#wordpress 2018-01-15
2018-01-15 UTC
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[tantek], [jeremycherfas] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] good morning

jeremycherfas, [kevinmarks], [tantek] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] what do you mean?

[pfefferle] so that multiple users can login to one wordpress with different indieauth urlsß

[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] that is the current code

GWG The spec says I could use /author/?????
[pfefferle] yes, but you do not want to use the profile page to loginin to the site you have the author page…

[pfefferle] that is kind of an infinate loop

[pfefferle] and if you use a profile page of a different site, it is working again

aaronparecki.com edited /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin (+2143) "add brainstorming section for different use cases" (view diff)

aaronpk joined the channel
[pfefferle] using notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle to login to notiz.blog does not make sense

[pfefferle] ah sorry, you mean a mechanism to match a profile link to a username automattically?

[pfefferle] oh, that is no good idea

[pfefferle] I can generate any author page in my site, so this is very risky

[pfefferle] notiz.blog/author/dshanske should not be able to login as dshanske on your blog

[pfefferle] only if you whitelisted the page

[pfefferle] aaronpk, sure and that is currently used

[pfefferle] aaronpk as far as I understand GWG he wants a mechanism to automatch URLs to users without configuration!?

[pfefferle] ???

[pfefferle] now I am also confused

[pfefferle] can you make an example with URLs GWG

[pfefferle] ???

[pfefferle] but as I said, why would I like to login to my site with a URL on the same site?

[pfefferle] in the end I have to type in my password

[pfefferle] but this only makes sense, if you use indieauth.com

[pfefferle] sure

[pfefferle] sure, but we are not discussing RelMeAuth do we?

[pfefferle] and for IndieAuth it makes no sense

aaronpk agreed it makes no sense for indieauth, which is why the second use case I listed is phrased totally differently https://indieweb.org/Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin#Logging_in_to_a_multi-user_Wordpress_site_via_IndieAuth

[pfefferle] sorry, havent read the Wiki

aaronpk that second use case would let you log in to notiz.blog using the identity https://pfefferle.org/

[pfefferle] GWG if I go to notiz.blog and use notiz.blog/author/pfefferle to login, the site checks the authentication server and finds that it’s notiz.blog, so I will be redirected to notiz.blog to authenticate… that makes no sense…

[pfefferle] aaronpk that is how I implemented it currently

[pfefferle] GWG as aaronpk mentioned, it is OK for rel-me-auth, but we should handle this different from IndieAuth

[pfefferle] we can always trigger a rel-me-auth/indieauth.com login if it is the same domain, as the blog-domain

[pfefferle] GWG but that is what I said

[pfefferle] if I go to notiz.blog and use notiz.blog/author/pfefferle to login, the site checks the authentication server and finds that it’s notiz.blog, so I will be redirected to notiz.blog to authenticate… that makes no sense…

[pfefferle] with indieauth.com

[pfefferle] so yes

[pfefferle] and no 😉

[pfefferle] no, if the site uses IndieAuth, then no

[pfefferle] sknebel true, that’s why it do not always use rel-me.-auth

[pfefferle] 😞

snarfed joined the channel
snarfed morning GWG! re https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-micropub/issues/99 ...odd, i don't actually see headers get replaced with the current code. e.g. it currently happily outputs multiple Link headers right now
[pfefferle] me neither

[pfefferle] but it is only for the same rel

[pfefferle] that means, if you have multiple authentication provider for example

[pfefferle] I had the issue when using multiple “hub” header for websub

[pfefferle] perhaps GWG found out, while working on the IndieAuth plugin…

[kevinmarks], snarfed and gRegorLove joined the channel; snarfed left the channel
david.shanske.com edited /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin (+408) "/* Logging in to a single-user Wordpress via RelMeAuth */" (view diff)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
raretrack and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel