#wordpress 2018-03-21
2018-03-21 UTC
tantek, EmreSokullu, [eddie], ben_thatmustbeme, [miklb], [kevinmarks], gRegorLove and [unoabraham] joined the channel
[unoabraham] Hey guys,
[unoabraham] I think some options are missing from my Bridgy WordPress plug-in. IIRC previously there was an option to link my Facebook/Twitter accounts within the interface, seems to be missing now.
[unoabraham] Unless I'm missing something.
gomarota and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [unoabraham] do you miss the page completly or just these settings? I rechecked the settings and (except the small glitch at the top https://github.com/dshanske/bridgy-publish/pull/58) it seems to work.

[unoabraham] joined the channel
[unoabraham] Only missing the settings option to add my social data. I remember it being there and also the couple of new posts (since installing the plugins) have not been syndicated.
[pfefferle] have you installed the indieweb plugin?

[pfefferle] if so, the brid.gy settings are in the sub-navigation of the indieweb-plugin…

[kevinmarks], [unoabraham], EmreSokullu, jeremycherfas, [adamrice], dougbeal|mb1 and [cb] joined the channel
[cb] Can Bridgy create Facebook/Twitter posts with attached images? I.e. if I have an image in my post on my website, and I tell Bridgy to publish, is Bridgy able to insert an image into my Facebook post or Twitter post?
[cb] hey all! I've been learning about this indieweb goodness and trying to get all set up using wordpress. I think I'm still a bit confused about microformats and bridgy. Maybe I'll just ask a few questions that may give me a push into understanding better.
[cb] Right now when I publish using Bridgy, I get text but no images. It looks like my images have the `u-photo` class on my website. I feel like I'm missing something
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [snarfed] can you help?

[pfefferle] can you share an example blog post chris?

[cb] sure! just a sec
[cb] this one was created using Quill, and has an image. On facebook there is no image
[pfefferle] nice theme 😉

[cb] thanks! I've been trying a bunch of different ones but keep going back to this one. It's great!
[adamrice] joined the channel
petermolnar [cb]: the page has a meta: <meta property="og:image" content="https://s0.wp.com/i/blank.jpg" /> which might interfere

[pfefferle] the html looks good to me… [snarfed] and perhaps [dshanske] have some more ideas…

[pfefferle] petermolnar does brid.gy support the open graph protocol?

petermolnar no, but fb does

petermolnar and the question was why fb is misbehaving

[pfefferle] ah, thats a point 😉

[pfefferle] petermolnar++

[cb] ah! so if I'm understanding correctly... my site is working fine, it's FB that is being silly
[pfefferle] [cb] I can recommend this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/opengraph/ over the jetpack one

[cb] [peteforsyth] oooh! that sounds cool, thanks!
[pfefferle] it should disable the jetpack feature

[cb] excuse me, [pfefferle]
[cb] ok! I'll try that
[cb] sweet! looks like it works. it doesn't put an image in the post itself, it does the fancy fb preview with an image. That works for me for now 🙂
[cb] [pfefferle] ++
[cb] hmm maybe I didn't do that right
[cb] [pfefferle]++
[cb] aha! thanks @sknebel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich cb, if you're using the bridgy publish plugin it'll be looking for a u-photo class on the HTML for your photo to know to include it as a native photo on twitter and facebook.

chrisaldrich https://brid.gy/about/#picture is the relevant documentation

[cb] yup that makes sense, that's what I thought. it looks like my photos do have that class
chrisaldrich iirc, you can also use u-featured too as a fall back on posts which the photo isn't the primary piece of content.

[cb] well, they do sometimes! it looks like they only have that class if I publish the post with the bridgy publish plugin
chrisaldrich Here's some other relevant discussion on Github: https://github.com/dshanske/bridgy-publish/issues/30

[cb] [pfefferle] is there a way to make sure that every image in Sempress has the `u-photo` class? It looks like photos I upload using the WP dashboard don't get `u-photo`
chrisaldrich what is u-photo?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "u-photo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "u-photo is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[pfefferle] yes

[pfefferle] and if you use the featured image function of wordpress, https://github.com/pfefferle/SemPress/blob/106d10326c7a345844c484c01799acb1cef7cce5/sempress/functions.php#L453 sempress adds u-featured

[pfefferle] ah, it’s called post_thumbnail in wordpress

chrisaldrich In general, I more often prefer adding u-photo manually as if it isn't added and nested properly you'll find yourself syndicating the wrong photos.

chrisaldrich u-photo should only be used within posts (h-entry) when it is the primary piece of content.

