#wordpress 2018-01-28
2018-01-28 UTC
gRegorLove, [eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove I don't recall if Khurt comes around the chat often, but if so maybe we can help him with some mf2. Some weird url properties being parsed from https://islandinthenet.com/indieweb-wordpress-feedback/ (u-url should be on the link, not the surrounding li)

gRegorLove Similarly for the name property

chimo joined the channel
gRegorLove While I'm looking, the p-name on https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/26/gregorlove-has-a-very-useful-list-of-usability/ is messy, includes some author and meta post stuff.

gRegorLove It's implied, so that might go away in the future. There's a microformats parsing issue discussing that.

[xavierroy], [eddie], [a], protogeniko, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and syp1 joined the channel
Zegnat Hmm, gRegorLove, I do not think upon2020 is fixed per the new mf2 proposal. E.g. https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/24/my-invited-guest-post-is-that-a/ doesn’t seem to have any p-* properties. So p-name would still get implied wrong.

Zegnat Logged here, thanks gRegorLove! https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/6#issuecomment-361056774

Loqi [Zegnat] Today I spotted another live example of [a post](https://upon2020.com/banter/2018/01/24/my-invited-guest-post-is-that-a/) where the parsed `name` will not be fixed by the proposed change. Hat tip to @gRegorLove, who linked to Upon 2020 first. [See ch...

[kevinmarks], prtksxna_ and syp1 joined the channel
jeremycherfas I do find it strange to dig into supposedly modern WP themes and find font sizes set in absolute pixels.

[miklb] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Well, there is that too.

jeremycherfas You've started from the ground up, right?

jeremycherfas I'm trying to build something with a grid-like front page, but everything I have looked hides so much in the Customiser. They do mostly have nice animations and transitons, which I would find hard to implement from the ground up.

jeremycherfas But there's more to design than fancy transitions.

jeremycherfas Maybe I should take a look at underscores.

jeremycherfas There's no rush at my end. I'm just tired of my existing theme.

jeremycherfas But don't yuou need CSS for things like positioning? Or are you only interested in function at this point?

jeremycherfas Very reasonable!

jeremycherfas I hope you're right.

jeremycherfas I'm a bit confused as to how to keep up to date if I do go that route. If you use the generator, all the class names etc are changed for you. If you clone the github repository, you would need to change every time there's an update. Or am I missing something?

jeremycherfas GWG I'm just reading the thread on your PR and it does seem that you are being given a very hard time.

jeremycherfas Well, more strength to you.

[colinwalker], [eddie], EmreSokullu, camb, sebsel, [kevinmarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel