gRegorLoveFWIW (as a non-daily-WP user), I like the idea of using the comment meta for this special handling, so the wp_comments.comment_author_url is truly the author's URL, from their h-card in the case of webmentions
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] One of the known issues with webmentions in WordPress is that they are often flagged as spam by default. There is a workaround snippet of code on the wiki to automatically approve them. That got me thinking about the core feature of approving comment...
gRegorLove_miklb: that snippet should work, then. It's similar to the one on the wiki, it just does additional checks instead of "approve all webmentions"
gRegorLove_check_comment() is called, then wp_blacklist_check(), and finally the pre_comment_approved() filter, so whatever the latter returns takes precedence.
gRegorLove_If both those conditions pass, it parses just the scheme and host from the comment_author_url and queries if any previously-approved comment_author_urls start with that domain.
GWG[miklb]: Right now, I'm using the token endpoint. Once I add a lot more safety measures, you should be able to use any token endpoint.
[miklb]I guess that’s why I was musing about creating an app user with an interface to check off custom capabilities and create a access token kinda the way GitHub does it.
[miklb]correct. But if a new user is created for each app, or an access token generated, couldn’t that allow the user to limit the apps access to less than say, admin?
[colinwalker]!tell gRegorLove Thanks for the webmention approval snippet, I’ll implement it and see how it goes. Does it override other criteria like number of links in a comment?
LoqigRegorLove: [colinwalker] left you a message 7 hours, 10 minutes ago: Thanks for the webmention approval snippet, I’ll implement it and see how it goes. Does it override other criteria like number of links in a comment?
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I’ve updated this code snippet so it abides by your Discussion settings for the checkbox “Comment author must have a previously approved comment.”
I’ve also updated it to use the webmention_source_url which is part of the comment meta data ...
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I’ve updated this code snippet so it abides by your Discussion settings for the checkbox “Comment author must have a previously approved comment.”
I’ve also updated it to use the webmention_source_url which is part of the comment meta data ...
gRegorLoveI think they're both a good idea. This is just a baseline function, but the plugin could also provide more precision, like whitelisting specific twitter user URLs
Loqi[gRegorLove] I've recently implemented @dshanske's option 3 on a friend's site, detailed here: and in the subsequent note. I hadn't seen this issue, but he directed me to comment here with my thoughts.
gRegorLoveThis is another data point for me thinking Semantic Linkbacks should be part of Webmention. The canonical URL should be part of the webmention comment meta imo.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "realtime comments" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "realtime comments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqi[gRegorLove] Some reasons I think they should be merged:
* Easier setup, fewer steps. "Install this one plugin, then..."
* Nice presentation of webmentions should be a core part of the plugin. Installing the plugin should give the functionality _and_ improved...
[miklb]I agree less plugins is better, but I also understand his perspective on the 2 plugins. There was also a discussion to rename the semantic linkbacks plugin, but I see his concerns there too.
tantekI would be more willing to appreciate that point of view (delaying merging) if this wasn't seemingly an issue with nearly every new gen2-3 person that uses WordPress and wants to get on IndieWeb
[miklb]we are having a group chat next week to hope to clarify a few sticking points on interoperability between the plugins and maybe how to move forward with webmentions & the WP comments system. Hopefully from that pfefferle can give some concrete goals as to how to get to a merge.