#wordpress 2017-08-04
2017-08-04 UTC
tantek_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG: I've noticed a few people lately who seem to be using Post Kinds but don't seem to know about the metabox or using the fetch button.

[chrisaldrich] Some also seem to be using Indieweb Press This in conjunction for the microformats...

[chrisaldrich] Have you seen any examples?

[chrisaldrich] I've started writing up a longer post on Post Kinds for WP and am contemplating a video walkthrough to show some of the functionality.

[chrisaldrich] I'm just curious if you've seen the behaviour too?

[chrisaldrich] Some or most of it could probably be cut/pasted into the repo as instructions.

[chrisaldrich] It does cause some quirky webmentions from time to time.

[chrisaldrich] Here's an example of one half of it, but without the Press This part: http://johnjohnston.info/blog/i-like-hobo-signs-by-macdrifter-looks-like-a-microblog/

[chrisaldrich] I've also been hacking a bit on http://indiewebpress.com/ and putting some content together for it. Walkthroughs of plugins with pros/cons, caveats, etc. could be useful.

[chrisaldrich] If you have good examples of conflicts that haven't been filed as bugs in github, start collecting them.

[chrisaldrich] Running out to start some dinner. Back later.

[chrisaldrich], [colinwalker] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] !tell chrisaldrich I'm one of the people stumbling my way through Post Kinds and Indieweb Press This and discovering many surprises.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas Your post the other day was what prompted me to begin writing up some more details about it. As a group we can all do better at documenting what works/doesn't work and where the multitude of plugins can crash into each other.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas I saw that you mentioned you had been using All in One SEO for POSSE? Did you mean SNAP?

[jeremycherfas] No. I meant All in One.

[chrisaldrich] Where in it's labyrinthine structure is POSSE functionality hiding?

[chrisaldrich] s/it's/its

[jeremycherfas] I've had most problems recently with The Press This bookmarklets and Bridgy Publish. BP really does seem to want everything to relate to Tweets.

[jeremycherfas] I'll probably write that up this morning if time allows.

[jeremycherfas] Ha. Labyrinthine is right. Maybe I'm misusing the term. It is where I set the photos and text when I want to share, but I actually copy and paste the URL by hand.

[chrisaldrich] A lot of the POSSE options are quirky or limiting in one way or another. Have you tried the simple JetPack publicize method?

[jeremycherfas] I tried to go with oembed but it got too complex.

[jeremycherfas] No

[chrisaldrich] Oh, it sounds like you're setting the OG meta properties for title, text, and photo for the twitter card with AiOSEO

[jeremycherfas] Yes, that's correct.

[chrisaldrich] Most explicit POSSE solutions are actually sending the physical data (text and URL) to twitter for you. AiOSEO is setting some values that Twitter looks at your site and pulls in for you.

[chrisaldrich] Often I use things like Twitter cards to slip in more data than the 140 character limit allows.

[chrisaldrich] I usually find that the more difficulty in setting up the plugin at the start, the more control one has over what is POSSEd and the less setup, the less control you've got.

[jeremycherfas] So far, using Twitter cards and then manually adding back the syndication link has been the most satisfactory and predictable method for me. But it is cumbersome when all I want to do is share a few words about an external link.

[jeremycherfas] Well, the instructions for some if the IWORC plugins are their weakest point.

[chrisaldrich] You might find JetPack's Publicize this the easiest thing for simple Tweeting. It includes a text box with a character counter.

[colinwalker] It's the difference between pull and push: Twitter Cards are reliable but rely on you pulling the data into Twitter whereas automatic POSSE solutions are pushing the data usually based on microformats markup which is harder to get right as it requires editing your theme etc.

[jeremycherfas] I'll give JetPack a go, although again it is a Swiss Army knife

[chrisaldrich] Don't configure everything there, just the Publicize portion. You can turn everything else off unless you need/want it.

[jeremycherfas] And presumably I still have to copy and paste the twitter link back into syndication links.

[jeremycherfas] OK

[colinwalker] Yes, you will.

[colinwalker] I've only got about 3 things enabled in JetPack. I mainly have it for Markdown, Stats and protection. I wish it could be installed on a more modular basis as it's very heavy for just just a couple of functions.

