#wordpress 2018-01-27
2018-01-27 UTC
prtksxna_ joined the channel
Loqi GWG: tantek left you a message 44 minutes ago: FYI: https://gregorlove.com/2017/12/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/

j12t What about adding to https://indieweb.org/WordPress/usability ?

tantek WordPress/usability << https://gregorlove.com/2017/12/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/

Loqi ok, I added "https://gregorlove.com/2017/12/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/" to a new "See Also" section of /WordPress/usability

loqi.me edited /WordPress/usability (+159) "/* tantek added "https://gregorlove.com/2017/12/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/" to "See Also" */ new section" (view diff)

gRegorLove GWG saw that post at the time (few weeks old now) and I think most of them were on his radar, but not sure if they're in issue trackers yet.

gRegorLove I just realized today I hadn't submitted to indienews :)

prtksxna_, [miklb] and syp1 joined the channel
prtksxna_, [jeremycherfas], syp1, zb111 and [miklb] joined the channel
[miklb] j12t I would change that class from e-content to something else and then use a function similar to this https://gist.github.com/miklb/dee0edc9aa75693e27f7a0cc88e16a06 to wrap the WordPress $content in e-content, that way Syndication Links doesn’t get inserted into the e-content class

jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas I have a WP site that is not my main site. I'd like to indiewebify it, but there are no other sites that I want to link back to it, so I don't think the /Wordpress_IndieAuth_Plugin will work for me. Is there a best option? H-card on an about page? Something else?

jeremycherfas So that I can, for example, send notification of replies via Telegram.

jeremycherfas No zegnat, you are right. I meant Telegraph.

jeremycherfas Wait. What?Live and learn.

jeremycherfas Because I am trying to understand each bit of the WP puzzle. I don't want to receive back-feeds from any of the silos just yet. And I have nowhere to syndicate to.

jeremycherfas So, for now I am adding the mf2 by hand and sending the webmentions by hand too.

[miklb] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I appreciate that. I can't help it that I want to understand all the many bits and the complex ways in which they fit together.

[eddie] and EmreSokullu joined the channel
jeremycherfas I like to use Telegraph for sending things from sites that only occasionally have anything that needs sending. And now that I know I can send from any site, that's all I need.

jeremycherfas I may extend some IndieWeb functionality later

[cleverdevil], chrisaldrich, [kevinmarks], syp1, gRegorLove, [miklb] and [eddie] joined the channel