[pfefferle] [cb] [chrisaldrich] sorry I was wrong it adds u-photo and u-featured only to the post_thumbnail

[cb] [chrisaldrich] ah, so if you add an image to a post in the wordpress dashboard, you'd switch to "text" mode and change `<img src='something'>` to `<img u-photo src='something'>`?
chrisaldrich I've seen some people accidentally syndicate their avatar to services because they had a u-photo on their improperly nested h-cards.

[cb] [pfefferle] meaning that if I want my image to get `u-photo`, I should set that photo to be the "featured image"?
EmreSokullu joined the channel
petermolnar [cb] if you add the image as featured image it should work with the jetpack plugin as well

[cb] ah! ok that's cool
chrisaldrich cb: you need the class= part, thus: <img class="u-photo" src="http://example.org/photo.png" alt="" />

[pfefferle] yes

[cb] [chrisaldrich] oh!! aha! didn't realize that
[cb] cool I'll try a post with an image, make it the feature image and see what happens...
chrisaldrich Here's some additional details that miklb wrote up a while ago which may be useful too: https://miklb.com/blog/2017/04/12/microformats2-wordpress-and-featured-images-classes/

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] that’s exactly what I implemented for SemPress

chrisaldrich pfefferle++ for creating /SemPress

chrisaldrich Loqi pfefferle is painfully under-karma'd

[pfefferle] 🙂

[cb] oh snap!! that worked! SUPER COOL. [chrisaldrich] [pfefferle] @petermolnar thanks for the help!
[cb] I'm just a musician who dabbles in code-stuff so a lot of this is way over my head, but holy crap this stuff is great. When I started getting webmentions from social media using Bridgy I flipped. It's like we're in the future!!!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [cb] I was in your shoes just a few years ago. Keep at it.

[chrisaldrich] cb++ for syndicating photos with u-photo

chrisaldrich pfefferle++ for providing lots of support this afternoon

[eddie] and tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] thanks for all the +es 🙂

[cb] ok, next question (for [pfefferle] probably). I created a post with an image and set it as the featured image.. but now it appears twice when viewing the post. https://chrisbeckstrom.com/stream/2018/03/21/here-is-the-title/
Loqi [Chris] Here is the title https://chrisbeckstrom.com/stream/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screenshot-2017-11-09-12.33.48.png

[pfefferle] you can remove it from the post-content

[pfefferle] the featured image is added automatically to the content

[cb] oh, I get it! so instead of inserting an image into the post and then ALSO setting that image as the "featured image," just set a "featured image"
[pfefferle] yes

[pfefferle] the features image is used as kind of THE header image

[cb] gocha
[pfefferle] it looks best when it is at least as big as the post area

[pfefferle] if it is only the half width or smaller, it is floated to the right

gRegorLove joined the channel
jeremycherfas [pfefferle]++ because chrisaldrich is correct, he is underkarma-ed

[cb] [pfefferle]++ because of all the help and also I'm really excited
[pfefferle] 😄

[pfefferle] ☺

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[pfefferle] hey GWG

[pfefferle] I heard your 0th episode of the indieweb podacst

[pfefferle] GWG++ [chrisaldrich]++

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich]++

[pfefferle] I am curious about the next episodes!

chrisaldrich Yes, when I've got more karma than pfefferle, something is drastically wrong....

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] that is not true… coding is not everything… isn’t that the main issue you discussed in the podcast? 😉

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] you helped a lot in the last years and you are very active in all chats…

chrisaldrich pfefferle, yes there are differences in the activity, but in a cumulative sense, your karma score doesn't come close a reasonable measure of contribution.

tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] thanks ☺

[pfefferle] we did nearly… i participated in your first online iwc

[pfefferle] but you are right, that wasn’t really a chat…

[pfefferle] 😄

[pfefferle] I need an interpreter then 😉

[cb] (sorry to interject) got a question for you [chrisaldrich]-do you still use Social Media Network Auto Poster to POSSE from WP, and if so, how do you get the syndication links back into your original post?
chrisaldrich cb, I still do use SNAP, though on a limited basis for some silos.

