2018-01-13 UTC
[keithjgrant], tantek, [miklb], chrisaldrich, gRegorLove, [kevinmarks] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 12:58 [mrkrndvs] GWG I left post kinds deactivated on my long form blog as I only use one kind, but now realise I should still use it to add various microformats etc?
# 12:58 [mrkrndvs] Is there any way of bulk applying the article kind to all my past posts?
# 13:00 GWG There is no markup for articles. You'd be fine
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 14:47 [mrkrndvs] So @GWG should I just deactivate the plugin as it serves no purpose for an article based blog?
[miklb], [kevinmarks], drkokandy, [cleverdevil], tantek, [chrisaldrich] and [stefp] joined the channel
# 22:33 [stefp] The Retrieve tabs in Post Kinds have stopped working in any of my Mac browsers.
# 22:36 GWG [stefp]: That is unfortunate. Any error message?
# 22:49 [stefp] This is in the Safari Javascript Console for each tab.
# 22:49 [stefp] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
# 23:03 [stefp] wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/tabs/time.js?ver=2.7.6
# 23:04 [stefp] wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/tabs/jquery.timepicker.min.js?ver=2.7.6
# 23:04 [stefp] wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/tabs/retrieve.js?ver=2.7.6
# 23:04 [stefp] wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/tabs/tabs.js?ver=2.7.6
# 23:05 GWG Wonder why it isn't finding them.
# 23:05 GWG Try to navigate to them to see if it can retrieve them
# 23:07 [stefp] the plugin folder on my server has “master” in its name
# 23:08 [stefp] could that be the reason?
# 23:08 GWG [stefp]: You installed from the Github repo rather than wordpress.org?
# 23:08 GWG That might be the reason. But it shouldn't be hard-coded. I'll check that
# 23:10 [stefp] That was the problem
# 23:10 [stefp] I changed it and its working again
# 23:11 [stefp] so the path to the files was wrong
# 23:12 GWG No. I shouldn't have hardcoded the name
# 23:12 GWG I'm fixing it now for the next version before I forget
# 23:14 [stefp] at least it was something simple
# 23:14 GWG It's in stable for the next time I release a version
[miklb] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel