#wordpress 2018-01-09

2018-01-09 UTC
zb111, [kevinmarks], zb111_ and [lowbar77] joined the channel
welcome [lowbar77]!
Ok, did I find the right group?
Great, thanks
yes you did!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
lowbar77 let us know if you need any help
Thanks, just thought I would install slack locally, so I don't have to use the web client
Yeah, I would like to learn more about the syndication stuff you guys use to pull in stuff from the larger social sites
I will run over and get my wordpress setup, I blew it away a while back and just haven't gotten it back up and running again.
lowbar77 For the syndication out from WordPress there's: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins#POSSE_Plugins
For the comments/likes/etc coming back it's called backfeed and most use Brid.gy
What is backfeed?
Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
What is WordPress with Bridgy?
WordPress with Bridgy is a work-in-progress guide for how to setup your WordPress blog to work with Bridgy to both backfeed (have social media likes, replies, reposts show up on your original posts) and POSSE (cross-post your posts to social media) https://indieweb.org/WordPress_with_Bridgy
[asuh] joined the channel
I’ve found the POSSE capability using Bridgy Publish WordPress plugin to Facebook to be buggy but it worked as expected with Twitter
asuh Which part was buggy? In what way?
Do you have an example?
zb111 joined the channel
I think my bug was because I was testing out whether a private post could still be syndicated to Facebook and when I went to publish, nothing happened. I checked to make sure the setting was enabled in the Dashboard, I also verified that I connected to Facebook via Brid.gy.
Very Interesting
I suspect it wouldn't do private posts. I know there was some work being done on returning errors though.
[dshanske] bridgy-publish: Bridgy Publish for WordPress
Good idea, I hadn’t gotten around to it yet because I wanted to do more testing before I jumped the gun on filing an issue
You can also go to https://brid.gy/facebook/10104483806053896 and put your URL in and click the Preview button to see what the post should look like on Facebook.
asuh Should we do a Homebrew Website Club meetup in the Pasadena area soon?
When is the next HWC?
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! https://indieweb.org/next-hwc
Maybe on Wed Jan 24?
Yeah, I know what I’m hoping for with Brid.gy is complicated by the fact that a post isn’t publicly exposed and thus wouldn’t easily be found on Facebook. I post very little public posts in Facebook as it is, most are tailored to my friend’s list on purpose. So I was curious to see how this functionality worked
and yeah, a HWC meetup would be good. The 24th looks good for me
I've tinkered a bit with those limited audience types of posts before. Generally bridgy respects the privacy in both directions, so if a post isn't public bridgy won't do much if anything with it.
I'll see if I can lock down a reasonable location and set it up in the next day or two. I'll POSSE it to the meetup group so you should see it there.
Sounds good 👍
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[snarfed] #53 tell users that bridgy can't publish private posts
snarfed++ for excessive user support
snarfed has 3 karma in this channel (330 overall)
looks like snarfed is painfully under karma'd...
what are you doing Loqi eating it when no one is looking?
ha! i suppose he’s the authority to report that bug so i’m okay with that 🙂
Yes, but that just means he's not building the next great thing I'm surely going to wish I'd had all along... ;)
[asuh] joined the channel
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T03QR2B2T-F8Q2RQE2Z/wordpress-formats.png?pub_secret=0c46b4b0f1&name=wordpress-formats.png I understand that not all themes support these formats, and I realize that post kinds are related, but is there any relationship between these formats and the post kinds?
[asuh]: Post Kinds is meant to be a replacement for Post Formats
I wondered about this and hadn’t seen anything formally stating this on Indieweb
[David Shanske] Description Post Kinds adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites using the standards developed by the IndieWeb by implementing kinds of posts. It can also distinguish certain types of passive posts in a manner similar to pos...
"While it can work alongside post formats, it is recommended as a replacement as it functions in a similar manner."
