#wordpress 2018-03-20
2018-03-20 UTC
[snarfed], [kevinmarks], zb111, [miklb], EmreSokullu, chrisaldrich and tantek joined the channel
tantek, [kevinmarks], EmreSokullu, jeremycherfas, [mrkrndvs], spaceoyster and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey hey

[miklb] joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey [miklb] long time no… chatting 🙂

[pfefferle] so far so good…

[pfefferle] the day is still too short

brandon, [eddie], tantek, [cleverdevil] and [Vanessa] joined the channel
[Vanessa] Got the basics up & running. Site with webmentions, semantic linkbacks & post kinds plugins enabled. RSS playing nicely with micro.blog thanks to a function provided by Colin Walker which strips out the title WordPress adds to status posts. Well it seems to with the theme I'm using anyway. Baby steps completed, I think.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Vanessa]++

[chrisaldrich] What's next?

[Vanessa] Ha ha. I don't actually know. I need to finish writing up my "journey". It might help some other non-techy person, who knows. I suspect next steps might involve a knowledge of web design, php & other stuff about which I know nowt! I'm open to suggestions though...
[chrisaldrich] [Vanessa] using things a bit might identify something interesting to do next. Posting via micropub might be interesting to you too.

[chrisaldrich] What is micropub?

Loqi Micropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) that is used to create, update, and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients, and supersedes both MetaWeblog and AtomPub https://indieweb.org/Micropub

[eddie] joined the channel
[Vanessa] [chrisaldrich] Ah ok, sounds like something worth investigating. Putting it on the list. Otherwise, yes, I need to read some more. Tonight I shall just feel a little bit content though - not that I would have got this far without a lot of help from people here and on micro.blog (& 10 Centuries, where this whole conversation started for me).
[gerwitz] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Maybe figuring out how to syndicate to 10C could be useful too?

[chrisaldrich] What is POSSE?

Loqi POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE

[Vanessa] Could be. I have my main blogs over there and have done for some time. They rss to my micro-blog account, maybe I should pull them to my new one too. Mind you, Jason, who runs it, is working on a new version at the moment and I think he’s been listening to Jeremy and me so is planning to be more Indieweb compatible. His principles align very much with Indieweb, but he has retained tight control over his blog platform. Fair enough, heâ
[Vanessa] I wanted to feed my social posts from there to micro.blog but came up against the rss simply stating a post number + link, so gave up.
EmreSokullu and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Vanessa, it's certainly more interesting/valuable when you have direct control over your own platform to be able to make it do what you'd like.

chrisaldrich I was on 10C for a while, but gave up on it for similar reasons.

tantek, [cleverdevil], benwerd and EmreSokullu joined the channel