[chrisaldrich] I've got a short snippet here: http://boffosocko.com/2016/12/18/rss-feeds-a-follow-up-on-my-indieweb-commitment-2017/#Filtering+Social+Stream that will help you with email subscriptions if you wish to exclude those short pieces from your email followers

Loqi [Chris Aldrich] RSS Feeds: A Follow up on My IndieWeb Commitment 2017 http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/d5fb4e498fe609cc29b04e5b7ad688c4?s=42&d=mm&r=pg

[chrisaldrich] Personally I've been using SNAP with some logical defaults, but it lets me custom write Tweets if necessary, and the syndication links portion is handled automatically along with the URL portions.

[colinwalker] chrisaldrich I replied to your post http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/i-think-a-lot-of-the-problem-comes-down-to but it doesn't seem to have come through as a webmention.

[chrisaldrich] colinwalker I noticed that (following you via RSS) but couldn't tell why it didn't...

[colinwalker] Me neither. It's the same markup as all replies. A strange one.

[colinwalker] Unless it's related to the h-entry thing I just posted about ?♂️

[chrisaldrich] I was just reading that and thinking the same thing....

[colinwalker] Ah, think that was it - just updated the post and it came through.

[chrisaldrich] Aha!

[chrisaldrich] I think about 10% of the time I notice people's replies not coming though for odd reasons, but usually because I'm following them to see what their reply was anyway.

[colinwalker] I think the various parsers must have been tightened up and are more strict now.

[chrisaldrich] Watching some of them on Github, I know that they're still evolving, though typically in subtle ways. WordPress is often fighting against core mf1 sometimes too...

[colinwalker] Yeah. It's just curious that I had to move h-entry to a different element.

[colinwalker] Even though the entry element is also a container of the rest of the post.

[chrisaldrich] which element is your "core" hentry on? the same one?

[colinwalker] Now it's on article

[chrisaldrich] I remember having issues with them on different elements, but it's been about two years since I did some of those tests

[colinwalker] They must have been conflicting then. It worked before with h-entry nested inside hentry but now, obviously, insists they are on the same element.

[chrisaldrich] I've been meaning to reach out to Colin Devroe who I understand is having webmention issues. I'm wondering if he's got similar microformats issues that are preventing them from coming through.

[colinwalker] I was going to look back at his markup as well.

[chrisaldrich] I know his theme is much more custom than most and I suspect that's the issue/frustration he's having.

[colinwalker] He seems to have no hentry or h-entry and the reply URL is not marked up. I would normally have expected it to still send a standard mention. Maybe that had also been tightened up.

[chrisaldrich] I've been meaning to get back to testing some of the standard annual WP themes to see which are well supported (or not) by IW tech. I'd started a spreadsheet a while back, but need to finish documenting the range of tests.

[colinwalker] I'll reach out to Colin as well, we've been having an email exchange about this already.

[chrisaldrich] It kills me to see people who are competent developers having problems with these things...

[colinwalker] Agreed.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas when you were previously doing manual webmentions (I think I read that somewhere), what tool were you using? telegraph? http://mention-tech.appspot.com/? or something else?

[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] chrisaldrich colinwalker Interesting; I replied to cdevroe on my own WithKnown site http://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/not-sure-whether-you-mean-incoming-webmentions-or-outgoing-webmentions and even though is has the correct mf2, neither of the Colins’ sites picked it up as far as I can see.

[colinwalker] There's definitely something weird happening there. The endpoint is in place okay.

[jeremycherfas] I can try via Telegraph.

[jeremycherfas] Sent via Telegraph, which says Pending.

[jeremycherfas] Your site sent an error ‘The webmention endpoint did not return a status URL’

[jeremycherfas] But as I recall, that happens sometimes even when your site does process the webmention correctly.

[jeremycherfas] Colin Devroe’s site says the webmention was accepted successfully from Telegraph.

[colinwalker] Looks like he has no comments section so incoming won't get displayed???

[colinwalker] Scratch that, they are showing on this post: http://cdevroe.com/2017/07/05/twan-van-elk-on-social-media/

[jeremycherfas] Well, I’m just trying to work out what specifically he was fretting about.

[jeremycherfas] I have enough worries of my own. ?

[colinwalker] Well, he is definitely having problems sending (I've mailed him about that) but incoming seems very inconsistent. Don't know if he needs to approve or not ?♂️

[chrisaldrich] It is possible that he's moderating all incoming webmentions. I know many people accept them, but not all choose to display them.

