#wordpress 2018-03-03

2018-03-03 UTC
[eddie], [kevinmarks], tantek, globbot, [tantek], brokaw, [colinwalker], [mifga], [xavierroy] and [miklb] joined the channel
looks like I need to fix my like kind template to work with bridgy
needs a `u-like-of` on the GitHub url
tantek joined the channel
now I’m thinking I’m going to check if the url is GitHub and do a different template…
GWG in your parse for properties, if there is no mf2 how do you determine the summary/quote?
meta description
[tantek] joined the channel
what is meta description
It looks like we don't have a page for "meta description" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "meta description is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
What is The Open Graph protocol?
The Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed and controlled by Facebook for expressing the primary subject of an HTML page in custom <meta> tags for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews; in practice only a couple are even sometimes necessary for that use-case, and you can use existing open standards instead https://indieweb.org/The-Open-Graph-protocol
I use that too
brokaw, [kevinmarks] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich, if I make it so my voice assistant will tell me when you send me a webmention, will you help me demo it?
that would be either amazing or annoying
tantek, I will see when I do it
I drove my parents crazy last time they visited by programming all the Google Homes in the house to announce when the washing machine was done
And custom messages tied to them turning on light switches
how about saying "Good evening David!" when you arrive home in the evenings?
I have all the components set up for that
Maybe I should write about this
edited /WordPress (+115) "/* Articles */ collection of WordPress and IndieWeb related articles"
(view diff)
I will see about it tonight. Tomorrow I have to go to Boston for the day,
GWG: I'll definitely help you demo it....
I keep thinking I ought to hack more on my Amazon devices and use them for something besides music.
chrisaldrich, like?
brokaw, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
GWG reason I asked is when parsing a GitHub repo it uses the meta description which is a general GitHub description. the og:description is the repo summary
It should use og over meta.
I'll have to check the order
I believe it is microformats 2, ogp, then generic meta tags
cool. I had never really looked at that part of the magic so figured I’d ask before digging in.
miklb, I really want to clean it up a bit, because there is a filter to add extra parsing. I want to make it able to be preempted by custom code for any arbitrary site. Sort of the way xray does for some
I am not sure what site might cause me to use an API over HTML, but I figured I should be prepared
I opened an issue as a reminder. Not a big deal, and GitHub should probably fix that on their end.
I’m just not sure where to file that bug report yet
If you look at xray, aaronpk made it specifically recognize several known services.