#wordpress 2018-02-13

2018-02-13 UTC
[kevinmarks], gRegorLove_, workingwriter, [workingwriter] and [miklb] joined the channel
[workingwriter]: Turn off the Microformats 2 plugin
It is not for themes that have Microformats 2, like Sempress
I thought it would be something simple. Testing now...
Yup, thanks!
[tantek] and tantek joined the channel
[workingwriter]: We tried to make that as a compatibility thing, but it is problematic.
[workingwriter]: How else can we help?
@GWG I am working through the steps on a test server (Local by Flywheel). So far so good. Hoping the rest goes smoothly, but I know where to come now. 👍
[workingwriter]: Always happy to help
[workingwriter]: If you have any feedback on the setup, we know that it could be clearer to newcomers.
[miklb]: I could use help if you have a moment.
tantek joined the channel
Sure. What’s up?
Well, I'm still experimenting with designs on the metabox in Post Kinds.
I have divided it into sections.
URL and Name, Summary Tags and Featured Image, Author URL Photo and Name, Site Name and Published, Duration and Start/End Time.
I'm trying to figure out how to make it flow better for people.
what’s the branch with this work?
It's in the Master Branch right now.
It's one big gigantic piece. I'm separating it into pieces so I could have it slide up and down.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] Can I pick it up to check?
I’m looking now. I see the direction you’re going and like it.
[dshanske] indieweb-post-kinds: adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites using the standards developed by IndieWebCamp
I'm thinking of having each section expand instead of the whole long thing
[miklb] I'm already using it. Just wanted to check if anything change since I last updated it... Going through the commits, looks like the issue kind has been added in the past few days
[xavierroy]: Still more design tweaks before I'm happy enough to release it. Issue kind was activated due Bridgy getting Github support
[dshanske] great.. I use issue kinds atleast to track issues that i raised on github
[xavierroy] ah, sorry misunderstood.
I just am not sure how it should look, so it is pretty generic so far
did you see that GitHub is in early beta on bridgy [xavierroy]
just wondering if there is a way to update plugins in the Wp admin directly without having to download an dupload
[miklb] Yes. saw that.
[xavierroy]: Yes. When I release it, it will be an option.
The Development version in Github have to be installed manually
I think I may be having an issue with the Micropub plugin... posts from Teacup do not come through
I had some reports of new Micropub issues I have to check out before release.
This improvement is still days away from me considering a release.
tantek and [snarfed] joined the channel
not sure if I’m answering any questions, but I did file/update a couple of issues GWG
Well, I'm looking to make the Author/Artist section collapsible by itself.
just curious why semicolon separated and not comma
I'm working on that now.
[miklb]: Because some of the source I use have commas in them. But I may switch to an Add Field box in future.
but i love semicolons 🙂
[xavierroy]: Any reason why?
i'm using that tags box to add triple-tags like book:isbn=xxxxxx; book:author=XXX YYY.
and some authors have commas in thier names, ex: William Henry Gates, III
or someone with a Jr.
[xavierroy]: The , is why I did it.
a comma separator would push out the III or Jr as a separate tag
yeah. that's why i prefer it to be a semicolon
that makes sense
tantek joined the channel
[xavierroy], [miklb]: Can you look again? I just pushed a change.
getting a 404 for on the js files and then a couple of TypeErrors.
One second. I think I forgot to push the update to remove trying to load the old files
i'll wait till you push out the missing files
Try it now?
I had to go in and add the metabox to screen options after that update
[miklb]: Well, it should go in by default. Odd.
Not sure I understand if the details are suppose to roll up if I click Author or just appends
Right now, it doesn't roll up details.
it is enabled , but not displayed. unchecking and checking displays the box
Maybe it should.
it wasn’t enabled for me, I had to check it. Was there a few minutes ago when I was testing. Only after last 2 commits. Not a big deal, just letting you know what I experienced
I'll try to figure it out after I get the design right.
i think it could be because the note kind and the article kind do not require a metabox. and my default kind is set to note. selecting anything else displays the metabox properly.
and i found a typo 🙂
Are you sure you want to clear post propertie?
