#wordpress 2017-07-31
2017-07-31 UTC
[miklb] joined the channel
tantek, [kevinmarks], davidmead, [jeremycherfas] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas I’ve only recently made one of my satellite sites, on WP, IndieWeb but I haven’t quite got my head around how best to use it, for example, to Tweet or respond to Tweets on my own site. Can anyone recommend a walk-through of a workflow.

doubleloop[m], [kevinmarks] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[davidmead] I do it “longhand” jeremycherfas ? to say there’s some cut & paste action through the WP web interface on desktop. Mobile = pain ?

[davidmead] I use @GWG’s bridgy publish

[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Not bothered too much about mobile. I’ll look at bridgy publish. Thanks./

[davidmead] I don’t personally use Post Kinds, but I know people find that useful too

[miklb] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Forget about the multiple. Let’s just pretend it is a single WP site.

[jeremycherfas] Thanks. Need to look more closely.

[jeremycherfas] Cool. I’m using independent publisher, so that should be good.

tantek, dougbeal|iOS, [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], davidmead and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas for mobile posting (you're on android right?), this may be of help: http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/sharing-from-the-indieweb-on-mobile-android-with-apps-and

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas There's also this for equivalent desktop with a few different methods. You'll have to play around to see what works best for you vis-a-vis using Post Kinds plugin or not as well as Bridgy Publish.

[chrisaldrich] oops, here's the second link: https://indieweb.org/WordPress#Bookmarklets_for_Desktop

[chrisaldrich] This last link will also give you a reasonable recipe for creating URLs for use with URL forwarder on your cell phone if necessary.

[chrisaldrich] jemostrom If it helps to have examples you could check out /multi-site_indieweb; There's also a note at /Getting_Started_on_WordPress#Self-hosted_WordPress about where to put rel-me for your second site so that /backfeed works

[chrisaldrich] jemostrom I use a sidebar widget on my homepage for my h-card, if you want to view the source on the page, you could probably cut and paste your own details into it so you don't have to manually write out all the html and microformats. Then leave out the pieces you don't want.

[chrisaldrich] what is an h-card?

Loqi h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-card

[chrisaldrich] hmmm... no indieweb examples on that page?!

dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel