#wordpress 2018-01-03

2018-01-03 UTC
[eddie], jeffperry and [jefferydperry] joined the channel
Anyone on that can hold my hand as I configure my website to be IndieWebiofied?
[miklb] joined the channel
I can try
So I had it set up previously but I removed it for some reason (past me was an idiot) so I reset my entire database and i am kind of unsure what i need to do first
reset your database, so just have a vanilla WordPress installation at the moment?
It is like I just installed it
the only thing I have done is add a link to my micro.blog profile to verify it
I would install the IndieWeb WordPress plugin and pick out an mf2 theme. GWG do we have a page in the wiki yet for the themes and their links?
I'm not sure. But start with SemPress, I suppose and see
gRegorLove joined the channel
I can do that
Do I need a child theme if I edit the <head>?
the more you plan to edit the theme, the more I’d recommend a child theme
the only thing i forsee doing is editing the <head> to add my various accounts to link to my website
The IW plugin does that I believe. GWG is more familiar with how that works.
Just add your links in your profile
[jefferydperry]: You don't need to edit the head. Just add them to your User Profile
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I see
What are WordPress themes?
WordPress Themes are a simple way to quickly change the look and feel of a WordPress website primarily by use of CSS https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Themes
That's better for those on Slack...
[chrisaldrich]: By the way, did you get a chance to have a look at that plugin?
I am having trouble finding where I input my connected accounts. Is it through bridgy?
[jefferydperry]: Go under Users->Your Profile
And add your accounts there
You can connect them through Bridgy, but that would be for other reasons.
I see
So I did that and my twitter still doesn't have it link back
I edited the profile to have my url be jeffperry.blog
[jefferydperry]: Turn off the Microformats 2 plugin if you are using SemPress
And the rel=me links are there, I see them.
right but they don't link back even thought I know they shoulf
[jefferydperry]: What do you mean by link back?
They are linked back from what I see
I may be misunderstanding you
chrisaldrich joined the channel
I'm about halfway there GWG. Still waiting for a block of time to play.
showing "doesn't link back"
is this not a good place to go for setting this stuff up?
That might be a bug in indiewebify.me. Can you try logging in on indieauth.com with your domain?
It is a good place. But there can be occasional bugs :)
I checked the source and saw it
that did work!
I'm checking on it. Sometimes it's a weird thing with Twitter redirects (t.co URLs), or https-to-http links (or vice versa).
Awesome! You can sign in to indieweb.org now as well :)
I'd have to debug further, but it might be some edge case where indiewebify.me isn't following all the redirects. Twitter links to http://jeffperry.blog/ which then redirects to http://www.jeffperry.blog/
jeffreydperry has 1 karma
[jefferydperry]: So now that you've done that, what else do you want to do?
I confirmed with a patched version of indiewebify.me that it reports "works perfectly" so I'm nudging about getting that patch reviewed / deployed.
jefferydperry has 1 karma
oops, split karma :)
Weird. I think I may have my domain set up to have a www. due to the server I am hosting this on
Yeah, it's not causing any problems as far as web-sign-in, just the verification on indiewebify.me is overly strict.
Maybe not "overly". It can be good to point out slight differences.
,So here is a question: How do I have my wordpress and microblog connected? I want my posts to go to a specific category on my site and all posts on my site in that category go to my micro.blog
micro.blog accepts RSS feeds, so the easiest method would be to add feeds for the specific categories or tags you want to port over
I believe i did that. I guess replys don't count towards this?
If you had a category called microblog for example, then use the RSS feed http://www.example.com/category/microblog/feed/
replies on which side?
If you reply natively within micro.blog, your comment will be webmentioned back to your original
micro.blog doesn't accept all incoming webmentions (yet?), instead it whitelists them from sites that have a linked account via rel="me"
Then there's also this: http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/15/threaded-replies-with-webmentions-in-wordpress/ though I haven't personally tried it on a round trip with micro.blog comments.
[Author Chris Aldrich] Threaded Replies and Comments with Webmentions in WordPress
hm. This seems a little over my head. I think i need to look into this more when I get a few minutes (I am currently at work)
I am also super confused about h-card and h-entry
[jefferydperry]: What about them?
h-card is like an online business card that helps to identify you (somewhat similar to a vcard)
What is h-card?
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-card
The name, url, and photo in an h-card are used a lot in indieweb when it comes to replies. The site your replying to can pull those out and display them with the comment text.
