[asuh]When saving a new note, the permalink defaults to the Post ID for me. However, every new post appends a new suffix of `-2`. So, a new post could look like `https://example.com/123-2` instead of `https://example.com/123`. Is there a fix for this?
[asuh]On another thread I asked this in, someone replied that `if you don't provide a title it assumes an empty string and has to start adding suffixes so it doesn't collide with the first post you made with an empty title`.
[asuh]This sort of makes sense but I’d assume that if it uses the Post ID to fill the empty title for the permalink, it wouldn’t collide. I also don’t know if post creation queries the `post_name` field in the database to make sure it doesn’t collide with anything else
[miklb]if WP sees another post with the same title it will append `-2` but I’m not sure if that’s what’s going on with the permalink. I went with a different date based permalink & that may have coincided with the fix.
[miklb]I still use the post ID for notes w/date. The nice thing about WP and that it will rewrite `/%postname%/` to `/2018/03/05/%postname%/` for old posts if you change your structure now.
[asuh]I hear you. I used `/%postname%/` for the simplicity of the URL and to keep it being memorable to some degree. I’m wondering if I should find a way to simply add generated and arbitrary numbers as the permalink for notes
[miklb]fwiw I never had any collisions with `id-2` permalink. I think I just decided I wanted notes to be date based. It would be nice to be able to have articles not include the date though.
[asuh]I think my use case is probably more unique than other since I’m using just the `/%postname%/`. If a permalink structure is using other tags like `/%category%/` in front of the post name, then there’s no need for the `-2` suffix.
[asuh]So I think I either have to generate a random number for each of these blank title posts or I’d have to change my permalink structure, which I don’t really want to do.
[asuh]Maybe there could be a setting in the Post Kinds plugin that targets posts with no title to append a random string of numbers after the post ID so that it doesn’t force the ‘-2’, `-3`, etc. suffix?
[pfefferle][chrisaldrich] the comments are not deleted directly, they are moved to the trash folder, so you still can decide to deactivate them. Is this enough or should I also add a setting to enable/disable the feature?