#wordpress 2017-10-25

2017-10-25 UTC
dougbeal|mb1, [miklb], EmreSokullu and tantek joined the channel
Morning all
[miklb] and tantek joined the channel
miklb, do you have any ideas for more tests I should write for Post Kinds
I’m just now starting to explore unit tests, so not sure I’d have anything to offer in that area yet
I am just trying to figure out what I need to make sure works
I’ll look later today at what’s there and see if I can offer any suggestions.
tantek joined the channel
I was able to find a long standing mistake in a function with my first two tests
they work!
I know
I just have trouble conceiving them
I intend to thoroughly test mf2 post, the replacement for Kind Meta.
EmreSokullu joined the channel
that’s great. I hope to learn from your work.
It is going well so far
But there is a question of nested h-cites
Currently, the plugin stores details in mf2_cite. With nested parameters, it should store in mf2_in-reply_to -> cite
that makes sense
That is a big change to set up and migrate to
I have to test the heck out of it
So this isn't going to be quick
I’m going to put some time into my jekyll theme tomorrow, but will try to take a look at the latest work in post kinds. I’m updating the jekyll theme to use the same framework as I’m using on the WP theme, so the html markup can be re-purposed for the most part. 2 birds and all that
Good luck
I’ve made some good progress on it already. Really just re-skinning it so should be able to get close to a new release. Would be exciting to have an indieweb theme anyone could use with GitHub Jekyll Pages.
but for now, sleep.
[eddie], tantek, [chrisaldrich], EmreSokullu, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, dougbeal|imac, [miklb], Kaja_, [manton], [cleverdevil] and [dgold] joined the channel