#wordpress 2018-01-28

2018-01-28 UTC
gRegorLove, [eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
[miklb]: So, you are suggesting I pass a parameter to the JS to tell it whether to query HTML5 Geolocation or query my own backend?
I think I misunderstood what you were trying to do.
[miklb]: I'm trying to design a system for alternate ways of getting my current location than querying the browser.
So, I need to decide how to build this
I have to admit, I don’t have much interest in that feature so wouldn’t be much help there
It's part of a few location enhancements I want to make to allow for more flexible drop in providers in Simple Location
[miklb]: I thought you'd be interested in per post map styles
GWG: if you want to be real fancy, you could make it so that people could configure my Overland iOS app to send the current location to the wordpress plugin
I am interested in map styles, but guess location in browser or iOS would be sufficient for me.
how are you thinking per post map styles would work?
similar dropdown in the post properties box?
aaronpk: I assume you document the format it sends, right?
[miklb]: Something like that. chrisaldrich was commenting in November that for some check-ins a satellite map worked better, some a street map
[aaronpk] Overland-iOS: 📌 GPS logger for iOS devices
aaronpk: I'll pass for now
Let me make it possible and maybe someone else will do that part
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I don't recall if Khurt comes around the chat often, but if so maybe we can help him with some mf2. Some weird url properties being parsed from https://islandinthenet.com/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/ (u-url should be on the link, not the surrounding li)
[Khürt Williams] IndieWeb WordPress Feedback
[Khürt Williams] IndieWeb WordPress Feedback
Which URLs?
Similarly for the name property
Become it could be me.
No, not me
chimo joined the channel
While I'm looking, the p-name on https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/26/gregorlove-has-a-very-useful-list-of-usability/ is messy, includes some author and meta post stuff.
jernst 2018-01-27T02:56:56Z Permalink Log in to leave a Comment IndieWeb Wo...
It's implied, so that might go away in the future. There's a microformats parsing issue discussing that.
I need to fix my Microformats as well
[xavierroy], [eddie], [a], protogeniko, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and syp1 joined the channel
Hmm, gRegorLove, I do not think upon2020 is fixed per the new mf2 proposal. E.g. https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/24/my-invited-guest-post-is-that-a/ doesn’t seem to have any p-* properties. So p-name would still get implied wrong.
jernst 2018-01-24T16:56:18Z Permalink Log in to leave a Comment My “invited ...
[Zegnat] Today I spotted another live example of [a post](https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/24/my-invited-guest-post-is-that-a/) where the parsed `name` will not be fixed by the proposed change. Hat tip to @gRegorLove, who linked to Upon 2020 first. [See ch...
GWG if you happen to know of WP themes that often run into problems with implied name values, please do contribute to the issue there :)
That goes for the whole WP community, of course.
[kevinmarks], prtksxna_ and syp1 joined the channel
I do find it strange to dig into supposedly modern WP themes and find font sizes set in absolute pixels.
[miklb] joined the channel
I find the general state of WP themes to be depressing
Well, there is that too.
You've started from the ground up, right?
for the most part. I did use GWG’s fork of underscores for some of the mf2 stuff when I started. I’m still working on a new mf2 framework that I am building from ground up using my existing work as a reference.
I'm trying to build something with a grid-like front page, but everything I have looked hides so much in the Customiser. They do mostly have nice animations and transitons, which I would find hard to implement from the ground up.
But there's more to design than fancy transitions.
Maybe I should take a look at underscores.
There's no rush at my end. I'm just tired of my existing theme.
which is why I’ve decided to build this as a framework without any CSS first, that can be used as building block
But don't yuou need CSS for things like positioning? Or are you only interested in function at this point?
I want a super strong foundation of mf2 and clean template code
Very reasonable!
Adding css-grid/flexbox on top with design aesthetics should be straight forward that way
I hope you're right.
I really should rebase my fork.
underscores is great as a reference, but it’s still a tool catering to Automattic in a lot of ways, and IMO tries to do too much as framework.
And look at _s for fixes to backport to my 2016 fork
I'm a bit confused as to how to keep up to date if I do go that route. If you use the generator, all the class names etc are changed for you. If you clone the github repository, you would need to change every time there's an update. Or am I missing something?
GWG I'm just reading the thread on your PR and it does seem that you are being given a very hard time.
yeah, it’s not really designed to allow backporting changes without manual intervention
I am used to being given a hard time
Well, more strength to you.
[colinwalker], [eddie], EmreSokullu, camb, sebsel, [kevinmarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove yes, I apologize for messing up your site. I'm attempting to markup the theme that I'd like to use, and I have more work to do!