#wordpress 2018-03-07

2018-03-07 UTC
tantek and [asuh] joined the channel
I’m a fan of this plugin to take care of the Emoji junk and a slew of other crap like this in the head: https://github.com/roots/soil
[roots] soil: WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications
that sounds like a great plugin (just reviewed the readme)
since it both removes extra junk, and adds stuff like Google Analytics, I wonder if it could handle upgrading any Theme/Frontend microformat etc. markup to use mf2
I’ve used it with both their Sage theme and other custom themes and it works very nicely. It’s worth investigating whether they’d be on board with mf2 integration
[miklb] joined the channel
we have a plugin for handling adding basic mf2 to themes, but the way WP works, it’s less than ideal solution vs a theme written to support mf2
now if Sage were to get mf2 support, that would be a nice boost
[eddie] joined the channel
I’ve been working on my own site with the Sage theme to do some of that, just to see what it takes
asuh, from the looks of it soil works with a set of "modules" that each do separate things, so one possibility would be an "mf2 upgrade" module that would do exactly that to your mf markup
that individual users of soil could enable or disable as they wished
tantek, would that essentially port over similar functionality to the indieweb plugin? https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2
[indieweb] wordpress-uf2: add "Microformats 2" classes to your WordPress theme
[asuh] yes, and hopefully make use of some of the existing infrastructure/cleverness in the soil plugin
as well as potentially reach more folks incidentally who are installing soil for other reasons
to-do << Look into developing a "mf2 upgrade" module for the "soil" WordPress Plugin https://github.com/roots/soil that would upgrade any Theme/Frontend microformat etc. markup to use mf2, re-using code and logic from https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2
ok, I added "Look into developing a "mf2 upgrade" module for the "soil" WordPress Plugin https://github.com/roots/soil that would upgrade any Theme/Frontend microformat etc. markup to use mf2, re-using code and logic from https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2" to the "See Also" section of /to-do
[roots] soil: WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications
[miklb] joined the channel
What WordPress needs is a good old old-fashioned tell-all exposé on all of the shady behavior & practices within the WordPress commercial ecosystem that goes on behind the scenes, has gone on in the past and continues to go on behind the scenes that isn’t public knowledge.
well, not to spam but one more from the thread https://twitter.com/carlhancock/status/971185217053646848
Unfortunately ethics and morals aren’t part of the GPL and therefore don’t have to be adhered to. No way to automatically inherit good behavior.
hmm that thread start is probably worth archiving
What WordPress needs is a good old old-fashioned tell-all exposé on all of the shady behavior & practices within the WordPress commercial ecosystem that goes on behind the scenes, has gone on in the past and continues to go on behind the scenes that isn’t public knowledge.
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/carlhancock/status/971182969514799105 thread" to the "See Also" section of /WordPress
edited /WordPress (+410) "tantek added "https://twitter.com/carlhancock/status/971182969514799105 thread" to "See Also""
(view diff)
that's quite the neat tweet expansion for see alsos
what is Yoast
It looks like we don't have a page for "Yoast" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yoast is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is Yoast SEO
It looks like we don't have a page for "Yoast SEO" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yoast SEO is ____", a sentence describing the term)
anyone here run that plugin?
It’s an interesting thread considering Carl is one of the more successful devs in the commercial ecosystem himself
is reading the roots (makers of "soil") blog
[Ben Word] We’ve Migrated from Yoast SEO
^^^ uh-oh, another Ben W*rd
now we just need a Ben Wurd
and Ben Wird
oh my goodness: "this plugin uses only ~20 PHP files, compared to 200+ in other SEO plugins"
***only*** ~20 PHP files?!?!? for a Plugin?!? (all of Falcon is 3 PHP files 😂 , 4 if you count cassis.js)
I don’t think it’s fair to count # of files. Should be lines of code
i'd take 20 short files over 4 super long files any day
agreed, especially if they are well documented and organized.
I don't know what's considered short or long. falcon.php is ~70k bytes, 2.1k lines
is that short or long?
checks some of his files
(that's the biggest of the 3)
some of my uncomfortably long ones are 500-700 lines
most are ~300
really should get that under 32k, preferably <30k for old time HyperCard script limitation sake
quite a lot of mine are even under 100 because they do just one thing
[asuh] joined the channel
I’ve run Yoast SEO in several sites. I’ve not had any issues except for maybe a little spam like notifications occasionally
want to add a short dfn and yourself as an example user?
what is Yoast SEO?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Yoast SEO" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yoast SEO is ____", a sentence describing the term)
migrates the PHP files size thread to #Indieweb-dev
Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that adds specific functionality to your website that will help you to improve your position in the organic search results.
ok, I added "https://roots.io/weve-migrated-from-yoast-seo/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Yoast_SEO
[Ben Word] We’ve Migrated from Yoast SEO
I have to get rid of Yoast.
I used it on a bunch of sites and regret it.
GWG, what happened?
tantek: It's become increasingly annoying.
Maybe I'll try the suggestion there
I like structured markup, but I'm not that concerned with SEO.
[miklb] joined the channel
there was once a time when structured markup meant SEO
[miklb]: Exactly
[asuh] joined the channel
I saw an excellent presentation on SEO at a Wordcamp last year helping me better understand the value of SEO today. It’s a little different than it used to be since the themes and WordPress core have worked out a lot of the technical stuff
I do wonder how to evaluate the "excellence" (or otherwise) of any talk / claim about SEO frankly
Let me find his slides, it doesn’t look like the video shows them
(there's a lot of nonsense in the SEO world frankly, and I wonder how folks filter it)
I used the word “excellent” because he shared a lot of things I had not considered before but made a lot of sense
But yes I agree with you tantek. So many SEO “experts” promote and do things I don’t agree with or like.
off topic for WordPress but talking about SEO, I noticed some repos on GitHub are using a default meta description tag but have correct Open Graph descriptions using the repo summary/description. I emailed them about that and the person that replied was confused about my question.
tantek joined the channel
miklb: I don't think it's some, more like all, I've never seen the meta desc on github be the repo description, og:desc is though, the repo desc is appended to title
[miklb] joined the channel
weird. I see that now, but don’t recall seeing it yesterday.
[asuh] joined the channel
oh, that comment about Open Graph reminds me of a post I read late last year: https://www.phpied.com/minimum-viable-sharing-meta-tags/
At the bottom, he links to a WordPress plugin based on his post
chrisaldrich joined the channel
asuh: If you hadn't seen it a bit ago, kevinmarks had a brilliant post about all these meta-data bits like Open Graph. Each silo seems to have their own preferred version: http://www.kevinmarks.com/partialsilos.html
Decaying Silos as dead malls 2018-01-20
He decorated the metadata for his page so that it gives a different set up depending on which silo you cross post his article to.
nice, i missed it
I like that Stoyan’s post above went over the code as well so those compliment each other well
tantek joined the channel
I've used the Yost competitor All in One SEO to do a lot of the meta details and OG stuff like that. It's worked pretty well, but isn't always the most DRY way of doing things.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
does someone know the owner of this account https://twitter.com/indiewebpress???
[jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, [gerwitz], asde and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I would love to connect the WordPress GitHub projects with this account, to have a place to track changes…
Hello, [pfefferle]
[pfefferle]: Any Indieweb related excitement going on?
Not really
Anything you are interested in pursuing?
I am still experimenting with Gutenberg and ZenPress but this is not directly indieweb related
[pfefferle]: What do you think the effect of Gutenberg will be?
I am not sure… I like it a lot, because it provides a lot of possibilities for themes
[manton], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [tantek], tantek, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [snarfed], [eddie], j12t and [jonathanprozzi] joined the channel