#wordpress 2017-08-05
2017-08-05 UTC
dougbeal|iOS, davidmead and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] colinwalker RE: your reader itch, PressForward is a pretty solid built in WP reader that would likely accept a PR with indieweb action functionality.

[chrisaldrich] I also noticed the other day that edublogs.org, a customized hosted version of WP for the education sector has a built-in reader that's relatively solid, but I'm not sure what's powering it.

[colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] !tell chrisaldrich Thanks. I'd prefer to build it all myself as it's as much about learning how to do it but maybe they could give me some pointers ?

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is Whisperfollow?

[chrisaldrich] colinwalker It's an interesting exercise, but I think there's a reason everyone in IndieWeb hasn't built their own readers yet. Ashton has built one called WhisperFollow which might be a good model too.

Loqi WhisperFollow is a WordPress based social reader create by acegiak that currently supports h-entry, RSS, Atom https://indieweb.org/Whisperfollow

davidmead and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] chrisaldrich That's exactly the kind of thing I'm after. Will check it out. Thanks.

[colinwalker] Shame, it doesn't work any more - or been updated in over 2 years but could be a good starting point.

[miklb] joined the channel
Loqi Related Reading is a feature of some blogging silos (like Medium, Wordpress.com) where at the end of a blog post, the system suggests another deemed-likely-interesting-to-you given your assumed interest in the topic that you just read about https://indieweb.org/related_reading