There's a lot of additional properties in h-card you can mark up, but those are the most common ones.
oof *you're.
so if I am using sempress what do I need to do to add these common h-cards? Is it something I need to add to my <head> or is there a place I can put these without using thje wordpress editor
There is one built in.
There is also a simple h-card widget in the Indieweb plugin
tantek and [asuh] joined the channel
To POSSE to Facebook, I see this section:
Shouldn’t plugins like SNAP and Bridgy Publish be listed there?
asuh no because see the bit about "Main article: POSSE to Facebook"
and so far we are only adding methods in actual use by folks here who can vouch for them
Ah, I see that now. It wasn’t obvious
Bridgy Publish plugin isn’t straightforward on how to publish to Facebook from self-installed WordPress. That’s why I’m asking
sebsel and tantek joined the channel
[asuh] yes that is a good point
wordpress isn't even mentioned on that page which is an omission
who is using Bridgy Publish plugin?
I'm going to add something brief to the main How section there
what is Bridgy Publish plugin?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Bridgy Publish plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Bridgy Publish plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is SNAP
SNAP (Social Network Auto Poster) is a POSSE plugin for WordPress https://indieweb.org/SNAP
Thanks, that’s helpful. I’ve been trying to find out why I should use SNAP instead of Bridgy Publish as well. I like that Bridgy Publish is open source which is why I am trying that first
[asuh] can you provide URLs for the Bridgy Publish plugin install and open source?
(also as promised I added a mini WordPress subsection here: https://indieweb.org/POSSE_to_Facebook#How )
(so at least there something that's more findable)
[David Shanske] Description This plugin is a user interface for the Bridgy service and requires the webmention plugin to notify Bridgy to post. It also stores a link to the syndicated version for display by Syndication Links or other uses. Bridgy posts to soci...
[dshanske] bridgy-publish: Bridgy Publish for WordPress
tantek joined the channel
what is Bridgy Publish plugin
It looks like we don't have a page for "Bridgy Publish plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Bridgy Publish plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Bridgy Publish plugin is https://wordpress.org/plugins/bridgy-publish/ an open source (https://github.com/dshanske/bridgy-publish) [[WordPress]] plugin that adds [[Bridgy]] Publish functionality to your WordPress install.
[David Shanske] Description This plugin is a user interface for the Bridgy service and requires the webmention plugin to notify Bridgy to post. It also stores a link to the syndicated version for display by Syndication Links or other uses. Bridgy posts to soci...
thanks [asuh] - I believe we have everything linked up now
you’re welcome
it should hopefully be easier to find from https://indieweb.org/POSSE_to_Facebook#How
I put WordPress and Known at the top of the How section because in theory more users are likely to just want to add/install something to their own existing CMS, rather than write new code to support POSSE to FaB
[xavierroy] joined the channel
advice needed: I have an old web host plan that runs till end-Jun 2018. Should I switch now or should I switch around Jun?
I mean switch webhosters
what is migration
migration in the context of the indieweb refers to the process of moving your indieweb site from any one or more of one CMS / web host / DNS provider / URL design / domain name to another https://indieweb.org/migration
Yes. tantek I meant what would be best time to switch? migrate right-away or wait till my current plan ends (so that I don't lose money)?
depends on how important it is to you to save (how much) money vs how important it is to you to be certain of zero (or some low amount of) downtime
some amount of time running things in parallel will give you more time to sort out /migration issues you had not considered
that makes sense
also worth general #indieweb-dev discussion, unless you're specifically only talking about WordPress, which may simplify things a bit
[xavierroy] joined the channel
just reinstalled WP and setting it up afresh.
I'll try to make notes as I move ahead
dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
xavierroy depending on the type of host, you may get a credit for a month hosting to give you time to start setting up the new host before making the switch. I know VPS tend to offer $5-$10 credits to sign up.
that would allow you to start the migration before your current plan expires.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
I just signed up with Dreamhost easier today
[eddie] and [jefferydperry] joined the channel
So I have my website set up and I have my posts on Micr.blog going to my wordpress website but how do I get it to post to my Twitter feed? I have cross-posting setup but I am not sure it is working
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Cross-posting set up from where?
My goal is to have both my website and Twitter take my micro.blog post and publish it on those platforms
Which platform are you using as your source for all your content so that you own it in the long run? Most would be using WordPress as the source and syndicating to Twitter and Micro.blog.
It sounds like you're making micro.blog the source which can make the workflows a bit more difficult.
I see. I guess I should use Wordpress instead. My issue though is I work entirely on iOS so what would be a good app to use to post of Wordpress?
