2018-01-12 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:26 GWG I will use these karma points to power my karma machine
j12t, tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 02:47 Loqi gwg has 38 karma in this channel (301 overall)
# 02:47 GWG [chrisaldrich]: I'm crossing another issue off the list
# 02:47 Loqi [dshanske] #37 Admin filter for location in posts and comments
tantek, sebsel, doubleloop[m], [xavierroy], jeremycherfas, [sebsel], Loqi, [mlopatka], [eddie], [colinwalker], [kevinmarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:45 Loqi dshanske has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
# 16:45 Loqi gwg has 39 karma in this channel (302 overall)
tantek joined the channel
# 16:52 [xavierroy] Would commenting out lines 117-119 in class-weather-provider-openweathermap.php do the trick?
# 18:05 GWG There is a section for Celsius. But I forgot to add a UI for it.
sebsel, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
# 18:18 [miklb] GWG did I read you aren’t using post kinds currently?
[colinwalker] joined the channel
# 18:19 GWG I'm not using Bridgy Publish currently
# 18:19 [miklb] I thought I saw it reading a scroll back in last week. Ah, that was it.
# 18:20 GWG I wish I was. But I can't find any POSSE plugin that works perfectly. I need to put in some effort.
# 18:23 GWG I was going to leave Simple Location alone and do some other things for a bit, but I need to go back in and add metric.
# 18:37 [miklb] I’m trying to tighten a few things up on my existing theme so I can move forward with all of my other plans, all while searching for work, so literally all over the place currently
# 18:38 GWG But I feel I can't leave the metric thing alone for other people.
# 18:38 GWG So I'll do that today and release 3.3.1. It's a quick fix
# 18:44 GWG After that, I see a few issues in other plugins I want to quickly fix before moving to something new
# 18:45 GWG I have a few Bridgy Publish errors I might be able to quickly fix.
# 18:45 GWG I need to add flushing rewrite rules on plugin activation to Post Kinds and support for Checked-in-by.
# 18:46 GWG Syndication Links has an open issue about error logging
# 18:46 GWG And I still need to finish Indieauth
# 18:47 GWG And fix Micropub's lack of JSON Indieauth support
tantek joined the channel
# 18:58 [miklb] I’m also going to be digging into the micropub syndication stuff. It’s really holding me back from what I want to accomplish, so I’m just going to roll up my sleeves.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
# 19:09 [miklb] I want to map certain urls to actions so if I use micropub to like something, and it’s a Twitter URL it knows to use the bridgy-tweet syndication, likewise, for GitHub urls and likes/stars. As a start.
j12t, j12t_, j12t__, j12t___, [kevinmarks], [keithjgrant], petermolnar, [mrkrndvs], tantek and [colinwalker] joined the channel