#wordpress 2017-07-29

2017-07-29 UTC
davidmead, [miklb] and tantek joined the channel
striking out w/mapbox api tonight.
kind a cherry on top of my week
edited /WordPress/Plugins (+153) "/* PESOS Plugins */ integromat"
(view diff)
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
[miklb]: Still problems?
the API issue? I had my username spelled wrong in my curl test.
been a long week.
now just trying to remember how to loop through each object.
there we go.
tantek joined the channel
GWG I did realize that there are 9 default styles available for any auth_key so rather than a conditional, I’m just statically adding those and then dynamically adding any custom styles if auth_key is set.
Very good.
just need to add the default styles and test now.
one caveat I did discover. you can’t just use your default public auth_key to get styles, requires a new key with the scope styles:list added. Not sure how/where to add that info.
tantek joined the channel
hmm. not saving the value
working. I sent it as a PR with hopes you can take a look and let me know how I can improve it.
I should have probably done more testing with a different user, etc, but excitement of getting it working got best of me.
I haven't ever done styles on my mapbox account.
then you would get the 8 options available to all authorized users. At least that’s how it’s suppose to work.
They’ve been doing a thing if you are subscribed to their email list, they have been offering additional styles each week you can add.
like a new style a week thing.
then you can customize those, or use as is.
I think I might be
Let me see what I can do. I'm going to be working on a few things.
well, it’s working for me, so I can use the fork on my site. Feel free to pick apart the PR.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Pick apart?
use, critique, etc
Use, yes.
Critique...only what I mentioned regarding abstraction
Obligatory Checked into Café du Monde.
one of the aforementioned styles I was able to add to my account.
I wonder if the map should get a mf2 class on checkins? u-featured?
anyway, thanks again for the plugin.
Looks nice.
Sorry for the delay. I was wiring an HDMI connection.
sure. I was rambling. But I do appreciate the plugin. I would have just hacked in a simple solution. Its nice to have something more robust to build upon.
But I definitely want to look now at having per map styles.
Well, I look forward to seeing what comes up.
I’m guessing shouldn’t be too much to add that dropdown to the post edit screen, then check 1st for post_meta before using default set in media settings.
[jemostrom] joined the channel
I’m trying to understand how to use the indieweb plugin. I have two sites example.com and stream.example.com which I both want to use, example being the main site. How should I configure the indieweb plugin in this case (I don’t understand how the ‘rel=“me”’ links should look like for the two sites)
howdy jemostrom
I don’t have experience using multiple sites
[jemostrom]: Is this a multisite installation of WordPress?
waves good night
[jemostrom] joined the channel
@gwg no, it's two separate installations.
You add rel.me links under your user profile. There is a box for arbitrary ones
[kevinmarks], ben_thatmustbeme, [miklb] and [eddie] joined the channel
GWG I’m confused where/how I should add the in-reply-to URL in a reply kind view.
How so?
well, if I post a reply with micropub, a url doesn’t get added to my note in the kind-reply.php template.
I notice there isn’t a reply kind in the post-kinds plugin.
Bulma now has built in native mobile nav that doesn’t require JS
Since when?
There has been a reply kind since the beginning
a separate template?
there’s a the kind.php of course.
No. But there is a kind
even in that, I don’t see where it adds mf2_in-reply-to in the template
I feel like I’m missing something obvious
Well, I keep wanting to rewrite that.
get_url uses the kind to determine what property to look up
looking now, that’s why my reply to jeremycherfas didn’t show up. There’s no anchor tag for a URL.
is going to rewrite his reply template
I still need to address some things.
Just still catching up on back home stuff.
yeah, not asking you to fix anything, was just looking for some insight.
I just worry I may break things
well, replies are basically broken on my site, so I can’t do much worse ?
Are they broken in the plugin?
I’m not sure, but if you are posting via micropub, the $url doesn’t seem to get set anywhere in the template.
Let me test with the default templates.
I want to fix it if Micropub isn't working as expected.
the way the plugin template seems to be marking it up is to set h-cite p-in-reply-to and then p-name and u-url on the reply-to link. So I guess that’s OK. I just need to get my template to do something similar.
then there’s a p-name on the on the e-content
I honestly still don’t grok p-in-reply-to vs u-in-reply-to
u is attached to a URL.
p is attached to something else.
So, in the plugin, there is an entire h-cite it is attached to
I have made a total mess of this template.
davidmead and arush joined the channel