[miklb]So yeah, the plugin already supported a hardcoded use of indieauth.com, you’ve changed that to be a admin option to change the endpoint (I think).
aaronpkif what you've done so far is let the admin change indieauth.com to some other service, then what you've actually done is given the plugin the flexibility to use other web-sign-in services. not added indieauth support per se. that's all good, but what that essentially means is it mirrors the indieweb wiki where I didn't want to write RelMeAuth/IndieAuth code as a mediawiki plugin so I offloaded
aaronpkif you want to really add IndieAuth support then that's where the authorization_endpoint discovery comes in. but in order to do that well, you're going to need to document all the permutations of user profile URLs that you might encounter in this, including where there is a single-user site where the home page of the site is the user's URL, the single-user site where there's a second external URL
aaronpkas the user's URL, a multi-user site where some peoples' URLs are external and others are the /author/username URLs local to wordpress, some of which may have an authorization_endpoint defined and others which only have RelMeAuth set up
aaronpkwhat I was trying to do with that page was document each combination of things so you'd have a list to work from to check that each is supported
aaronpkI really don't think you should do anything on the authorization side until you build in an authorization endpoint and token endpoint into the plugin
[miklb]but that still sounds like a micropub plugin issue, separate from the IndieAuth plugin. Conflating the two seems to complicate things to me at least.
[xavierroy]Depends on how people use it. For my needs, I find using PK tags useful as I also use it to add other metadata like isbn numbers or ratings for say book data
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