#wordpress 2018-03-05

2018-03-05 UTC
wagle, [kevinmarks], [eddie], tantek, [cleverdevil], drkokandy and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I implemented delete Webmentions in the latest version in master, perhaps some of you will be able to test a bit... [dshanske] already discovered it 😉
Good morning 😊
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
What do you mean be 'delete Webmentions'? They are comments which can be deleted, what have you done?
When a site takes down a URL, it will delete the webmention
Zegnat, [gerwitz], jeremycherfas and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Thanks GWG
I built a hook in to support this ages ago, but pfefferle just added a function.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] you already head that and kept it for you 😳
As I said, had thought of doing that but didn't
only kidding
[kevinmarks], [miklb], tantek, [cleverdevil] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
GWG Ah, now I understand! You talked about the hook you implemented in the Webmention plugin... I misread that and thought you implemented the functionality in a custom using the hook 😊
GWG I have to read more carefully!!!
pfefferle, I tried to think ahead. I just never built it. You did. Kudos.
chrisaldrich, [tantek], tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Is there a pathway for sites that want to keep webmentions (and not delete them) for archival purposes? I'd hate for someone to have control over deleting content on my own site.
I'm game for people sending edit wms to change/fix typos, but there should be a mechanism for approving/denying these right?
[colinwalker] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
chrisaldrich, you want tombstone posts then?
Where it goes to private?
moving it to private could be a worthwhile replacement, yet.
I'd be more worried about having a copy of an interesting conversation and then half of it disappearing at some point.
it's up to the independent site owner what to do when they receive a delete webmention. yes, deleting the response is the preferred thing to do, but there are other alternatives for things like comments (e.g. keep but show strikethrough, or keep private)
but for reactions like likes, reposts etc. what's the point of keeping them? might as well just delete them. especially something like a like, if it was an accidental like, no need to keep it when you get the delete for it
[kevinmarks] joined the channel