#snarfedmost properties can and sometimes are multiply valued. the meaningful q here is which ones does sem-lb actually do anything with, beyond just storing in e.g. comment meta, and for those, can it handle multiple values
#snarfedwe could still whitelist for that, but we'd have to keep the whitelist in sync with the code itself, which is bug prone
#GWGsnarfed: Well is this an issue of storage or the display code?
#[miklb]if the syndicate-to is handled inside the micropub plugin then the bridgy syndicate-to links might be able to be stored so as to be used by other micropub clients?
#snarfed[miklb]: if i understand your q right, that's how the bridgy publish plugin currently works
#GWG[miklb]: Bridgy will still have to create its own syndication target. So, I'm not sure that the same targets should be reused by other plugins.
#[miklb]well, it stores the value as bridgy-publish_twitter so I wasn’t sure
#[miklb]GWG but if I want to use bridgy for Twitter from a micropub client, it won’t work I don’t think. Shouldn’t it? I might be confusing myself now.
#GWGsnarfed: Looking at the code, right now, out of the 8 properties that are white-listed, syndication is the only one that should have multiple arrays. But, since the whitelist has a filter to add properties optionally, I suggest a filter that decides whether a property should be single or multiple.
#snarfedGWG: a filter?! that's for when multiple plugins need to interoperate, right? this seems internal to sem-lb...?
#GWG[miklb]: You are confusing me. But it will work. That is what it does. Basically, right now, if you set the property, it will trigger Bridgy Publish. Moving the logic for that into the server and having plugins hook into it is a better design.
#GWGsnarfed: There is a filter to tell Semantic Linkbacks to store more properties than default, if another plugin wants to use them. Therefore, extending that...
#GWGOriginally, I had a blacklist, not a whitelist. It was switched to a whitelist because you don't need properties clogging up your meta if you have no use for them.
#GWGsnarfed: Disk is cheap. MySQL databases, on the other hand...
#snarfedextending the filter would mean properties are stored singly or multiply depending on which plugins were installed (or not) when, which is dangerously inconsistent, even within the same site
#[miklb]GWG I stand corrected. I can post from Quill to WP and use the syndicate-to bridgy twitter.
#snarfedon second though, we really shouldn't drop any data on the floor, period. we should store everything. i can rewrite the display code to handle multiply valued properties more generally. i'll do that.
#GWGIf there are two properties, display only one.