[miklb]I think that it is necessary. My experience volunteering with during the hurricane and using a proprietary CMS that was very slick for editing on the front end was hugely popular with the content producers…until you wanted to make more than very concise text boxes. Something that is slightly more modular but gives you even more of a WYSIWYG than what WordPress currently provides
[miklb]which is why I’m still spending more time researching and thinking things through and writing code. But I’m very close to start the code portions.
[miklb]It would be nice for you, snarfed and pfefferle to eventually get some higher level roadmaps and some agreements on the goals. Would also allow give others an opportunity to see clearly where they could contribute to new features.
[miklb]still getting that error `Only variables can be passed by reference: indieweb-post-kinds/includes/tabs/tab-author.php on line 13` afaik I’m on master of all the IW plugins
raretrackHi all, just doing some test posts on my test WP instance: currently checking a checkin. Can anyone advise how I can fix the missing icon under "I'm at the station" at https://testblog.raretrack.uk/test/test-check-in/ ? Thanks.
raretrackah thanks, I had installed enabled the "Post Kinds" plugin, didn't even realise I needed an API key. will see if I can work out how to get one and where to put it.
[miklb]I’m just going by the 401 errors I see in the console for mapbox so might want to check in settings to make sure you didn’t accidentally put something in the field
[miklb]the plugin should work without a key, just limited you to certain map designs. If you add a key it allows you to pick other custom map designs. If that’s not the case, let me know and I’ll revisit the code.