[xavierroy]: It is supposed to hide the metabox if it is a note or an article.
displayed when I clicked Clear 🙂
[dshanske] Yeah. i remember we discussed about it earlier
I'm not sure the buttons are the best move
I'm switching it to hiding the other information when you click one of the buttons
sebsel, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
ZenPress has now a native Syndication Links implementation, thanks to Ruxton
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
So as with turning the Microformats plugin off with themes that already have the markup baked in, is there no need for the Syndication Plugin now with ZenPress?
you have to install it, but it does not render inside the content, but in a meta area instead
[xavierroy] joined the channel
is it out for public?
the latest master version… note to me: I should start releasing versions and administer a changelog
ok. will try it
if you wait some more days, I also merge the Post-Kind native support
[gerwitz] joined the channel
[colinwalker] pointed out that my 'replies' are p-in-reply rather than u-in-reply. Can someone explain the difference and is this something generated by the Post Kind plugin? Just wondering
jeremycherfas and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Well p is usually for name items and u is for url items so if the url you are mentioning doesn’t have the u-in-reply-to class it’s it going to get picked up.
I love native support
p isn't a name item
The in reply to is inherited
That was not a complaint GWG, apologies if it came across that way. I have lost count how many times I have read throught that microformats site. I won't say I completely get it. Sometimes I think I am a Gen4 playing outside of my league.
[mrkrndvs]: Wasn't seeing it as a complaint. Was just trying to explain
p means plain-text. So the value of the “in reply to” will be the (slightly altered) DOM textContent of the element you put the class on if you use the p-* prefix.
Most of the time you will be replying to a different post at a different URL, so rather than copying the contents of the entire post into your site and marking it as p-in-reply-to, you make it a link and tell parsers that the URL is what you reply to. You tell parsers about that with the u-* prefix.
I hope that clears it up a little. mf2 prefixes aren’t adressed a lot by the IndieWeb wiki, so perfectly alright to not pick up on them directly :)
Zegnat: I create a citation and attach p-in-reply-to to that
So is a citation a 'u' class?
An h-cite? If the h-cite has a u-url property, I would encourage using u-in-reply-to with that, GWG. If there is a u-* class on an element that has an h-* class (nested microformat) it will inherit the u-url value from the nested one.
I'll have to look at my markup again
citation is an h- class
[mrkrndvs], nothing is forced to be a u- or p- class. It depends on the type of data you are trying to communicate.
I'll look at the template for that after I finish that I am up to
For citations and replies, this is more often than not an external resource with its own URL. So a u- class it often best, because it will take its value from things like an A element’s HREF attribute.
Thank you Zegnat
<a href="https://example.com/" class="p-in-reply-to">Replying to Example</a> - here the value of “in-reply-to” will be “Replying to Example”, not really usefull for most people.
<a href="https://example.com/" class="u-in-reply-to">Replying to Example</a> - here the value of “in-reply-to” will be “https://example.com/”, instantly recognisable for people as an external resource you replied to.
Then there are some inheritance rules (like nesting an h-cite on your in-reply-to), but I think the wiki has some good examples of that and would use u-in-reply-to.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
And if ever in doubt: ask! :D I am always more than happy to (try and) explain microformats
The way I set up Post Kinds, the actual microformat displays are templated, so anyone can include a file in their theme to change them.
Zegnat I have used 'u' with threaded comments 👍 Now I kind of know why I guess
I'm working on the Post Kinds UI, but I want to relook at the templates again before I do another release.
I am testing Post Kinds again at the moment GWG. The new flow is interesting.
I didn't look at that side of things last night
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] thanks, I replied on GitHub
[mrkrndvs]: It is still a work in progress
Hi, [pfefferle]
[mrkrndvs]: Any feedback on the new flow? I'm still trying new options there. I've already changed the one that is currently in the repo
[gerwitz] joined the channel
I really shouldn't be doing all that in the master branch
GWG I am going to sleep on it as the changes to the workflow are significant, but one thought, could the author / details toggles produce different field rather than stacking them? So if you have clicked details, it shows the details. Then if you click author it closes details and shows author.
It is still doing something strange to the photo kind too 🤔
That change is already implemented
I switched to hiding the others last night
Still needs work.
[kevinmarks], [xavierroy], dougbeal|mb1, [mifga], jeremych_, j12t, [gerwitz], jeremycherfas, tantek, [cleverdevil], jackjamieson, [miklb], [eddie], tantek_ and chrisaldrich joined the channel