2017-11-24 UTC
tantek, tbbrown and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# 06:19 [xavierroy] are there any themes that take advantage of the Post Kinds plugin?
# 06:22 GWG [xavierroy]: Advantage in what way?
# 07:03 GWG Not specifically, but I know some people are working on it
# 07:18 GWG xavierroy, install Simple Location and you'll get a map
# 07:23 [xavierroy] Yes, I have that. I'm also using Beau Leben's People and Places plugin for Keyring to pull in checkin's from Swarm
zb111 and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 07:41 [mrkrndvs] Thanks chrisaldrich. Will have a look. Also, had an itch and changed my theme to Independent Publisher to resolve some of my H problems ? Still trying to work out how to add categories etc to the h-card of posts?
zb111, zb111_, zb111__, tantek, davidmead, [khurt] and [miklb] joined the channel
# 17:12 GWG [miklb]: Post Kinds 2.7.0 is out.
# 17:12 GWG I found a bunch of little things so far
# 17:12 [miklb] I’ll check to see if I’m getting that error still
# 18:06 [miklb] GWG still getting error, on latest of all plugins and master of post-kinds
# 18:07 GWG With as much detail as you can muster?
# 18:11 [miklb] I’m also seeing that if I use the retrieve to grab details of a url and then save draft, the details are not stored.
# 18:16 GWG My goal is for 2.7.1 to go out this weekend with any fixes I can muster
# 18:26 Loqi [miklb] #119 Errors with Post Properties Meta Box
# 18:33 GWG [miklb]: Was your draft set to note, or a different kind?
# 18:33 GWG I see the errors. Will be working on them
# 18:36 [miklb] note is my default for a new post and I didn’t change it in my testing. It’s a bookmark on the post that gives me the fatal error
# 18:37 GWG If you set it to post, it will no longer save url properties as notes don't have them. It should save duration properties.
# 18:37 GWG I think I fixed the bookmark issue, but I am going to investigate all.
# 18:39 GWG And aaronpk identified a check-in markup issue
# 18:43 [miklb] I guess not, just needs to be documented I guess. It’s a changing behavior for sure.
# 18:45 GWG It used to save it, but there was never anything done with it.
# 18:45 GWG It may be that I use JS to hide the box if note is selected
# 18:46 sknebel quickly creating a draft without changing the type to the final one sounds like a potential use case?
# 18:46 GWG But the storage configuration now depends on that setting
# 18:47 [miklb] then I definitely agree hiding the post properties meta box if it won’t store the data is appropriate
# 18:48 [miklb] granted, I haven’t read any release notes, but would have never thought that was a feature and not a bug
# 18:56 GWG It was an infrastructure one mostly.
# 18:56 [miklb] checkins is a feature, even if just for supporting OYS
# 18:57 [miklb] I’m not able to test on my live site, but I’m going to try and pull the trigger on making my switch today. I’m going to dogfood the theme I’m working on with the new personal domain, so hope to make a lot of progress on all fronts.
# 18:59 [miklb] I anticipate a lot of broken stuff on my end for a few weeks, but that’s really only how I’m going to make progress.
# 19:02 GWG I really need to learn some more javascript
# 19:03 [miklb] right after I say that, is usually when I most want a cocktail ?
tantek joined the channel
Loqi and [miklb] joined the channel