#[miklb]I need to look at a reply webmention again in the db and see what is stored.
#gRegorLovemeta has a lot: source, target, created_at, avatar, canonical, type, mf2, etc.
#gRegorLoveAn improvement to that snippet would be to check the wp options for comment_whitelist being on first, like check_comment() does.
#GWGgRegorLove: The reason I submitted the PR to store more meta was to move toward that.
#gRegorLoveFWIW (as a non-daily-WP user), I like the idea of using the comment meta for this special handling, so the wp_comments.comment_author_url is truly the author's URL, from their h-card in the case of webmentions
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] One of the known issues with webmentions in WordPress is that they are often flagged as spam by default. There is a workaround snippet of code on the wiki to automatically approve them. That got me thinking about the core feature of approving comment...
#[miklb]I’m now very intrigued gRegorLove I’ve had issues with replies going to the trash and hope to solve that with what you’ve surfaced
#gRegorLovetrash is interesting (vs. just pending). Any keyword moderation set up?
#[miklb]yes, I do have a blacklist that I copied from somewhere, I haven’t actually grepped the whole list to see if anything there is catching it
#[miklb]I’d rather solve with a hammer and whitelist them explicitly 🙂
#[miklb]Also discovered this evening I’m not displaying regular mentions anywhere on my entries
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#gRegorLove_miklb: that snippet should work, then. It's similar to the one on the wiki, it just does additional checks instead of "approve all webmentions"
#gRegorLove_check_comment() is called, then wp_blacklist_check(), and finally the pre_comment_approved() filter, so whatever the latter returns takes precedence.
#gRegorLove_So even if you have moderated keywords in comments, they'll be ignored in webmentions
#[miklb]right, but since these are converted to regular WP comments as replies if I’m not mistaken, might need to take a different route
#gRegorLove_and checks if the comment has a comment_author_url.
#gRegorLove_For all received webmentions (currently) the comment_author_url is the source URL of the webmention.
#gRegorLove_If both those conditions pass, it parses just the scheme and host from the comment_author_url and queries if any previously-approved comment_author_urls start with that domain.
#Loqigwg has 35 karma in this channel (297 overall)
#GWG[miklb]: Right now, I'm using the Indieauth.com token endpoint. Once I add a lot more safety measures, you should be able to use any token endpoint.
#GWGHow do you limit capabilities when you are delegating a user's access?
#[miklb]I guess that’s why I was musing about creating an app user with an interface to check off custom capabilities and create a access token kinda the way GitHub does it.
#[miklb]and maybe have some defaults mapped for the existing roles that are documented?
#GWGMost micropub endpoints request create, post, or update.
#[miklb]which could generally be mapped to existing roles, no?
#GWGI may just be missing it, but the issue being that in WordPress, logging in as the user gives you all the permissions of the user
#[miklb]correct. But if a new user is created for each app, or an access token generated, couldn’t that allow the user to limit the apps access to less than say, admin?
#GWGLikely I'll just have to set a global variable.
#[miklb]wait, how does the micropub plugin handle it now?
#GWGIf it doesn't have the post or create scope, it errors out
[kevinmarks] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
#[colinwalker]!tell gRegorLove Thanks for the webmention approval snippet, I’ll implement it and see how it goes. Does it override other criteria like number of links in a comment?
#LoqigRegorLove: [colinwalker] left you a message 7 hours, 10 minutes ago: Thanks for the webmention approval snippet, I’ll implement it and see how it goes. Does it override other criteria like number of links in a comment?
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I’ve updated this code snippet so it abides by your Discussion settings for the checkbox “Comment author must have a previously approved comment.”
I’ve also updated it to use the webmention_source_url which is part of the comment meta data ...
#gRegorLoveOops, need to update that post a bit. Code snippet is fine though.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#GWGgRegorLove: I'd like to have something like that in the plugin itself
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I’ve updated this code snippet so it abides by your Discussion settings for the checkbox “Comment author must have a previously approved comment.”
I’ve also updated it to use the webmention_source_url which is part of the comment meta data ...
#GWGgRegorLove: You can. I meant to submit my comment domain whitelist PR
#gRegorLoveI think they're both a good idea. This is just a baseline function, but the plugin could also provide more precision, like whitelisting specific twitter user URLs
#GWGgRegorLove: How about you outline your thoughts in an issue?
#Loqi[gRegorLove] I've recently implemented @dshanske's option 3 on a friend's site, detailed here: https://gregorlove.com/2017/12/one-of-the-known-issues/ and in the subsequent note. I hadn't seen this issue, but he directed me to comment here with my thoughts.
#gRegorLoveThis is another data point for me thinking Semantic Linkbacks should be part of Webmention. The canonical URL should be part of the webmention comment meta imo.
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "realtime comments" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "realtime comments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#Loqi[gRegorLove] Some reasons I think they should be merged:
* Easier setup, fewer steps. "Install this one plugin, then..."
* Nice presentation of webmentions should be a core part of the plugin. Installing the plugin should give the functionality _and_ improved...
#tantekwould appreciate thoughts from the usual WP daily-users around here too, [miklb], snarfed, [eddie]
#Loqi[dshanske] #112 Merge Semantic Linkbacks into this plugin
#[miklb]I’m comfortable with pfefferle’s pacing on when to merge the two.
#[miklb]I agree less plugins is better, but I also understand his perspective on the 2 plugins. There was also a discussion to rename the semantic linkbacks plugin, but I see his concerns there too.
#tantekI would be more willing to appreciate that point of view (delaying merging) if this wasn't seemingly an issue with nearly every new gen2-3 person that uses WordPress and wants to get on IndieWeb
#tantekmerging would also eliminate the need to rename
#[miklb]I agree merged would be less confusing, but ultimately it’s his decision and I’m respecting that.
#tantekSure. The point is to gather opinions of what's better for the plugin and WordPress users, regardles of who is maintaining etc.
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#[miklb]we are having a group chat next week to hope to clarify a few sticking points on interoperability between the plugins and maybe how to move forward with webmentions & the WP comments system. Hopefully from that pfefferle can give some concrete goals as to how to get to a merge.