#wordpress 2018-01-08
2018-01-08 UTC
devsl Anyway, if you know Python, as I said, the code is on the site :)
devsl It’s Python 2.7, not 3
devsl What just happened?
devsl Why did the chat history got wiped out?
devsl ah I’m on the website
devsl chat.indieweb.org
devsl Did you get that download link?
[miklb] joined the channel
devsl cool, if it helps you, great :)
doubleloop[m] joined the channel
devsl you are still working on the microformats?
devsl Oh ok :)
devsl question, is Syndication Links currently online on my site?
devsl I mean, the plugin is enabled
devsl but does it show up?
devsl joined the channel
devsl So, I’m going to sleep
devsl If you are still here David, have a good rest of the day
devsl I assume you have my email in case you finish the microformats work
devsl and thanks for everything :)
devsl and thanks for everything :)
devsl I’ll check back here tomorrow maybe :)
devsl bye for now :)
[kevinmarks], tantek, hobbsome, Kyle-K, gyejyjytr, sebsel, snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel
snarfed also https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30 is probably required reading for prep, hopefully we'll come out of this mtg with a choice of solution
[miklb] For everyone else reading along https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30 is what we hope to finalize a solution for

snarfed joined the channel
[miklb] re-reading that thread, I’m still not sure the options on the table. Seems still a big divide between having a one true source plugin for all things mf2 (be it the IW plugin or the uf2) or no central plugin directing traffic and the onus is on theme and plugin developers to navigate the traffic signals of who gets to display what.

snarfed and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Hey hey, i am very sorry, but I cannot attend the discussion today 😔

snarfed np though! we're still planning to choose and try to commit to a solution from the candidates in https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30 . hopefully you won't mind if we do that without you :P
[pfefferle] Sorry, but I am feeling really sick today

[pfefferle] Perhaps I will be able to sporadically follow the discussion

[pfefferle] Thanks

[pfefferle] Sure, I hope you will find a first conclusion today!

raretrack joined the channel
[miklb] I could see merging the uf2 plugin and semantic linkbacks into the IW plugin so the webmention plugin could stay just the protocol. If a theme supports mf2, then the IW plugin ignores outputting mf2. However, if someone doesn’t realize they *need* mf2 basic support is there out of the box.

snarfed joined the channel
snarfed currently discussing https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30#issuecomment-312375228
Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Bridgy stats update https://snarfed.org/bridgy_stats/2018/costs_vs_users_thumb.png

chrisaldrich joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
[miklb] as a wrap up, my understanding is that this approach https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30#issuecomment-312375228 will be adopted and snarfed will implement 1st in micropub

[miklb] from the user standpoint, we discussed how we can better merge/bundle the base plugins necessary for basic IW experience. kraftbj suggested looking at the install numbers on wp.org for the IW plugins to get an idea of what plugins are most active to start with as candidates for merge/bundling. With a longer term goal of sketching out UI and workflow for a wizard to help users get up and running with the least painless UX

Loqi [snarfed] woo! [we all met today](https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/2018-01-08#t1515434882982000) and agreed to try out this proposal: https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/30#issuecomment-312375228 . i'll do a first pass at it in the micropub plu...

tantek, [colinwalker] and globbot joined the channel; snarfed left the channel
globbot channel logging requested by tantek: https://freenode.logbot.info/indieweb-wordpress
[aaronpk], chrisaldrich and Ruxton joined the channel