You can still set up micro.blog app to post to your site 1st
I know there is a an iOS app for micro.blog that uses micropub
[colinwalker] joined the channel
jefferydperry Are you using the native cross-posting in m.b? That should work but has to be configured for each feed in your account.
[jefferydperry] you could ping brid.gy to post to twitter, if posting to wordpress is already sorted
petermolnar: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 week, 4 days ago: I've had good luck with DsgnWrks Instagram Importer in the repository. Lisa of WordPress niceties built in for metadata.
colinwalker I have my twitter and micro category set up so I think if I just post in Wordpress that will do it
Ideally you'll want the syndication link for twitter to appear on your WordPress site if you want to have backfeed of Twitter interactions to come back to your site.
I am not sure I have micropub set up
I am not sure what syndication links are. an anyone clue me in on this?
If the posts from WP are getting fed to m.b then they will be cross-posted as long as the relevant feed is set up under Account > Edit Feeds & Cross-posting
What is micropub for WordPress?
Micropub for WordPress is a plugin to add a Micropub server endpoint to your site https://indieweb.org/Micropub_for_WordPress
What are syndication links?
Syndication Links is a plugin for WordPress that allow one to easily add rel-syndication/u-syndication links to indicate where syndicated copies are available https://indieweb.org/Syndication_Links
There's an iOS micro.blog app at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/micro-blog/id1253201335?mt=8 and it can be set up to micropub your content from there to your wordpress site.
sounds like we need better docs for using micro.blog w/ WordPress
Webmentions are natively built into micro.blog so your comments come back to your WordPress install automatically.
To get interactions back from Twitter, you'll need to set up /Bridgy which will require your site to have /Syndication_Links available to match your posts.
Bridgy will then "force" Twitter to send webmentions the way that m.b. does.
well, bridgy is an option. If he’s already configured with micro.blog to use its cross posting feature, he doesn’t need bridgy, right?
He'll need Bridgy for /backfeed from Twitter.
good point
jefferydperry for ease of set up, to syndicate to Twitter, I'd recommend using the Jetpack WordPress plugin (and the Jetpack Publicize function) to syndicate to Twitter. To get backfed comments/likes/reposts from Twitter then set up your site with Bridgy and add the /Semantic_Linkbacks plugin.
There are options that will give you more control, but may take longer to set up/configure.
I am beyond lost. I am not familiar with a large amount of this. If I wanted to go with the second image you sent chrisaldrich what plugins/settings do I need to set up to use Twitter and micro.blog? I also want to have webmentions set up correctly as well so that any replys I get on micro.blog show up in my WP feed. Is this all possible? If so can I get a step-by-step run through on what I need to do to have this accomplished?
jefferydperry We can certainly go slower and step by step if it helps.
The quickest method for you likely is the one I posted just under the photo.
The other secret is do do things incrementally and one at a time to make sure you get each thing working properly.
jefferydperry Do you have posting to WordPress and syndicating to micro.blog working properly at the moment?
Yes I have it setup
I have my micro category feed and have added cross-posting to my Twitter
I also set up Jetpack to add my Twitter account
When you say "cross-posting to my Twitter" you mean that you've set up cross-posting from Micro.blog to Twitter?
Cross-posting from micro.blog to Twitter is primarily meant for people who are using a paid version of m.b. as their primary (only) personal website.
This is what I have set up
that should work jefferydperry
webmentions from micro.blog will backfeed to your WordPress site. Make sure you have semantic linkbacks installed.
If you want Twitter backfeeding, install the syndication links plugin and hook your site up to bridgy
Also, that way, if you post something that’s not in your micro feed but want to syndicate it to Twitter, you can check a box to syndicate
Well the problem is I am posting twice in Twitter. I have disabled Twitter cross-posting in micro-blog and it now only posts once on Twitter but obviously it doesn't post on micro.blog
You have something else configured to cross post then. If you set up the Jetpack publicize then that is probably doing it.
I thought that too but I removed Jetpack and the only thing I have set up is Bridgy
tantek joined the channel
So I think that is posting on Twitter but no micro.blog?
if you have Checked by default then it will auto-post. Enabled then you have to manually tell it to post to Twitter
I see
So should I disable it and just use Jetpack instead?
Actually it seems to be working now
I am personally not a fan of Jetpack. If you only want to cross-post from your micro feed then I’d use the micro.blog cross posting.
