#wordpress 2018-01-07
2018-01-07 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek, sebsel, mblaney, wagle, chegalabonga, raretrack, davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
devsl and tantek joined the channel
devsl Hi :)
devsl I got all of the plugins, but can’t find any settings, except for maybe Bridgy
devsl Any tips?
devsl I installed IndieWeb, Webmention, Semantic Callbacks, Syndication Links, Micropub and Bridgy Publish
devsl I want to set up Webmention and Micropub for my site, so I can use it with Micro.blog, but can’t figure out what to do exactly
devsl This is the site: slsrepo.com
devsl Micro.blog posts are on slsrepo.com/category/micro-blog-posts
devsl how do I know what is my Micropub token?
devsl My Micro.blog is linked to my WordPress, so new posts on WordPress show up on Micro.blog
devsl It’s pulling the posts from WordPress with my RSS/JSON Feed
devsl But to post from a third party app I need my Micropub token
devsl Micron for Micro.blog
devsl chrislopez.micro.blog/micron/
devsl You should definitely sign up for Micro.blog, It’s a great service with a really nice (but currently small) community and it’s very open.
devsl I can send you a screenshot of the app, since it’s currently in beta
devsl the Micron app, that is
devsl if I want to publish to a site other than a hosted micro.blog, I need a URL and Micropub token for that
Loqi gimme a token is a helper to obtain a an access token from your IndieAuth endpoint: https://gimme-a-token.5eb.nl/ https://indieweb.org/gimme_a_token

devsl I can suggest that for him - he is very fast at fixing bugs/implementing new features
devsl It’s completely free for WordPress/Tumblr/Movable Type/Any other site that outputs RSS/JSON feeds
devsl I think I confused you a bit
devsl Micro.blog itself doesn’t need the token, it fetches it for you
devsl you just need a feed to add posts to the site without a hosted micro.blog
devsl but that Micron app I’m beta testing asks for a token
devsl What do I fill in the Auth field of Gimme a token?
devsl no idea :P
devsl the tokens in the account settings of micro.blog is just application passwords
devsl the tokens in the account settings of micro.blog is just application passwords
devsl since micro.blog doesn’t use password for user login, when you want to use a third party app you need an app password
devsl I need a token generated for my WordPress site
devsl I need a token generated for my WordPress site
devsl why are my posts sent twice?
devsl my messages, not posts
devsl seems like it’s fixed
devsl sure
devsl suggest away
GWG There's a reference Micropub client at http://quill.p3k.io/ - Give it a shot quickly to see how the server part works for you. It does the token hunt seamlessly, and is a good comparison
devsl btw, I tried gimme a token, the page at IndieAuth says micro.blog can’t be used for auth
devsl Just tried quill
devsl It won’t create the post - it says 401
devsl I did get the token generated from gimme a token
devsl I need to use the access token part?
devsl yep
devsl oh I see the problem
devsl oh I see the problem
devsl I used http://slsrepo.com and my site is https://slsrepo.com
devsl yeah, I redirect the http to https
devsl and wordpress is on the https
devsl I use the rel=me link to twitter as http though
devsl I found your profile on Micro.blog, I see you are jewish :)
devsl I found your profile on Micro.blog, I see you are jewish :)
devsl I am too :)
devsl I am too :)
devsl Yeah it imported a lot of things :)
devsl Yeah it imported a lot of things :)
devsl Yeah it imported a lot of things :)
tantek joined the channel
devsl I’m gonna try the webmentions after I finish the Micropub :)
devsl So, with the token I got from gimme-a-token
devsl I need just the access token part? or the whole thing?
devsl me=http%3A%2F%2Fslsrepo.com%2F&scope=create+update&access_token=alotoflettersandnumbers
devsl this is what I got
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
devsl so, Micron doesn’t support pasting that access token, I need to manually type it in >.<
doubleloop[m] joined the channel
devsl About Webmentions, I replied to my test post, but I don’t see anything - do I need to configure bridge?
devsl bridgy
devsl Haven’t written the entire token in yet, so don’t know if it works
devsl On Micro.blog
devsl You can see it on my profile - Micro.blog/devsl
devsl and on the website, https://slsrepo.com/micro-blog-posts/68806
devsl the post on the site is the first post
devsl I see it doesn’t show up on the website
devsl It shows up on the apps, not on the Micro.blog website
devsl wait
devsl nope, don’t see it
devsl I think it does, but can’t see where to get it
devsl also, followup on micropub, Micron didn’t work with it, said the details are invalid
devsl I guess the issue is the same as it was with Quill
devsl how should I fix it?
devsl you mean on twitter?
devsl on my WordPress profile it shows up
devsl on my WordPress profile it shows up
devsl followup on web mention - I got them!
devsl they showed up in my comments to approve screen
devsl sweet :)
devsl look at my page now
devsl slsrepo.com/micro-blog-posts/68806
Loqi devsl says:
January 7, 2018 at 23:15
@devsl test https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bfc348ea5d143e017e0d78c12b0aef10?s=96

devsl yep :)
devsl the two replies went in :)
tantek joined the channel
devsl great, so the webmentions are working :)
devsl Now, about micropub, what did say about the wordpress profile?
devsl I have twitter showing up there
devsl yes, my website is the url with the https
devsl on the profile, the website address is the site address with https
devsl what’s next?
tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
devsl cool, so, Quill worked
devsl but Micron still claims it’s invalid.
devsl I’ll handle that with the developer :)
devsl I’ll let him know - and request to make the app make the whole token generation :)
devsl so, what do I need more?
devsl can you explain to me what each plugin does exactly?
devsl now that I got Micropub and Webmentions working (and by the looks of it, IndieAuth is working too), what other things do I need to make my site fully IndieWeb compatible?
devsl What each plugin does?
devsl What each plugin does?
devsl Webmentions and Micropub, covered
devsl Syndication Links, Semantic Callbacks? Bridgy Publish?
devsl like the OwnYourGram site?
devsl Import instagram posts to my site?
devsl so the Publish plugin is for cross-posting? similar to JetPack Publicize?
drkokandy joined the channel
devsl I saw the site
devsl ok
devsl How is Bridgy different than Webmentions if it imports my likes/replies?
devsl oh ok
devsl got it :)
devsl what are Post Kinds, Microformats2, Simple Location?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Post Kinds, Microformats2, Simple Location" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Post Kinds, Microformats2, Simple Location is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
devsl What are Microformats? those h-entry, h-card things?
Loqi microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumes, recipes etc https://indieweb.org/microformats

devsl So, I can add it to the theme without handling with the theme code? my theme is a mess :P
devsl I’m just lazy when it comes to working on it
devsl I mostly work on my iOS apps
devsl So, I should write that support in my theme :)
devsl In what ways can you help with that?
devsl ah ok
devsl my theme isn’t open source though
devsl If you want, I can send you the code
devsl where/how to send it?
devsl do you have dropbox? I can set up a shared folder
devsl what would be the best way to send it to you?
devsl Oh ok
devsl What is the email I should send it to?
devsl shared folder or zip file?
devsl what do you prefer?
devsl Sent
devsl Did you get it?
devsl yes it is :P
devsl I’m a night owl, occasionally
devsl Well, not really, but if we can keep it, cool, if not, well, fine
devsl It was made back, around 6 years ago
devsl As I told you
devsl I really need to clean it up
devsl I really need to clean it up
devsl yeah
devsl yeah
devsl 4.9.1
devsl 4.9.1
devsl and my PHP Version on the server is 7.1.7
devsl if you can clean it up, remove all the “gconverter” mentions etc, would be great
devsl if you can clean it up, remove all the “gconverter” mentions etc, would be great
devsl It was a huge mistake
devsl I really like my theme and it works great for me too, I just wanna clean up the code so It would be less of an headache to edit - and maybe make the site faster
devsl that gconverter thing, I originally used the them on Drupal and didn’t have a lot of time to rewrite the theme when I moved the site to WordPress, so I used this “gconverter” conversion service - which worked but the code is not covered in this
devsl *theme instead of them
devsl I’m willing to pay :)
devsl but alright
devsl but alright
devsl if you can just add the microformats, it would be great
devsl I need to set some time aside and rewrite the theme to also support these micro.blog posts better
devsl I totally get you, I’m a developer too
devsl I totally get you, I’m a developer too
devsl It’s just that it’s a massive thing, so, don’t wanna take your time off other projects with no gain
devsl oh nice
devsl I make apps that I want to use, then I just continue to modify it to fill the needs of users who liked it :)
devsl I’m doing iOS apps mainly
devsl for example, I made my browser app, Browsy, just so I can have an easy to use, nice for reading and writing browser
devsl but then people used it for “kiosk modes”, for presentations, for museum exhibits, etc, so I added some features to it
devsl yeah I heard
devsl yeah I heard
devsl I heard it was -40 celsius yesterday on the US, with at least 19 casualties
devsl I heard it was -40 celsius yesterday on the US, with at least 19 casualties
devsl sounds insane and scary - weather here is casual, never to high, never to low
devsl it’s 9 degrees here
devsl not to high, not to low, It’s around 4-40 celsius
devsl not to high, not to low, It’s around 4-40 celsius
devsl 4 and 40 are rare though
devsl 4 and 40 are rare though
devsl winter is around 10-20, summer is like 20-35
devsl Oh nice hehe
devsl Oh nice hehe
devsl a nice coincidence, but it’s where I live :P
devsl I mean, the exact city :P
devsl I mean, the exact city :P
devsl oh :)
devsl I’m currently also working on a text editor and file previewer
devsl I made a weather web app a few years ago
devsl maybe some of it’s code could be of use to your weather work
devsl slsrepo.com/sosweather
devsl It’s in Python
devsl the source code is on my site, on the Products page
devsl supports english and hebrew
devsl sorry, add a trailing /
devsl what browser are you using?
devsl what browser are you using?
devsl does it support asking your location?
devsl oh wierd
devsl weird
devsl the first page is intentionally blank, it asks for your location services then forwards you to the weather page according to the coordinates it picked up
devsl if it’s still blank it failed to pick it up
devsl Works fine for me in Safari and Chrome
devsl Don’t have Firefox handy
tantek joined the channel