[colinwalker]No worries. I raised it with Manton as well as he acknowledges it doesn’t always check the right h-card etc. So I’ll close that issue. Thanks.
j12tI have been looking at the various wordpress plugins from the perspective of non-geeks lately, and I have feedback. How should I provide this? It's long and tedious... Github issues? Grab a page on the wiki?
j12tand I think we need to look at the total experience for a WordPress user who has installed all/most of the recommended plugins, and see how it all hangs together
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "wall of text" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "wall of text is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkwall of text is an [[antipattern]] when a page contains almost exclusively text with little or no visual components, usually making the page feel overwhelming to engage with since it appears to require reading the entire thing.
[miklb]overall stuff I would say a wiki page, and specific issues with plugins as GitHub issues. I’d also suggest looking through open IW WordPress plugin issues as there are already some discussions about the UI for the installer and wish list of how it could work.
[miklb]I hadn’t done WordPress multisite with the built in domain mapping (my multisite stuff was early days when it was a fork and initially when it was merged to core) so I just wanted to make sure I had everything configured right with my ssl certs and such
[miklb]j12t as far as the location of the meta boxes (panes as you refer to them) that’s is limiting in the current UI for creating posts in WordPress. You can show/hide the other boxes and drag panes around, but is less about the plugins and more about WordPress. That said, with the development of the new Gutenburg interface, a lot will change in that UX over the next year.
[miklb]That’s not to say the current post properties box couldn’t use some UI love. kingkool68 did a nice cleanup of the simple locations box over the weekend, perhaps we can convince them to take a look at the post properties box too
[miklb]j12t not disagreeing, but I try to point out where the differences are in how much control plugin developers have in some of these issues. WordPress as a community is trying to solve some of that with the new Gutenberg page builder experience. We’ll see how that can improve the IndieWeb experience as Gutenberg gets closer to being in core.
[miklb]I also think as some of the micropub tools improve and we can better integrate them into WordPress, the WordPress post creation experience can be less important. But that’s just my 2¢
prtksxna, [kevinmarks], tantek and [eddie] joined the channel