I just had to give micro.blog a chance to refresh the feed
So now I have it posting to both Twitter and micro.blog but it only posts the title. Is there any way I can have Bridgy post the body of the text?
and disable any “checked by default” options in bridgy. You still would have the ability to manually post something outside of your micro feed. Install the syndication links plugin so Bridgy can see your POSSE post and backfeed any likes/replies
Micro.blog will post the title & link for articles, but 280 characters of title-less notes.
What is a note
A note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indieweb.org/note
I see
I have been posting standard posts
also usually doesn’t have a title
You can use something like the post-kinds plugin to differentiate between the various types of indieweb posts, or use the built in post formats. I think Sempress supports formats out of the box, but don’t quote me on that
Except I have note set as the default
just don’t include a title
I see
But woudn't it look funky on my website?
If your WordPress post has a "title" the syndicated versions of your notes to m.b. will use that title instead of the contents of the /note you're trying to send.
no, Sempress should be designed to support notes w/out titles
and the templates for post-kinds should improve that display
Sadly it seems like it isn't working right. https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-F8MKW02P4/screen_shot_2018-01-03_at_12.14.23_pm.png?pub_secret=62b064c78d&name=Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 12.14.23 PM.png
When I posted without a title it used a post number as the title on my site
oh, so Sempress automatically generates a title based on the post ID. That sounds like a bug to me
I will say when I go to new post i see this https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-F8M4L7TC1/screen_shot_2018-01-03_at_12.12.54_pm.png?pub_secret=17a46db414&name=Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 12.12.54 PM.png
No option for note
aside === note
I see
Let me change that
Or you could also use "Status"===note as well. (I think that Aside has more historical WordPress baggage.) Aside may also be slightly less likely to be supported in other themes if you decide to change in the future.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Or status
I generate the hash because of feed readers... any better idea?
I’ve never had an issue with my notes without a title in feeds so not sure.
What does the reader show instead?
pfefferle, the hash that is showing up in that photo is a result of micro.blog and not necessarily because of the theme.
But I generate the hash explicitly
pfefferle this is what it looks like in Evergreen https://cdn.miklb.com/Evergreen_111_2018-01-03_12-21-00.png
Ok, but mine is only showing headlines and then you can’t click it
Note still only shows the post ID
I see, micro.blog is actually expecting the rss feed to have no title value and it'll display it properly. (I think it's the only reader that handles this properly.)
I just tried status. Waiting for it to show up in the feed
I’ve only used Reeder, News Explorer and now Evergreen and haven’t had an issue with title-less notes so can’t speak to other readers
But why is that, why use the title instead of the content for a note?
I don’t use the title
Micro.blog also makes an exception for date/timestamps as titles and will strip those out of the title field to just display the status.
chrisaldrich this is weird
oh, pfefferle you meant with micro.blog
Ok, then I will use the excerpt for notes
pfefferle it's mostly weird because readers don't know how to handle the legacy of how to deal with posts without titles.
chrisaldrich sure, but why is micro.blog using the title at all?
yeah micro.blog is still using the post ID as the only text and competely ignoring the body. This goes for both status and aside posts.
I think that manton just made a quick and easy decision early on and hasn't (yet?) revisited it.
Also, Bridgy keeps popping up an error with no code. I assume it is failing to post to Twitter since nothing has transferred over there
pfefferle I think it was a design decision for bloggers that write posts on their own site to differentiate from notes/status updates
jefferydperry sure, because it uses rss, so it does not recognize which Wordpress type you used
So am I just stuck to posting on my site with just titles?
Ideally one should be able to input a title into a note or status update and micro.blog would just strip it out if there is content within the body.
Like, how am I the only one who can't get this to work
You can start adding excerpts as titles by hand and I will push an update soon
jefferydperry it’s still a little janky I agree, but once you get through the hurdles it’s pretty painless to use.
Except I just spent the past hour and a half to end up where I started
[eddie] joined the channel
You’ve learned a lot about the different parts, that should count for something 🙂
I am just frustrated
jefferydperry the trouble begins when the inputs and outputs arent' standardized amongst the 10 moving parts....
sure, and we empathize with your frustration. We appreciate your patience.
jefferydperry or you try another theme in the meantime
The nice part is that we've discovered a bug that will not only help you, but everyone else who comes along in the future.
well, maybe not a bug as I called it, just differing design decisions
Is there any themes that you recommend I use
miklb Indeed... differing design decisions....
What is Independent Publisher?
Independent Publisher is an open source responsive and modern WordPress theme that is Indieweb friendly https://indieweb.org/Independent_Publisher
jefferydperry ^^ that one is a nice one with reasonable microformats support.
I'm pretty sure it won't have the problem you'd been seeing.
downloading now
It's support for microformats and semantics isn't as sterling as pfefferle's themes, but it should fail reasonably or unnotice-ably
Anyone know how the social icons on that theme image are placed?
jefferydperry We've also been slowly modifying the wiki and documentation in the background to help others in the future too...
Is this custom html or a plguin?
Jeff, I think it does them by means of a secondary menu. So you can create a second menu and place it in the sidebar to display icons.
[raamdev] independent-publisher: A beautiful reader-focused WordPress theme, for you.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Okay. Now on to testing
jefferydperry That's also supported by many newer themes. A full walk-thru for them can be found here as well: https://en.support.wordpress.com/menus/social-links-menu/
jefferydperry I suspect that SemPress will be fixed in the next day or two if you want to move back to it (or any of the great child themes that go with it).
Well I don't see anything showing on micro.blog anymore. Is there a plugin I need for non-SemPress themes that I haven't turned on?
Shouldn't be. Sometimes I've seen m.b. slow down and not immediately post updates in real time.
I see
I've seen instances where it's taken up to an hour or more, though in practice it's usually within a minute or two.
So status works as a text post and an aside is a URL to my blog. Both are useful so I think this is working
So good news
Now I need to see what iOS app is best for quick posts on Micro.blog through my WP website.
jeffperry has 1 karma
So I essentially need a simple WP posting app
the official app is clunky IMO so maybe Drafts or Workflow?
Or should I use a markdown editor?
I think that marsedit is a paid app that should work. The developer is a friend of manton's iirc and he just pushed an update for it. https://red-sweater.com/blog/3274/marsedit-4-is-here
or Quill
doublecheck that it does what you need it to before purchasing as I don't use it and haven't in the past.
Marsedit is macOS, not iOS
I actually run everything on iOS
if you search around I think some folks have posted about using Workflow in the past...
What is Workflow?
Workflow is an iOS app used to automate various actions https://indieweb.org/Workflow
AgileTortise (developer of Drafts) is now on micro.blog and is working on a posting action for micro.blog
slinks back to my Android world....
Workflow/Quill are going to be micropub options to post from iOS if you don’t want to use the Micro.blog or WordPress iOS app. Quill will be easiest, Workflow requires a lot of hoops to jump through setting up the micropub tokens.
What is Quill?
Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Quill
you can save it to your home screen and use it as a web app, keeps you logged in so you can quickly post. Supports uploading photos from iOS.
I got the error of "missing access token"
have you installed the micropub plugin?
let me check
you can just install/activate that plugin, no configuration needed
I have it activated
missing access token, was that logging into the Quill?
access token URL http:\/\/jeffperry.blog doesn't match site http:\/\/www.jeffperry.blog or any user
That was posting after being logged in
So I tried logging in with the www. in front of it and that worked fine but posting still gives me an error
Your endpoint did not return a Location header.
See Creating a Micropub Endpoint for more information.
not sure how to troubleshoot that personally. Might want to check in #dev
I will say Workflow seems to be working fine
so I think I am just gonna use that
ah, that’s right Workflow has a way to post via XML-RPC
It's been busy in here
miklb++ for lots of help this morning
miklb has 15 karma in this channel (67 overall)
I wish I hadn't been away
miklb++ for the help
miklb has 16 karma in this channel (68 overall)
chrisaldrich++ as well
chrisaldrich has 4 karma in this channel (70 overall)
pfefferle has 11 karma in this channel (41 overall)
slow down!
https://twitter.com/i/web/status/948610954706800646 is a complaint about changing class names related to the webmention plugin (?) btw
boah, die classnames beim wp webmention plugin werden auch schneller gewechselt wie anderswo die unterhosen… jedesmal nach nem update zerhauts mir die comment darstellung
that seems to be better suited for pfefferle to respond?
Can someone translate?
see what I said, but I can translate it more precisely, one sec
"boah, the classnames from the wp webmention plugins are changed quicker than underpants elsewhere. after each update it destroys my comment display"
Google translate didn't help
what classes changed in the webmention plugin? removed the h-as-*?
And we fixed the errors of not using comment_class
The facepile wasn't using the comment class filter
Here's one last issue I am having. I have Jetpack set to use markdown syntax but when I post anything with a link it posts with the syntax there w/o it being a clickable link. It just shows as [Text](link URL).
Same goes for micro.blog
I am posting it as a status if that helps
[kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Do you have a cacheing plugin on? Sometimes that can cause issues?
[eddie], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], [tantek], tantek and [manton] joined the channel