#wordpress 2017-11-01

2017-11-01 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek, [khurt], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], deltab, dougbeal|mb1 and drkokandy joined the channel
uploaded /File:WordPress_facepile.PNG "UI example of native WordPress.org facepiled likes https://indieweb.org/File:WordPress facepile.PNG"
[miklb], [chrisaldrich], [eddie], tbbrown, [colinwalker] and [manton] joined the channel
GWG I would like to hear more about comment template idea
I built it, but never deployed it
[eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
Hey GWG does Automattic operate a /wp-login.php honeypot? Seems like it would be in there interest to track and block attackers targeting WP installs
*their interest
tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Not sure
khurtwilliams, [tantek], tbbrown, [colinwalker], tantek, [kevinmarks], [eddie], [cleverdevil] and [miklb] joined the channel
back to wishing we had logs for micropub
s/wishing/thinking should build it/
tantek joined the channel
GWG when you are around & have a minute, have a few questions about syndication-links plugin
[miklb]: I am. Just making dinner. What's on your mind?
well, I don’t know if you saw what I’m trying to do, but want to trigger a syndicate-to when I’ve added a custom target url. I notice the syndication-links plugin at least looks like it filters by the url so also want to look at how I can make my silo.pub target url look like it’s github
I have the silo.pub url with my access token hardcoded for testing as a syndicate-to. I send a like via shpub with that as the syndication-target and it will create a new like note with a link to the repo url, just nothing getting triggered on the silo.pub side
it stores that url in the mf2_mp_syndicate_to value in the db
It doesn't happen automatically. When I set up syndicate-to...I have it triggered on publish_post.
If you look at bridgy-publish
I fiddled with it a lot to get it to work
seems like something should hook into the micropub publish_post then to trigger
Well, I wonder if Micropub should include the code for syndicate_to and trigger do_action.
snarfed asked if I wanted to add syndicate-to support so…
[miklb]: Well, support would be what I was thinking. Basically, a hook that has all the logic.
missing ` class`
unrelated, I just found why the twitter content use excerpt option doesn’t work. I think
I have been meaning to fix that
I just added a link to the line in the code for the issue on that.
I can do a quick PR if you’d like
did it from the web ui ?
I hadn’t ever actually used the web ui to edit a file and do a PR. It’s pretty slick.
If you could.
that’s what I meant, I did the PR from the web ui for the missing `class`
But I am slowly adapting back to NY time.
The fact I've been nodding off after dinner has been hurting my coding time