[cb] if I understand correctly, if you use anything other than the bridgy publish plugin, you'd have to manually go find the syndication links and manually enter them into the post.. is that right?
chrisaldrich most of the common social silos like twitter, facebook, google+ have syndication links come back automatically with the Syndication Links plugin which knows where to look for them.

[cb] hmm
[adamrice] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Note: I'm also using the 3.9v of SNAP. Some have mentioned that the 4.X.X versions weren't working for some silos, though I suspect many of them have been fixed since the 4.0 upgrade was released.

chrisaldrich Some had said that Instagram and one or two other silos weren't working like they had been before. SNAP was aware of the problem and working to fix them.

[cb] [chrisaldrich] so, you:
[cb] - write an entry on your WP site
[cb] - share it / syndicate it using SNAP, manually, or using some other method
[cb] - then using some sort of magic, the syndication links plugins automatically finds these syndication links and adds them to your entry?
chrisaldrich GWG did you fix all of their silo targets? I suspect you must have since even plurk worked when I tried it on a whim last week.

chrisaldrich cb, for services like Tw, FB, IG, etc. SNAP does the auto syndication and Syndication Links Plugin brings in the correct URLS.

chrisaldrich For services that I syndicate to manually, I'll also manually add the syndication link.

chrisaldrich Those aren't as big a deal in many cases as brid.gy doesn't use/need the syndication links for /backfeed, but I do like to have a record of the copies for posterity.

chrisaldrich a ha! That's nice, particularly if SNAP adds future targets in the future.

jeremycherfas I'm still using all in one SEO and bringing the links back in by hand.

jeremycherfas Works OK for me.

jeremycherfas Because I don't syndicate much.

jeremycherfas Fine, once you get the hang of it. For me, it would be more intutitive if the Add button did not appear until after there was already one link, but I can cope.

chrisaldrich Typically not a lot of work, other than occasionally adding meta data.

chrisaldrich it would be nice if the parser could find .mp3 or .mp4 files the way huffduffer does.

chrisaldrich more often than not though I'm doing those via a modified PESOS approach to pull in most of the data I need.

chrisaldrich I will.

chrisaldrich It'll give me a chance to use the issue kind some more... though I may have added a note somewhere about adding a separate media field for .mp3 urls so that one could grab the metadata off of a podcast's URL page and add the .mp3 separately for listen posts (compared to the way audio posts work presently)

chrisaldrich I think I far prefer the richness of using post kinds native data instead of relying on oembeds which don't reliably add as much rich data.

chrisaldrich As an example Youtube oembeds just have the raw video and don't include the title, description, etc.

chrisaldrich I'm trying to remember, but I don't think that huffduffer finds those NYT posts either.

[pfefferle] GWG sure let‘s add it! Perhaps we can make it a well used format ;)

[pfefferle] GWG have you seen my merge request for brid.gy publish?

chrisaldrich I do kind of wish that post kinds didn't filter out all the html from the Summary/Quote field so I could add embedded .mp3s within that instead of in the_body like i've been doing.

chrisaldrich where's that hiding?

chrisaldrich so something I could fix with a change of something from true to false somewhere?

[pfefferle] A video or audio Gutenberg block!

[pfefferle] 😉

chrisaldrich For TWiT posts, I've been providing both audio and video embeds so that people finding mine can make their own choice even when I most often use audio.

chrisaldrich Ideally all that stuff would be in the post kinds block so that the user's commentary is in the_body and separate from the remainder.

chrisaldrich For the future, it would be cool if those types of listen posts could send a listen webmention to the original, but also potentially send a separate "comment" webmention.

chrisaldrich I suspect the microformats mark up gets pretty messy to try that as a multi-kind sort of thing.

[pfefferle] I am sag that the h-as-* hasn‘t made it... it was much easier and clearer to have that as a format instead of an action

[pfefferle] Sad not sag

[pfefferle] The semantic linkbacks parser becomes more and more complicated and that’s also why I am not a fan of merging it into the webmentions plugin

[pfefferle] Also with u-featured

chrisaldrich GWG, some post kinds should add those specific types of media directly when available. So listens should auto-add .mp3 audio urls when available.

[pfefferle] u-featured with u-Photo = Image

[pfefferle] U-featured with u-Video = Video

[pfefferle] And or using the HTML element

chrisaldrich Otherwise, one could add checkboxes as indicators to add them to kinds which might not otherwise anticipate them?

