#wordpress 2018-03-23

2018-03-23 UTC
GWG: sure? same Bat-time? Same Bat-channel?
What time was it?
I wasn't looking
Sunday evening around 6ish I think?
Perhaps the Facebook story with a bit of https://medium.com/@anildash/the-missing-building-blocks-of-the-web-3fa490ae5cbc and similar articles thrown in?
Could be an interesting way to have a "motivation" discussion for "why indieweb" with some building blocks convo.
Worth talking about. But I would turn it inward. How do you replace Facebook?
we're on the same page...
6ish should be fine.
tantek, [eddie], ben_thatmustbeme, j12t_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell GWG chrisaldrich Can you please try and balance the volume on the two channels a bit better. David too soft, Chris too loud. Relatively speaking.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Thanks Jeremy. The overall levels seemed a tad low to me as well. It was tough to bluetooth into the car and have the volume high enough to hear over road noise and the heater.
it would help if I had a view on the levels to better modulate my end, but alas....
[asuh] joined the channel
chrisaldrich how are you using post kinds as types on your site?
How do you mean that asuh?
I’m looking at your meta entries on the left side of your posts and I was expecting those links to be kinds but they’re actually types
So your latest post is a link
which, I thought that’s provided by Post Kinds plugin?
I'm using a mixture of both WordPress's Post Formats (which uses the taxonomy "type") in addition to the Post Kinds which uses the taxonomy /kind/
It gives me some additional ways for providing data and feeds for various types of content.
right, i get understand the concept
Thus you can subscribe to the link you just gave as a broader category of "linkblog" but it will include the Post Kinds for reads, likes, favorites, bookmarks and follows
Post Kinds tries to make an intelligent guess and auto sets the Post Format for each Kind. (You can modify the setting within the code though I think most people will agree with the general choices that were made.)
I also have some of the taxonomy duplicated as categories as well for an additional layer of meta data choice.
eventually I want to hide some of the taxonomy, but I've left it all visible for now.
I think my confusion was a false assumption I saw
If you know how post formats and post kinds work you can use it to extract out really custom RSS feeds from my site for just about any sub-category of posts you'd like to get.
My home page has a "feed" called Food diary which is just a conglomeration of the food and drink Post Kinds.
So your `/blog/` section, it only contains posts that are supported by WordPress’ Post Format?
my main /blog/ should be the firehose of everything if I recall correctly, but I think that's the equivalent of what you've said.
At one point I used to have a plugin that filtered out likes and checkins, but I don't think it does that at present.
ok, that’s interesting. If you were use the `note` or `article` post kind, it wouldn’t show that explicitly under the blog as either
As a comparison you can look at snarfed.org. He's filtering out a lot of content from showing on his front page and keeps archive pages for others.
hmm, i see
All my "notes" and "articles" (via Post Kinds) should show up under the /blog/ stream too. The meta block with the author/date/time/etc. will indicate what Post Format and then under that will usually also indicate which Kind they are as well.
but Post kinds gives you views for all your notes with the pre-defined URL /kind/note/ or /kind/article/
I think I’m coming to a new opinion that Post Kinds is great to extend but confusing as a different type of Post Format
so you could have one or more of those show as your primary "blog" feed depending on what you want to show visitors.
They're just two different types of taxonomy. One is much bigger than another.
yes, but they compliment each other and theoretically should be the same
david.shanske.com as an example has a customized version of the 2016 theme that completely disables Post Formats from WP core and relies entirely on Post Kinds and its taxonomy.
however, you could have a new post that’s `/kind/photo` as well as `/type/image`
theoretically, yes, but since Post Formats is a smaller set the mapping isn't both one-to-one and onto
in that modified 2016 theme, the meta would only show the `/type/image` link
no, the other way, it wouldn't have /type/image/, it would only have /kind/photo/
so i think my confusion is that for posts that don’t have an equivalent like image/photo here, you would see one post’s meta entry to have `/type/` and another post could have `/kind/`
but the theory is that those could/should be the same
or in other words, they’re both Post Formats of different types/kinds
I'll take it back, https://david.shanske.com/type/image/ does have images and it's a result of WP core functionality though Post Formats aren't specifically supported in the theme
but from the outside looking in, I wouldn’t understand why one post would have `/type/` in that meta section and another would have `/kind/`
Potentially not, but only those who are looking VERY closely would likely notice.
[Chris Aldrich] Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress
yes, I did go through that to understand more what this is doing
I appreciate that write up
Over time I've been moving away from using the built in Post Formats in WP core and relying more and more on Post Kinds.
I think the inconsistency of these taxonomy is bugging me haha
I think WordPress in general has also been moving away from Post Formats as a community though many themes still support them to some extent.
When they were introduced many years ago, I wasn’t on board. They felt superficial
Now with what Indieweb does to use them, I feel like they have a better place
in some sense the Post Formats 'aside' and 'status update' are nearly identical or relatively indistinguishable and both are roughly equivalent to Post Kind's 'note'
and the new Gutenburg editor could help this even further
that's one of the places they diverge generally...
^^ that, what you just said, is what is a little frustrating
If you're using a theme that has both, you can go into it and remove the support for one or the other so that only one shows up in your admin UI and it's less an issue.
I almost feel like activating Post Kinds plugin should completely overtake what the build in Post Formats has done in the past so that both should not be available in the editor
That would help reduce the confusion
I’m coming at this from a less technical dev who sees both these widgets in the editor and doesn’t understand
I’m technical enough that I understand what’s going on but I can totally see end users or casual editors being baffled
Here's the section of Post Kind's code that auto defines the corresponding Post Formats if you want to change them in your particular install: https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/blob/master/includes/class-kind-taxonomy.php#L210
you'll notice 'article' is empty which corresponds typically to the 'standard' format while 'note' corresponds with 'aside'
Right, I know I could update the Post Kind
But I think my point is more about the fact that Post Kinds plugin should basicically hijack a theme that has Post Formats, remove that widget completely, and only have Post Kinds on the side of the editor
That’s aggressive and probably not possible, but this would make things very clear
If it's easier to not worry, you can go to 'screen options' in the upper right of the admin UI and deselect the 'Format' option and it will quit displaying that meta box for you.
