#j12tQuestion: The Facebook ID and Twitter username etc that I entered in my Profile Page is intended to be turned into rel=me links, right? Is that something the theme needs to do, or how does that get emitted into the HTML?
#j12tI had it entered manually in a separate widget with display=none, but I guess I don't need to do that?
#j12tso I suspected that the theme needs to cooperate
#j12t(actually, bbl, I think it's my turn to cook dinner)
[eddie] joined the channel
#j12tI took the the python uf parser, wrapped a main program around it, and have it dump the parsed microformats out in JSON from a given URL. I'm throwing this at a test Wordpress installation where I switch between Independent Publisher (with uf) and my pinboard theme. Theoretically (right?) the uf JSON output should be the same. Bit it isn't at all.
tantek, [kevinmarks], petermolnar, chimo, jeremycherfas, doubleloop[m], Loqi, brokaw, jackjamieson, aaronpk, [cleverdevil], [eddie] and chrisaldrich joined the channel; brokaw left the channel