[pfefferle] <video class=u-featured />

[pfefferle] So, [chrisaldrich] and I told you how... so when have you finished the implementation?

[pfefferle] Just kidding 😉

chrisaldrich pfefferle, be careful, he may have already done it last night and is just asking for tweaks before he pushes it... ;)

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] 😄

[pfefferle] GWG but we added nearly every non mf2 parts

[pfefferle] I am not what more to add?!?

[pfefferle] Puh, but this is still highly mf2 depending

[pfefferle] I am not sure if this simplify things

chrisaldrich GWG: If I'm reading it correctly, I should be able to change false to true here to get the acegiak option back? https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/blob/6bbc4ac1faef7a008a65f6074f56d9cc23d792fd/indieweb-post-kinds.php#L18

[pfefferle] It makes the parsing easier but it makes publishing much harder

EmreSokullu joined the channel
chrisaldrich yes, that too!

tantek joined the channel
chrisaldrich I would think having a few media file fields the way you're doing with featured image would be the easiest.

chrisaldrich TWiT may be one of the few sites I'm aware of that would have more than one on a page (they've got variations of multiple audio and video files)

chrisaldrich multiple fields does make it trickier, but for most post kinds just having one is probably fine.

chrisaldrich listens would want an audio file and watches a video file

chrisaldrich you could use the same field for both ideally

chrisaldrich I know there are cases when schmarty has used a video tag to make audio content display differently too if that helps....

chrisaldrich so you could always have a field for audio and a separate one for video, but make the mark up optional on them?

chrisaldrich perhaps based on the template for the particular kind.

chrisaldrich I notice that it looks like you're pulling them all in via the parser.

chrisaldrich in the console

petermolnar GWG, chrisaldrich: SNAP is an utterly horrible piece of sw; if I was to do this again with WP, I'd revive the idea to make a POSSE/PESOS plugin on top of Keyring

petermolnar on the other hand, SNAP just works...

petermolnar I've made a reaction importer based on keyring, sort of a POSSE, but I have not touched it in a very long while

petermolnar also, Keyring is near-core, it's used in wordpress.com if I recall it correctly

petermolnar this is he's plugin as well

petermolnar perfectly reasonable PESOS plugin, someone just needs to reverse it ;)

chrisaldrich I've not been a fan of SNAP either except for the "just works" part. I only occasionally use it. Typically manual is just as good for me.

chrisaldrich From my reading Beau is well trusted within the company and writes some solid stuff.

chrisaldrich I wish we could talk him into using webmentions and micropub.

petermolnar He's code is quite readable as well, although the logic is a bit weird

petermolnar rather open folk, just mail him

chrisaldrich He's certainly bought into the concept of PESOS.

GWG chrisaldrich: https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/issues/65
[kevinmarks], [eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
GWG https://www.holybagelsnmb.com/ - Although the service stinks.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG What weather?

wolf, tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] But this is only meta isn’t it?

[pfefferle] GWG i am the wrong one to ask, I think... I am not tracking stuff... no drinking, no checking, no microblogging

[pfefferle] No checkin

[pfefferle] Why are you asking?

[pfefferle] Hmmm, I think it’s a cool feature, but I am not sure that I see any benefits for me

[pfefferle] But I can add support to ZenPress if you help a bit

[pfefferle] It is still there 😊

[pfefferle] I build it mainly for me... as everything ☺

[pfefferle] You have to upload an image

[pfefferle] I have should hide it if there is no image

GWG [pfefferle]: Re Simple Location, you can just check for the existence of, and call this function https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location/blob/master/includes/class-loc-view.php#L151 to return location.
GWG https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location/blob/master/includes/class-loc-view.php#L22 - It has arguments too.
tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] Sure, good idea

[pfefferle] Still have to merge the post kinda merge request

[miklb], [kevinmarks] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
[unoabraham] Do I need the Post Kinds plug-in if the theme supports WordPress Post Formats?
[unoabraham] "Post Kinds adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites" - I thought this was taken care of by Webmention plug-in?
[unoabraham] ^ that makes sense (though I'm going to have to read further for better understanding), but brings me to the point if the theme already supports everything including creating content for responding with certain type of post, then I should be able to disable the plug-in?
[unoabraham] Ok thanks.
EmreSokullu joined the channel