2017-12-04 UTC
[miklb] joined the channel
# 01:28 GWG [miklb]: Someone already wrote a converter
# 01:28 GWG So, now Syndication Links has a set of icons that are actively maintained upstream.
# 01:29 GWG Social Icons, the set I was using before, from Automattic, hasn't had an update in months
# 01:29 GWG [miklb]: New CSS and icons are added automatically. I need to rewrite the code that maps URLs to icons though.
# 01:31 GWG Right now, the mapping is hand coded.
# 01:33 [miklb] I guess I haven’t given the syndication link icons much thought, more on the post-kinds
# 01:33 GWG I can use their file for the names for each icon as well, but not the domains.
# 01:35 GWG [miklb]: My plan is to deploy the same code to the Indieweb plugin, once I figure out the domain issue. Then I won't have to mod it again and will just have to run the code every time I want to generate the information
tantek joined the channel
# 01:49 GWG [miklb]: This solution is a bit hacky though.
# 01:50 [miklb] how so? You’re using another open project & some automation tools.
# 01:50 GWG [miklb]: Let me commit and I'll show you.
# 01:52 GWG I have the automation generating a PHP file that has a function that returns the SVG file names.
# 01:56 GWG The next step is simplifying the icon list so it will try to find an icon more easily.
# 01:59 [miklb] what if the stored value and the icon file used same name?
# 02:00 GWG i meant your prior statement...same name?
# 02:02 [miklb] I assume the need to display the icon is from a stored value in the db
# 02:03 [miklb] and then you check the url to see if there’s a matching pattern to an icon?
# 02:03 GWG So, right now, the function converts the URL to a domain name. An array converts domain names to either icons or site name.
# 02:04 [miklb] would it be less of a hit to do the lookup and store that on create than every time on output?
# 02:04 GWG So, what is next is that the domain name, less the tld, will be generated, which should be the site. There will be a filter to override and a few special cases.
# 02:05 GWG [miklb]: I suppose I could do a transient.
# 02:06 [miklb] meaning, when you store the url, do the lookup and store the value of the icon then, as the icon file name, you could just pull that $var.svg
# 02:06 GWG I meant, figure out the domain to icon mapping and store that in a transient. So it will be recalculated periodically.
# 02:07 [miklb] sure, you mean incase the url changes for some reason? I’m just not thinking of a situation where a syndication link would change. Maybe a delete?
# 02:08 GWG [miklb]: I don't want to store a piece of post meta in every post when I just need the same piece of information for all URLs that match that domain.
# 02:09 GWG So, parse out the domain, and storing the domain to icon mappings, and regenerating those...
# 02:11 [miklb] hmm. Never thought about it that way. I guess I’ve always assumed you are grabbing the entire post object anyway, so one more bit of meta didn’t matter
# 02:11 GWG Right now, I've just pushed the first part. The new icons.
j12t joined the channel
# 02:39 tantek is there anyway to export a WordPress blog as a single h-feed of h-entrys with all the replies as nested h-entrys?
# 02:39 tantek I suppose another way to ask that question is, is there an "h-feed export" plugin that will do that
# 02:40 tantek because I'd like to use that as a standards-based way to export from WordPress and possibly import as well
# 02:42 GWG Well, there isn't one right now. I can't say it is a high priority for me. I don't want to leave.
# 02:42 GWG I did write a class that does return WordPress Post object as a microformats version.
# 02:43 GWG I've been scratching a lot of mini-itches.
# 02:43 tantek GWG, is there a place where we can make / track feature requests like this? indieweb related feature requests for WP Plugins?
# 02:43 GWG We probably could add a page to the wiki.
# 02:43 GWG We don't have one for things people might work on that no one has claimed.
# 02:43 tantek GWG - you would be the right person to pick where it should go
# 02:47 [miklb] we could create a repo in the working group to track requests I suppose, then if someone picks up the request in a specific plugin, link back to the request to track it’s source and progress.
# 02:49 GWG I wouldn't mind putting it on Github, but the wiki seems more the appropriate place for now.
# 02:49 GWG We don't have enough activity to need a repo.
# 02:50 [miklb] ok. I doubt I’d keep an eye on wiki page, but a repo I could subscribe to and would know if someone added something.
# 02:53 [miklb] I would also keep in mind that with micro.blog opening up more users, we may see a greater interest really quickly, if the early beta testers are any indication.
# 02:54 GWG [miklb]: Okay. In the Indieweb Repo or somewhere else?
# 02:54 [miklb] yes, I would recommend the IndieWeb repo under the WordPress group. I can set it up if you’d like, add a readme, etc
[manton] joined the channel
# 03:01 GWG [manton]: We were just talking about you.
# 03:09 Loqi [indieweb] wordpress-feature-requests: An issue tracker for general requests for the WordPress IndieWeb plugin ecosystem.
# 03:18 Loqi miklb has 7 karma in this channel (59 overall)
# 03:20 Loqi [tantek] #1 h-feed export and import plugin
# 03:22 GWG I wonder if I should put in my crazy ideas
# 03:30 [miklb] someone else may very well have the same idea add to it, start fleshing out it in discussions
tbbrown, [manton], tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], tantek, rMdes, jeremycherfas, tbbrown, [miklb] and dougbeal|imac joined the channel
# 15:51 [miklb] I haz some questions about the h-card widget and what does/doesn’t get displayed. Should I put that into an issue like I did for the icons or would someone care to discuss?
HongPong, tantek, [manton], tbbrown and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 16:34 [miklb] I’m currently looking for examples of widgets in the customizer and how can enhance this widget. One example, for name it’s showing nickname and not display name, but I could see a use case of displaying both
# 16:38 [miklb] I’m not sure yet. This is my first time testing the widget so as to work with the time I’m building and am looking at the output vs all of the fields in the extended profile. Ideally this would have more user testing and feedback to get a better idea. Hopefully when I’m done with the initial version of this theme that supports it out of the box, we can get that feedback.
# 16:43 [miklb] work with the theme I’m building. no idea where time came from
# 16:46 Loqi [jonl] IndieWebCamp Austin – December 9-10, 2017 – Austin, Texas
# 16:46 tantek GWG ^^^ presumably you added that icon (is it part of a suite?)
# 16:47 [miklb] svg icons though GWG is in process of switching sources of svg so I don’t know if that’s the new set or old.
# 16:52 Loqi [Automattic] genericons-neue: Genericons Neue are generic looking icons, suitable for a blog or simple website
# 16:53 [miklb] the later I think contains that “scheduled” svg icon in that post
# 16:57 tantek thanks miklb, apparently I need more coffee this morning
# 16:57 tantek miklb oh yeah, subtly different. I like the one in the plugin better
# 17:01 Loqi pfefferle has 9 karma in this channel (39 overall)
# 17:06 [pfefferle] GWG should be careful with copying icons… the SIL OFL license says that you have to include the license text…
# 17:07 tantek which is why I was asking before simplying copying to my site :)
# 17:14 tantek GWG, the RSVP icon from post kinds in jonl's post does not seem like it is the same one in genericons
# 17:16 GWG I backfilled missing icons from FontAwesome, I believe
# 17:16 GWG I am working on the license issue
# 17:22 Loqi Post or posts may refer to individual pieces of content published on an indieweb site such as notes, articles, & responses, or the act of creating the aforementioned content (present tense), or Posts about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/post_kinds
# 17:23 tantek ^^^ GWG can you create/redirect that to the wiki page (or section) for the Post Kinds Plugin?
tbbrown joined the channel
# 17:27 GWG Just started my lunch break. I have not had one consistently for weeks
tbbrown joined the channel
# 17:28 GWG But the new icon set that I am switching to for Syndication Links and rel me is CC0
# 17:30 tantek crawls back out of that rabbithole, checks time
# 17:30 GWG So, how do I explain this in my plugin documentation
# 17:30 GWG What do I need to document in repository?
# 17:31 tantek for the wiki page, at least a link and heads-up about the license of the set is sufficient
# 17:32 GWG I just spent a night automating new additions, pfefferle recently adding composer php-mf2 updates inspired me to automate repeated tasks.
# 17:32 tantek for the plugin documentation, start with opening a GH issue with that question (how do I explain ... )
# 17:33 tantek to at least capture your concern and allow others to contribute answers
# 17:33 GWG I have been hopping from plugin to plugin doing maintenance
# 17:34 GWG I was going to check on a few others
# 17:36 GWG I need to write a blog post about it all
# 17:38 GWG miklb, saw your comment re the H-Card widget. It is ripe for options and enhancements
# 17:38 GWG Start documenting and pull requesting as needed
# 17:38 [miklb] yeah. I’m trying to walk this line of using the existing tools to build this theme with and wanting to improve/customize.
# 17:39 [miklb] But also wanting to get the site launched with it. So probably going to be more issues/notes/questions than PR until I get launched and then iterate.
# 17:39 GWG I started building more generic tools and customizing the output rather than hardcoding quite as much
# 17:40 GWG That's why the H-Card inside the widget can be called as a function if you want to embed it in a theme.
# 17:40 GWG Same with Syndication Links, Simple Location, etc
# 17:41 GWG Probably needs to be better documented, but it is a good philosophy
# 17:42 GWG When I finish the icon fixes in Syndication Links, I will likely port same to Indieweb.
# 17:43 GWG The automation is worth the effort. Let the upstream people do the work
# 17:44 GWG You can call it yourself if you want
# 17:44 [miklb] I’m going to add a probot to my theme repo that doesn’t allow code merged into master without an updated README with it.
# 17:46 [miklb] So instead of having a widget area, I would just call that function and then could customize the output? I’m not following immediately after reading the function.
# 17:48 [miklb] maybe I need more caffeine. I’m not exactly sure how I to use that function in my theme. (could be I suck as a developer too)
# 17:49 GWG miklb, if the signature needs to change, I appreciate input
# 17:54 GWG Basically, what you give it and what comes out
# 17:57 [miklb] I’m just not following. Seems like I could just as easy write my own function to customize the output using that as an example.
# 18:01 GWG Yes. I just figured it would be easier to expand the built in stuff
# 18:05 GWG I have a lot of refactoring planned
# 18:07 [miklb] apologies. I’m sincerely not following how I would expand/customize the existing function in my theme, otherwise I would offer upstream changes
# 18:15 GWG miklb, stick with functionality you want as issues on repo
# 18:16 GWG I want to add the icon improvements plus more to rel me and h-card, so stay tuned.
HongPong, tbbrown, [eddie], [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 22:07 Loqi SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics, a standard way to display vector images that integrates well into HTML and is implemented in all modern browsers https://indieweb.org/svg
# 22:41 GWG I am working on fixing my attribution
# 22:54 GWG I hope to write a blog post tonight
tbbrown_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel