#wordpress 2017-07-30

2017-07-30 UTC
tantek, [miklb], [kevinmarks] and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
I'm thinking about creating myself a plugin to queue posts so they get published in the future
actually there's got to be a plugin for that already...
[acegiak_net]: Like buffer for wordpress?
[acegiak_net]: Do tell which plugin you end up using :)
[miklb] joined the channel
WordPress has scheduled posts I thought
yeeah, but I want a queue I can just put posts and it works out the schedule for me
which apparently there are a couple of plugins for
specifically, I'm learning to use a DSLR and have a lot of photos to share and so I want to break them up into groups of photos so they're not just one massive dump at once
that makes sense
[jemostrom] joined the channel
@gwg sorry for the delay in commenting. Thanks - I made a faulty assumption when I asked the question … that I had two main sites, of course one site is the main site and the other one is like any other site
What are they for?
One is my main site, the other is going to be my short comments/silly stuff/experiment site (I find it easier to separate them than trying to making one site)
What goes on your main site?
Usually longer stuff, photos that are “good enough”, work stuff, etc
So, they are both representations of you.
I assume you'd put your h-card on the main site?
Yep, yesterday I thought of them being equals but today I consider the “other one” (I have no idea what I meant when I wrote “the other one is like any other site”) to be more like instagram, twitter, micro.blog and being a “secondary citizen”. Well, I’m slowly adding stuff when I think I’ve understood what the different things do (I never been fond of adding stuff before I understand them) … so I haven’t added that
Something has to represent your identity. You can have multiple sites, but it makes sense to have one that ties them all together.
So, how can I help you?
davidmead joined the channel
Just scrolling by: lots of people have such a set-up [jemostrom]! Chris (http://boffosocko.com/) keeps tweets on http://stream.boffosocko.com/, Kevin (http://www.kevinmarks.com/) has non-long-form content on http://known.kevinmarks.com/, Jeremy (https://www.jeremycherfas.net/) follows Kevin’s example https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/
Chris Aldrich
Yep, my problem yesterday was that I thought I had two main sites (I don’t). So my question today is slightly different, when I’ve added the IndieWeb plugin to my main site and set it up (which I understand will create the h-card stuff), how should I configure the other site?
davidmead joined the channel
Set your author URL to the main site.
davidmead and [jemostrom] joined the channel
One more question: To add a hcard it’s suggested that I use the “H-card widget”. I tried that but it adds visual elements that I prefer not to have have visible - I don’t like how it looks and some elements are already visible in the theme I use. Is there some other recommended way of doing this or should I just manually go in and change my child theme to include the hcard tags?
I wrote the h-card widget and I don't recommend it.
I would say design something for yourself
We really need a better design
I just bumped it up and would like to replace it
It doesn't belong where it is anyway.
Being a newbie I’m mostly surprised that this info is visible elements … I first thought that this would be something that would be invisible for the user (like a json file that contained the info and was referenced in the header … or something like that, I’m pretty sure it has to be more complex).
I really have to find someone with some ideas on a new one, to be honest
tantek and [jemostrom] joined the channel
When I use https://indiewebify.me/send-webmentions/ to test webmentions, what should happen. I just get a blank page and nothing seem to happen on my site.
hrm that's odd
are you trying to test receiiving webmentions on your site?
I’m basically running through these tests to see if everything works - officially so to speak. A couple of days ago I tested between two of my sites and then things seemed to work OK.
So yes.
i think that tool sends webmentions *from* your site to things it links to, so sounds like that's not what you want anyway
the webmention.rocks test suite will generate comments and send you webmentions so you can use that https://webmention.rocks/receive/1
[Webmention Rocks!] Receiver Test #1
OK, thanks
[miklb] joined the channel
GWG did you say your solution for photo posts from OYG was to offload the image and be able to load post_thumbnails? I want to start using responsive images for my photo posts.
Micropub already sideloads the image
I guess I need re-read difference between featured images and post_thumbnail
BTW this seems like a nice opportunity to improve h-recipe support in the wild: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/4470 (per [chrisaldrich])
[chrisaldrich] #4470 [Recipe] shortcode: add additional microformats support (v1 and v2)
also really appreciate this explanation in particular from [chrisaldrich] https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/4470#issuecomment-236025515
[chrisaldrich] <a href="https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/4470#issuecomment-234266930" class="u-in-reply-to"></a>tl;dr: It's easy enough to support microformats v2 (and even backcompat for v1) and they don't/shouldn't create any conflicts so why not supp...
might want to ping kraft on that, though I think he’s still on holiday.
yeah, hence an opportunity to write an h-recipe support patch / pull request for that
[miklb]: There isn't one.
[miklb]: I thought he was back.
he might be, I’ve lost track of time.
Micropub doesn’t add an image as the featured image of a post,does it? I thought it just inserted it into the media gallery & inserted it into the post.
It doesn't, no. But I should check if it honors u-featured and sets that as the featured image/post thumbnail
yeah, I think that’s what I’m going to look at doing
[chrisaldrich] #24 Support Featured Image (and other common WordPress functionality)
Not implemented
[miklb] joined the channel
looks like you filter the content and convert an attachment to featured image
arush, [kevinmarks] and doubleloop[m] joined the channel