#wordpress 2018-01-17

2018-01-17 UTC
[eddie], EmreSokullu, [joe], jeremycherfas, ben_thatmustbeme, [kevinmarks], brokaw and [xavierroy] joined the channel
EmreSokullu, [tantek], [miklb], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], gRegorLove and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
I have been wondering about syndication links, is it possible to syndicate a 'Like' from a Jetpack/WordPress.com site?
[mrkrndvs]: The link is just a record of syndication
mrkrndvs do you mean can you like something with Jetpack/WP.com and have it show on your site,?
[mrkrndvs]: We have a request in to Jetpack to store the links somewhere so we can display them
I should ask kraftbj about that
Yep miklb, Jetpack. Was wondering if I could add a link of a record?
So GWG I assume that is a no at present
[mrkrndvs]: Manually yes, but automatically, not yet
How do I do it manually, where do I find a link to the record
[kraftbj] #7359 Publicize: Store the syndicated URLs on the local site
it is all jargon-y but a “syndication link” in IndieWeb parlance is the link(s) to your POSSE posts, i.e. if you send a note to Twitter from your site, that link to the tweet is the syndication link
The link helps people discover other places things are.
ah, I see. I don’t use Jetpack so didn’t realize it can send stuff. I thought you meant if you like something on a wp.com blog, have it show back up on your site.