Is that on the Indieweb website? I guess I missed it
I was solely doing research there
[asuh]: No, on the WordPress plugin page
right, I do see it there
tantek joined the channel
Maybe should be more explicit
Ah, I do see it but I didn’t see “replace”
I’m currently trying out ZenPress and it still offers the Post Formats but I’d say as a regular end-user that would confuse me. In order to post, the default “Standard” format radio button is always checked. But then I have to scroll down to Post Kinds in order to choose that format. This makes me think they are either related to each other or compete and it’s not clear which would win.
I know that I talked to pfefferle about supporting them.
I suppose Post Kinds doesn’t have a way to “take over” the Format widget
Or it can’t be moved just below the Publish widget on the right side of the edit page
[asuh]: It can forcibly disable it, but that seemed heavy handed
I wasn’t thinking disable, but rename and add to
[asuh]: You can't add so easily.
Seems like the Post Kinds plugin could combine itself into the Formats area and just rewrite the title to Post Kinds since that’s the Indieweb term for it.
Instead of there being a Formats widget and Post Kinds widget
[asuh]: I never quite understood why someone would want both of them.
I agree
For people who do, I do set the post format based on the post kind
Yeah and it makes me wonder if the post format will ever supercede the post kind
WordPress has pretty much abandoned the post format
But perhaps I should reconsider disabling the post format selection box.
I didn't realize that, interesting
tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG supporting what?
good morning
rise and shine!
GWG I thought we only discussed the output, not the create/edit section
[asuh] joined the channel
pfefferle I believe he was talking about supporting Post Formats alongside Post Kinds
sure but I didn’t know that I have to implement something for that
My confusion stemmed from seeing both Post Formats and Post Kinds, not understanding their relationship to each other
me neither 😉
For the themes which still support Post Formats, it was weird to see two widget boxes with similar types/kinds/formats
and both widgets have a default type/kind/format selected
If Post Kinds should replace Post Formats, it makes sense to hide Post Formats on any theme that supports them.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
In practice, the only theme that does this is GWG's fork of the 2016 theme. Here's the spot where he does it in code if you want to replicate it on your site: https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/commit/07e084fc16b90866f06ebe43cbdf7cc7e8dd872d
I don't mind using both formats and kinds simultaneously as it gives me some additional archive pages for sorting data and providing feeds. Generally I use the admin UI to hide the meta box for the Post Formats though.
As someone relatively new to this, I agree with you that the additional formats are convenient to use if needed. The fact that both widgets have a radio button enabled, it doesn’t seem intuitive what they’re doing. Post Formats has “Image” and Post Kinds has “Photo”. That right there doesn’t make sense to me.
but why isn’t post formats doing it
ah, he completely removes it
ok, I won’t do that!
but as asuh said, these are all widgets that can be hided… so why not hide it when install Post Kinds?
gRegorLove, [colinwalker], [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], tantek, [cleverdevil], [mail], raretrack and chrisaldrich joined the channel
It seems to me like there was an ability to prefer Post Kinds over Post Formats in the settings, but I'm not seeing it now.
Post Kinds also tries to automatically set the appropriate Post Format when the post is saved, so one can typically ignore post formats or hide them within the UI so as not to worry
tantek, [tantek] and [miklb] joined the channel
I think I am close to solving the design for last known location
miklb, can I bounce this off you?
So, in user meta I will be storing geo_longitude, latitude, address, and public, per the WordPress geodata specification
There are two modes
One is that this functions as last seen.
So when you post, it updates this field for the author
The other is the reverse configuration, where it acts as default or current location.
In an aaronpk type configuration, any post goes out and pulls his current location from an outside server
I need to account for that as a future possibility, but not implement it
So, with all that in mind, declaring the user meta location status as last seen and storing the last location enabled post id makes sense
how would it work if you don’t have an outside server to pull from?
Default text only location unless set for the post or no default
and how would you set it for the post? Manual input of location or using the simple location GUI?
I already have that interface in the UI
ah, OK. So yeah, makes sense what you are describing
But if default is set...it would fill in, let's say New York, USA for me
So, the future enhancement is it queries for my location instead of setting it by default
I just have to get the configuration settings options right
Like...use default location if not set...and such