2018-01-22 UTC
# 00:00 GWG Umm..its not webmentions for comments, it is the old Webmention form plugin
[kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
# 00:40 [miklb] “Be sure to disable the old webmention-for-comments plugin”
# 00:42 GWG I think so. I had the same initial reaction
# 00:47 GWG Excited though. I have a token endpoint now.
# 00:48 GWG I have an issue to fix. For some reason, the default isn't working
# 00:50 GWG miklb, do you have any ideas re token endpoints?
[eddie] joined the channel
# 00:51 [miklb] I mean, I get the gist of it, but not something I’ve done anything with code wise
[colinwalker] joined the channel
# 00:52 GWG I misunderstood too initially, as I said.
# 00:54 GWG What about you, colinwalker? Token endpoint wishes?
# 00:54 [miklb] GWG I was curious if it would be good to test IndieAuth on indiewp.com for logging in since we could use our own domains, assuming that is a goal
# 00:55 GWG miklb, you need an authorization Endpoint.
# 00:56 [miklb] OK. Then I’m still confused on what exactly you building. I’m just going to sit back and wait 🙂
# 00:59 GWG miklb, Indieauth has two servers. Token issues access tokens to login to your account. Authorization IDs you to your site. Combine them, the authorization Endpoint identifies you and authorizes the token endpoint to issue a token.
# 01:01 [miklb] I’ll just wait until its done and maybe it will make sense
# 01:02 GWG Okay. I am still using aaronpk's authorization Endpoint and o
# 01:02 GWG would like to get off his stuff and into an internal one.
# 01:03 GWG Imagine logging into Quill with the WordPress login page.
# 01:03 [colinwalker] So ultimately we could have our own site acting and token and auth server?
# 01:03 [miklb] not really. If you still won’t be able to login to your own site with IndieAuth with what you are building, then I’m not sure what is new.
# 01:04 GWG miklb, why do you want log into your own site with Indieauth? You have a login page already. What would be different?
# 01:04 [miklb] I do understand that is the direction you are moving.
# 01:05 GWG colinwalker, I have the endpoint. It will be ready after a few more tweaks.
# 01:07 [miklb] You don’t login to Quill or the wiki with a username/password, you use Twitter/GitHub or similar. I thought the idea was to be able to login to your own site in the same fashion. Sounds like I’m off base. Which is good to clarify.
# 01:08 GWG milkb, the Indieauth plugin will still optionally do that if you want
# 01:09 GWG But Indieauth.com uses relmeauth to login via GitHub or Twitter.
# 01:09 GWG That isn't part of Indieauth, that is just how Indieauth
# 01:11 [miklb] I currently have 2FA/one time password configured on my WP site along with standard WP login. I’m just trying to understand what is being built. But I have plenty of projects I’m working on, so I’m excited to sit back and wait for the finished project.
# 01:12 GWG miklb, what if you could use whatever you use to log into your WordPress installation to log into Quill? Or any other Micropub client
# 01:17 GWG Even if I don't get to that, right now, with the token endpoint, the power to revoke and permission control entry
chrisaldrich, tantek and [kingkool68] joined the channel
# 03:18 Loqi [kingkool68] #57 Clean Up and Prettyify Location Metabox
[miklb] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 04:09 GWG I think I need some help updating the Indieauth WordPress readme.
# 04:11 aaronpk GWG++ "what if you could use whatever you use to log into your WordPress installation to log into Quill? Or any other Micropub client" good description
# 04:11 Loqi gwg has 40 karma in this channel (305 overall)
# 04:12 GWG aaronpk: That hasn't happened yet
# 04:13 [miklb] but it’s a great description of what your goal is. Until then, I was genuinely confused.
# 04:13 GWG [miklb]: I thought I said that earlier.
# 04:13 GWG But I have a head cold, maybe it didn't come out as well.
# 04:15 [miklb] didn’t register with me. But my head is in a different place lately.
tantek, [eddie], [kingkool68], [cleverdevil], jeremycherfas, [colinwalker], [kevinmarks], [jgarber], doubleloop[m], [keithjgrant] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# 18:19 GWG Trying to decide what is next for me.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:25 GWG I know a lot about Indieweb and WordPress but not all
tantek, [eddie], camb, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [miklb], [cleverdevil], [keithjgrant], chrisaldrich, [sdepolo], [chrisaldrich], petermolnar, prtksxna, [jgarber] and [barryf] joined the channel
# 23:35 prtksxna GWG: Yeah, have been too busy with work. How have you been?
# 23:35 GWG Busy with work, but busy here as well
# 23:36 GWG Fun. I got to monopolize aaronpk for a while
# 23:39 prtksxna I am in SF for a week but sadly no Indieweb things happening right now :(
# 23:40 GWG aaronpk, should I wait till another IWC for the authorization Endpoint?
# 23:41 GWG aaronpk, I haven't even started it. I wanted at least pfefferle to look at the token endpoint first.
# 23:41 aaronpk want to wait for me to post my "building an authorization endpoint in 30 minutes" video?
# 23:41 GWG But I have some other stuff, like the user to url mapping I want to improve.
[eddie] joined the channel
# 23:42 GWG aaronpk, I want to see public reaction when you post those videos
[andrea_arbogast joined the channel