#wordpress 2018-01-06

2018-01-06 UTC
[keithjgrant], Loqi, Kaja and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Is it possible to update a comment sent from my own site? Vaguely remember reading somewhere about some special code and spices to add? I really like posting comments from my own site, just keep making mistakes. Fine on my end, but mistakes on the other end.
sebsel joined the channel
Resending the webmention should trigger the other website to update their display of your comment, [mrkrndvs]
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Should work with WordPress Webmention installed on both sites
[ehs] joined the channel
good morning
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy]: Anything else I can answer? You know that if there is any idea that works, I will add it in.
Right now, I'm adding some crazy personal things as well. I'm supporting not only longitude and latitude, but personal weather stations.
I just started from scratch for 2018. I'll probably move my older blog posts to an archive domain. So right now I have just 20+posts to play with
So adding weather data to them is easy
Meaning I could add them manually
[xavierroy]: I'm hoping to have the first iteration done this weekend.
Also I just started using the issue post kind
Every issue I post on GitHub is manually added on my site. Maybe I will try out a issue view later
🐛 Issue 72: Order of Syndicated Links
That's a hard one
You mean fixing that?
It's can always be reordered manually
The code doesn't know which links might be added
would a custom order that is always applied be possible and a useful start?
I will see, it just requires a change. I have to think about how to do it
Right now, it takes an arbitrary array of links and tries to match them to icons.
Since the code doesn't know what might come in, how do I order?
So, it looks at nothing
Maybe if there is an existing data in the field, append new data?
It does, but back to display vs storage
Think of it this way
I have a list of links
The links are displayed in the order they're stored right
How are you suggesting that I reorder them? Based on what parameters?
You are suggesting based on post type
Can you map that out in the issue? In a sentence or two?
No. I had an existing link to letterboxd added manually. Then I selected bridgy publish to Twitter and FB. What happens is that the letterboxd links is pushed to the bottom. what I was expecting was that Twitter or Facebook link to be appended after my manual link
So, you want manual links prioritized over automatic ones?
That is a bit different.
I was envisioning having to put in a prioritization by type UI
No, that would be too complex 😀 unless you've already thought of doing that.
I really don't want to do that right now. I am not closing the door on it, but..
Either way, I am on weather at the moment, but I got someone their Untappd icon, so they can go have a beer till I get back to Syndication
[miklb] joined the channel
xavierroy I started playing around with silo.pub and the GitHub integration. I have a manual action on my laptop that takes the active tab in safari and posts a like to my site w/micropub & sends a ping to the silo.pub endpoint to star the repo. Once I figure out how to make that a micropub syndicate-to action would be able to use that to reply and create issues too.
all natively on our sites and POSSE to GitHub
Hello, [miklb]
What are you up to today?
I need to fix the likes not displaying on my site, and I still need to get my live site set up with multi-site. We’ll see what I get accomplished today.
I have weather still
I also want to re-read that issue thread before Monday. Should we confirm with everyone?
But taking a break to clean my closet
miklb, it's 3pm eastern, right m
let me double check, we said 20:00 GMT
Isn't that 3?
We should have an indie event
sure. I thought about it but think at time we decided it wasn’t necessary. But I can try creating one or if you want to do it go for it.
I’ve only RSVP to one event, so don’t have a lot of experience with them.
I am getting better
miklb, my goal is to release weather support before the meeting
Well, at least first iteration
[snarfed] joined the channel
Snarfed on slack, that's atypical
oh, I’m beta testing a WordPress plugin to sync your gist on your site. I’m pretty stoked about that.
[mAAdhaTTah] wp-gistpen: A self-hosted alternative to putting your code snippets on Gist.
beta testing 2.0 and all seems well. I had issues with the early beta. Only need to figure out how to get the gists to display in the theme, but it’s all working in admin
UI is little odd to get used to
GWG, [kevinmarks], [miklb], tantek and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
ICYMI, lots of good points here worth keeping in mind: https://johnathan.org/2018/01/from-ghost-to-wordpress.html
From Ghost to WordPress
gistpen plugin working https://miklb.com/gistpens/3126-2/ still in beta, but I’m excited to start posting the code 1st to my site & then POSSE to GitHub gist.
Unspam Webmentions
probably will need to create custom templates for better mf2 on those
Kyle-K, [kevinmarks] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Inspired by Clint Lalonde https://edtechfactotum.com/blog/reclaiming-the-edtechfactotum-newsletter/ I think I am going to try and make the move my monthly newsletter away from TinyLetter. Anyone else have similar experiences using WordPress for this and what 'Post Kind' would be best to use?
Mailchimp does a decent job turning an RSS feed into emails
so you can just use regular blog posts in wordpress, put them in a category, then give that category's RSS feed to Mailchimp
what is a newsletter
This Week in the IndieWeb is a weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/newsletter
that seems worthy of documenting as a "how to"