#wordpress 2018-02-14

2018-02-14 UTC
[cleverdevil], [tantek] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
And just internationalized it.
great.. So there is nothing that I can help with for this commit...
Well, still working on the design.
One thing that I would really like is to ensure some settings that I configure stay updated after a plugin upgrade..
things that I tweak in code.. I know there is no child plugin functionality in WP
What are you tweaking?
Those hidden options like enabling in Quick Edit, some additional kinds that are hidden by default.
You know you can do that with a second plugin, right?
Oh. Didn't know that.
The kind settings are filterable.
I'm not a programmer πŸ™‚ I know enough to tweaksome settings here and there
Right now, my focus is the interface.
Got that. Anything that you would like to help with that
tantek joined the channel
Not specifically
tantek, [mifga] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
GWG my belated feedback is that I don't think I will know my thoughts about the removal / incorperation of the heading etc until I start using it. My concern is that sometimes with Bookmarks I give a different heading to the link being referenced. I created that workflow, it can be adapted again πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
[xavierroy] like the idea of a second plugin to filter πŸ‘
[mrkrndvs] what I do is switch the post kind so that the title field is displayed, then give your title and switch back again
tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Good morning
rise and shine!
tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I just threw another PR to ZenPress which should probably go in alongside post kinds PR, to stop wordpress-micropub auto generating content.
[gerwitz], tantek, jeremycherfas, [kevinmarks] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
I tried out the Amazon Polly WordPress plugin. Here is a post :https://xavierroy.com/2018/01/18/art-of-explaining/
[Xavier Roy] Explaining is a difficult art. You can explain something so that your reader understands the words; and you can explain something so that the reader feels it in the marrow of his bones. To do the latter, it sometimes isn’t enough to lay the evidenc...
Planning to use this for my marginalia posts. A range of voices makes this an interesting thing to have.
I was thinking of adding an option to not hide the title. Officially, only articles are supposed to have titles.
[dshanske] yeah. But I like using the title field so that I get a cleaner url structure rather than the post id.
You can set the slug without setting the title
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
GWG I like how your 2016 theme only shows the heading when you view the post. I like the creativity associated with the title and I like to use emojis to differentiate the kind or category
I'm going to see what I can do to address the idea of no explicit title without disabling the ability to set one.
Sounds like a fair compromise I guess. Again, I am not convinced either way and hold my judgement til after using it
I try to do what I think is best for my own use while being aware of how other people use it
Which is why my solution is to usually make something an option if not everyone wants it
So, the likelihood is the solution is to have a toggle that disables the title hiding.
[dshanske] are there plans to split up the views from the kinds plugin so that updates do not affect any custom changes?
Maybe they can be included in 2016 theme if not already done
[xavierroy]: You can put a copy of them into your theme and it will override the one built into the plugin. I set it up that way on purpose.
If you have a child theme, for example, add a directory under the theme called kind_views and any copy of the view that is in there will override the one in the plugin
The goal of Post Kinds is to be an extensible framework. So it can be extended by anyone neatly without hacking the files.
So, each iteration I unbundle more pieces
For example, in the current version that I'm working on, I'm separating out more pieces into their own functions to help in custom view files.
The only person I know who does them so far though is miklb
Turning on Kinds can be done by setting a filter in a second plugin or in a theme
Great. Will try that approach
That's why I recommend against editing the plugin itself. Because if it is something you keep doing, you'll have to do it every time I update. Whereas if you do it in the theme or a second plugin, it will persist
Happy to help in getting anyone set up that way
There are a lot of changes I continue to make over time, and I may break things for people that way
I'm preparing for the future, where Gutenberg might make me not want to use the default Post UI
So I'm looking to making Micropub more compatible so that Post Kinds could just render microformats and not worry too much about the UI. But still working on UI ideas and options.
But deliberately moving the pieces to be more independent of each other.
jeremych_ and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] thanks. How do you set up a second plugin? I searched for setting up child plugins.. didn;t seem to get any meaningful results
sebsel, Zegnat, Kaja_, tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
It isn't a child plugin, it's just an independent one
I can write an example
[kevinmarks], Kaja_, tantek, jackjamieson, [eddie], [mlopatka], [sebsel] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
tantek, gRegorLove, [kevinmarks], [eddie] and sebsel joined the channel
That's the idea, yes.
I could probably do a gist
[kevinmarks], [cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel