#[tantek]Hey GWG does Automattic operate a /wp-login.php honeypot? Seems like it would be in there interest to track and block attackers targeting WP installs
#[miklb]GWG when you are around & have a minute, have a few questions about syndication-links plugin
#GWG[miklb]: I am. Just making dinner. What's on your mind?
#[miklb]well, I don’t know if you saw what I’m trying to do, but want to trigger a syndicate-to when I’ve added a custom target url. I notice the syndication-links plugin at least looks like it filters by the url so also want to look at how I can make my silo.pub target url look like it’s github
#[miklb]I have the silo.pub url with my access token hardcoded for testing as a syndicate-to. I send a like via shpub with that as the syndication-target and it will create a new like note with a link to the repo url, just nothing getting triggered on the silo.pub side
#[miklb]it stores that url in the mf2_mp_syndicate_to value in the db
#GWGIt doesn't happen automatically. When I set up syndicate-to...I have it triggered on publish_post.