tanteksince it both removes extra junk, and adds stuff like Google Analytics, I wonder if it could handle upgrading any Theme/Frontend microformat etc. markup to use mf2
[asuh]I’ve used it with both their Sage theme and other custom themes and it works very nicely. It’s worth investigating whether they’d be on board with mf2 integration
tantekasuh, from the looks of it soil works with a set of "modules" that each do separate things, so one possibility would be an "mf2 upgrade" module that would do exactly that to your mf markup
@carlhancockWhat WordPress needs is a good old old-fashioned tell-all exposé on all of the shady behavior & practices within the WordPress commercial ecosystem that goes on behind the scenes, has gone on in the past and continues to go on behind the scenes that isn’t public knowledge. (twitter.com/_/status/971182969514799105)
@carlhancockWhat WordPress needs is a good old old-fashioned tell-all exposé on all of the shady behavior & practices within the WordPress commercial ecosystem that goes on behind the scenes, has gone on in the past and continues to go on behind the scenes that isn’t public knowledge. (twitter.com/_/status/971182969514799105)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Yoast SEO" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yoast SEO is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Yoast SEO" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yoast SEO is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[asuh]Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that adds specific functionality to your website that will help you to improve your position in the organic search results.
[asuh]I saw an excellent presentation on SEO at a Wordcamp last year helping me better understand the value of SEO today. It’s a little different than it used to be since the themes and WordPress core have worked out a lot of the technical stuff
[miklb]off topic for WordPress but talking about SEO, I noticed some repos on GitHub are using a default meta description tag but have correct Open Graph descriptions using the repo summary/description. I emailed them about that and the person that replied was confused about my question.
Ruxtonmiklb: I don't think it's some, more like all, I've never seen the meta desc on github be the repo description, og:desc is though, the repo desc is appended to title
chrisaldrichasuh: If you hadn't seen it a bit ago, kevinmarks had a brilliant post about all these meta-data bits like Open Graph. Each silo seems to have their own preferred version: http://www.kevinmarks.com/partialsilos.html
chrisaldrichI've used the Yost competitor All in One SEO to do a lot of the meta details and OG stuff like that. It's worked pretty well, but isn't always the most DRY way of doing things.