[chrisaldrich] For a long time I moderated mine, but too many new people weren't sure that theirs were being sent and/or received that I defaulted to unspamming and accepting them automatically.

[chrisaldrich] I suspect that this is likely what Colin Devroe is probably doing.

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] I really cannot get my head around Bridgy Publish. I created a reply tweet with Press This, seemed fine in draft, sent it out to Twitter via BP and the content on Twitter was the Title and a link to brid.gy/publish/twitter, which of course is not what people need. Going to try the JetPack approach next.

jeremycherfas and [tantek] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I’m sure you’re right tantek. The thing is, I’m relying on IndieWeb Press This to create the entry, and without digging deep, it isn’t doing what I expect.

jeremycherfas Well, I’ve redone the post by hand now, so no.

jeremycherfas Maybe next time.

jeremycherfas Right now, I’m trying to create a workflow that, er, works. Maybe when I havve that going, I’ll have time to work out the exact nature of the issue.

jeremycherfas Don’t want to spoil snarfed’s vacation any more than I already have :)

jeremycherfas Thanks. Still in Paris?

jeremycherfas Have fun.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas The bridgy publish plugin for WP is essentially using the instructions at https://brid.gy/about to create cross posts to twitter.

[chrisaldrich] It's pretty well written and clear, so reading through it may be more helpful than the plugins documentation.

jeremycherfas I’m sure you are right Chris. It’s just a question, now, of economy of effort.

[chrisaldrich] The nice part is once you've got it sorted and practiced it once or twice, it's all downhill thereafter.

[chrisaldrich] (I'll admit I had to read it about 3 times before I grokked it myself, but it also was a great general and practical intro to the inherent value of microformats.)

jeremycherfas All true.

[chrisaldrich] !tell GWG "Post Kinds has support for replying to Twitter posts using SNAP." How exactly does a user do this specifically? i.e. what are the steps?

[chrisaldrich] Okay, I've got 2000+ words on the Post Kinds Plugin. Hopefully I can get a video demo put together shortly to publish. Time for bed...

[chrisaldrich] Bonne nuit tout le monde

jeremycherfas !tell chrisaldrich I’d be happy to take a look if you want another pair of noob eyes.

[tantek], tantek_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek_, [chrisaldrich] and wagle joined the channel
chimo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I presume you're installing from Github rather than the WP repo at https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb-press-this/

[chrisaldrich] wagle, it may be a file structure issue or even a missing file that didn't upload properly. Try deleting it and reinstalling from scratch.

[colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] Hey GWG

[colinwalker] Was talking this morning (my time) about mf2 parsers and whether they've changed/got stricter because stuff that used to work didn't any more.

[colinwalker] wagle, yeah saw that.

[colinwalker] I think it makes sense so as not to drown things out in specifics

[colinwalker] It is now. I resolved my mf2 issue by moving classes to different elements.

[colinwalker] How about you?

[colinwalker] Always good.

[colinwalker] As long as it gets there. No need to rush, can't be always on.

[colinwalker] Absolutely. I've only done a couple of small plugins to fit a need but always nice when someone else gets benefit as well.

[colinwalker] Reading a feed in PHP is easy but combining multiple feeds into a river and working out a way to post to the blog inline (something AJAX like) is going to take longer than I've got at the moment. It to mention scheduling and read statuses etc.

[colinwalker] *Not

[colinwalker] I'll get there eventually though.

[miklb] joined the channel
tbbrown and Roro_ joined the channel
Roro_ hi
Roro_ when Fatal error or parse error happens.. admin is unable to log to wp-admin untill he fixes the error from ftp.. .. ok this happened with me twice,, and i didn't fixed it.. but after few hours , the site starts working.. how comes?
Roro_ sometimes it's related to plugins and sometimes to themes.. and the parse error is a syntax error in function.php
Roro_ Actually it is fixed already without any troubleshooting .. thats my question, how it fixed by itself? but the error remains about 2 hours
Roro_ thank you :)
Roro_ Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in D:\inetpub\www\ \public_html\wp-content\themes\jupiter\functions.php on line 367
Roro_ I tried to add second logo ..
Roro_ well, my quesition is not how to solve it.. but how the issue is solved already without any modification...?
[colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] Evening

dougbeal|iOS, dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks] and tbbrown joined the channel