This micropub client doesn’t support syndiate-to yet. Probably a good time for me to step away from the keyboad.
Loqi[Samir Shah] Description
This plugin will issue a HTTP 410 response to requests for articles that no longer exist on your blog. When you delete a post or page, it records the URL for that page and issues a 410 response when that URL is requested. You can also m...
prtksxnaGWG: Apart from checking the setting and writing the excerpt, is there anything else that needs to be done to post the excerpt to twitter while using bridgy publish. I recently tried, and it just tried to publish from the content.