#wordpress 2017-08-01

2017-08-01 UTC
[miklb] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich Thanks for the links. I will pursue. Not on Android, and in any case less interested in posting from mobile.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jemostrom] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Thanks, I’ll check it out
tantek_, [tantek], davidmead, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and doubleloop[m] joined the channel
[Jeremy Cherfas] Trying to Tweet directly from WordPress
I just tried to set down what happened, and I would be very happy to receive clarifications of the bits that confused me, the better to write it up for others who may be confused.
jeremycherfas has 1 karma in this channel (5 overall)
davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
Those settings in the Bridgy plugin are better documented on brid.gy than in the plugin. Link back means include a link to the note in the Syndication (tweet in your case). maybe only links back if the note is > 140 characters.
I think the post excerpt feature is currently broken in the WP plugin.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Thanks miklb I will put that in the next edition.
I intend to see about getting that to work soon. I know when I had a static site, I had to have an portion of the post marked up with a special class for brid.gy to use for an excerpt.
So if I write something longer than a tweet, maybe inserts a link to what I write, but if it is shorter and includes an external link, then that link stays in.
correct. If < 140 characters as Twitter counts them, maybe will omit the link back.
`p-bridgy-twitter-content` is what I was referring to as to controlling what gets sent as the excerpt. I do not know if that can be passed in the API or not.
I had a little function in Jekyll that would check if an excerpt was set, and it was, add that to the entry page. I plan on doing something similar with WP and my theme.
^and if it was
Sounds complicated. Which is what I'm trying to avoid.
just pointing out it’s less a limitation of WP in some cases, and more of how bridgy works.
I guess the problem with POSSE-to-twitter plugins for wordpress is that there are tons of them? - brid.gy publish is nice if you use a different platform, on WP I'd assume it's more complicated than it needs to be, due to the way it works
Bridgy provides backfeed also, so it’s a little more than just POSSE
"brid.gy publish"
backfeed is different, sure
The WP bridgy plugin supports both with webmentions turned on
(but I guess other plugins don't set syndication urls)
That’s a separate plugin now that you mention it
Syndication links
But works seamlessly with bridgy plugin
Yes, it is confusing
gotta bug sgreger to write up his setup, that looked pretty slick, but I think he hacked something custom together
I'm lucky to have backlinks working fine. It may be that once I get my head around which bits do what it will be less confusing. I do want to look at indieweb press this too.
Press this bookmarklet manually inserts the mf2 in the content, post-kinds uses templates for the different types of mf2
These companies conversations motivates me to get off my butt & work on theme
Bah. I shouldn’t try to type on my phone
companies was a typo.
[kevinmarks], hackrepair, davidmead and tbbrown joined the channel
I enjoyed the article. Time to work on the text
[miklb] joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
The one on Bridgy Publish settings
What are you up to?
work mostly. But I am also working on functions for my site & permission theme for custom thumbnails to leverage better responsive images
I’m also on pins & needles waiting to hear if I made the cut for next step in hiring process for a job I _really_ want.
[miklb]: I hope you get it
thanks. me too.
I’m really over freelance. I was never really good at the selling myself in the first place.
I sympathize.