#wordpress 2017-08-02
2017-08-02 UTC
[kevinmarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] !tell @gwg if there's a way I can help with the text, please let me know. Any idea what's happening to the URL I save under the Main tab?

tantek_, [tantek] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas Note.

jeremycherfas No, hang on.

jeremycherfas Format status and Kind note.

jeremycherfas But it kept the Name and the Summary.

jeremycherfas OK, thanks. So, if I want to Tweet something that relates to a URL, it needs to be a Reply (inappropriate) or a Like or Bookmark (marginally more appropirate)

jeremycherfas Will it syndicate the Title, the body of the post, or the excerpt (which probably doesn’t exist)?

jeremycherfas I suppose drawing attention to something is a form of response, yes.

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I’m trying to share a link to Twitter, with a few words from myself. Just as I would directly on Twitter. I want it to look good (no naked URL) on my site and to work on Twitter.

jeremycherfas If I use Post Format Link then I think the URL attaches to the Title.

jeremycherfas I understand that, and have followed some of them. I’m just trying to understand how best to originate a meaningful tweet that is POSSEd more or less automatically and that looks good both on my site and on Twitter.

jeremycherfas OK. Understood. I’ll keep at at.

jeremycherfas Currently I’m thinking about how to use the WP Link Post Format to get the URL, with markup, into the title, a la Daring Fireball.

jeremycherfas I use Independent Publisher, and I see you’ve submitted a couple of PRs, but they have not yet been merged.

jeremycherfas This issue https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/issues/278 addresses my point precisely

jeremycherfas Can I just bump my question earlier: Will it syndicate the Title, the body of the post, or the excerpt (which probably doesn’t exist)?

jeremycherfas Or is that covered elsewhere?

jeremycherfas OK, thanks. I’ll keep digging.

jeremycherfas GWG: I really like what Post Kinds does with a bookmark on my own site. Need to see how that translates to Twitter.

[kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, tantek_ and [miklb] joined the channel
tantek_, jeremycherfas_, arush, [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] Hey guys.

[colinwalker] Any advice on troubleshooting the webmention plugin on WP. It's not my site. Even basic mentions not getting sent. Plugin seems loaded okay (can see endpoint in header)

[colinwalker] Required options apparently selected in Settings > Discussion

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel