#wordpress 2018-01-02

2018-01-02 UTC
[kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
Hi, miklb
happy new year!
I wonder if I need to add the webmention endpoint to the exclude for the fastcgi cache in my nginx conf
I think I might have in mine.
I should check
I'd exclude the entire wp-json area
yeah, it does exclude /wp-json/
forgot the wm endpoint was in there
hmm. Getting 502 gateway errors after publishing. Note posted but not good.
I may just go back to wp-super-cache
[miklb]: I've been working on IndieAuth.
I’ve seen you discussing it, haven’t had a chance to look at the changes
[miklb]: I'm just wondering what else I might do
I started this mostly because I needed a way to authenticate for what I built at IWC Austin.
gRegorLove, [eddie], drkokandy, [kevinmarks], [xavierroy], tantek, [miklb], sebsel, [mrkrndvs], samim, baxter, prtksxna, [cleverdevil], raretrack and [keithjgrant] joined the channel