[miklb]OK. I haven’t done any coding to speak, everything has been server stuff, so trying to get back into the front end mindset. Plus the standard procrastinating - changing syntax theme in my editor, looking at new extensions.
GWGpfefferle commented that the way I built the query argument wasn't stable in the event that permalinks weren't on, so I changed it, that he didn't like the form generation method, so I matched the webmention plugin, and that I'd accidentally included a file I didn't mean to, so I removed it
Loqi[solari] @aaronpk WebSub stoked my curiousity, so I tried both Wordpress plugins for it but neither seem to support discovery per the websub.rocks publisher test. Wondering if that's typical (i.e. we have to manually edit templates to include discovery links)...
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "difference between being a publisher and what the plugin does" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "difference between being a publisher and what the plugin does is ____", a sentence describing the term)