There are pros/cons to doing that, particularly if someone switches between themes regularly or is just trying out Post Kinds without having bought into it completely.
Right, that is an option to kind of hijack, just simply hiding built in Post Formats
I think this is an onboarding idea I’m thinking of. Someone who doesn’t know the ins and outs of these types of settings
The rare times I'll make a change in the auto-setting that Post Kinds does is for something like 'listen' which sets a Post Format of 'audio'. If my post doesn't have an audio file in it, I'll change it to either 'status' or 'link' as I feel appropriate.
The odd part is that not all themes provide support for Post Kinds and some that do only support a small subset of them and not all.
At least Post Kinds has a reasonable default display for all the kinds that one chooses to enable.
One of the bigger challenges in my adoption of the indieweb plugins so far is the complexity some of these plugins introduces, such as the dualing Post Formats vs Post Kinds. I always try to think of it as someone who sees a new Post Kinds widget for the first time and is confused by there being redundancy between the two taxonomies.
(Though I will admit that I think that some of the experimental or not completely supported types may not have displays, but you'd have to manually enable them in code to get them to work.
Perhaps Post Kinds should do the auto-hide of the Post Formats meta box to remove the cognitive dissonance?
Wouldn’t that make sense?
If Post Kinds covers everything that Post Formats already offers, why display both?
Perhaps, but then there are always the longtime WP users who have had that box for ages and will still mentally want it for one reason or another.
The other challenge would be what the post shows as its taxonomy for this. Would it still show `/type/format` or `/kind/format`?
In this instance, why couldn’t the Post Kinds plugin offer a way to modify the Kind title?
Again, the mapping of the two taxonomies isn't 1-1 or onto since they have different sizes, so that could create issues too.
the /type/ path will still be there because it's built into core
So in that regard, Post Kinds could be extended to rule them all, mapping everything in the way that it does but for the one plugin, overriding Post Formats completely and allowing custom taxonomy names for those sticklers who are used to the old system
attempting to disable that would be potentially painful
I don’t mean to completely disable it
though in practice I'm not aware of many non-developers who would likely be using it
But, rather than show `/type`, just show `/kind`
'/type' only show up only within the theme or if it's hardcoded into a page somewhere
In a sense, when you call the taxonomy function, it would instead return `/kind/` on the front-end. You could still access `/type/`, but it wouldn’t be explicit anymore with the Post Kinds plugin
That’s why I said override. I don’t think disabling is necessary
the path for /kind/post-type/ doesn't show up anywhere specifically, but exists as a structure for those who want to provide it
Typically those who would provide for them would be developers or themers
In the modified 2016 functions.php code, there does exist the creation of markup for the kind taxomony
And generally a themer would likely use a path like that to create custom archive templates for displaying those individual types in my experience
I'm not aware of any themes off hand that really leverage the /type/format/ setups in a way that many users would even notice them. Do you?
No, but the taxnomy links show with 2016
So, take your latest post
It’s a Post Kind - Read post
Your taxonomy showing on the meta says Link
and it links to the Post Format
Why couldn’t the Post Kinds plugin force that to be the kinds link instead?
It could but it's usually far more difficult for plugins to hook into themes like that because you never know what a particular theme is going to do.
This is one of the big problems with the uf2 plugin trying to intelligently inject microformats v2 classes into themes
The theme itself has to do some of that presentation work and the level of knowledge of themers can vary greatly
Right, I understand what you’re saying.
However, for the Post Formats links specifically, they’re always displayed by calling the taxonomies function, right?
If a theme doesn’t call that, it wouldn’t show anyway
So what I’m getting at isn’t to force taxonomies to show. It’s more about for those themes which DO show taxonomy links, switch the Post Formats URL to instead show the Post Kinds URL
Even themes like Twenty Fourteen do CSS styling on hentry if I recall, which is a major no-no for semantic classes like that. Thus if a plugin tries to add the proper h-entry microformat to the game, the entire theme breaks and most users will never figure out why, they'll just think the plugin is broken.
Right, but in that instance, you’re not removing `.hentry`, you’re only adding `'h-entry`, which is the best way to go right now
I agree with what you’re saying. But this is getting of into a different tangent from what I was saying about Post Kinds.
What you're suggesting, if it could be done well, might be somewhat worthwhile for gen3+ users, but would probably drive me crazy from a legacy data perspective.
yes, I can understand why
This gets a bit into the problems WP has in general with trying to properly support legacy sites.
And naturally a lot of it may all go somewhat sideways when Gutenberg rolls out too...
As if things weren't hard enough....
If Post Kinds could be updated to support all Post Formats, or at least allow someone to update the Post Kinds titles to be the same as Post Formats, that could be analogous to injecting Microformats 2 alongside the old ones in WordPress core today. You don’t lose the legacy Post Formats if you’re able to keep them in Post Kinds, but you get to unify the experience into one widget
Ideally, it would be far easier to update post formats to add in all the post kinds, but that becomes a tougher political question because it involves core
and I think core WP is moving away from Formats in a general sense...
It involves core only if the themes support Post Formats?
This probably shows the limitation that I have of how Post Formats is built into core whether a theme supports them or not
The code and the URL paths are all still there and built in regardless of if the theme is using them or not though
Individual themes need to declare that they provide support for Post Formats and identify which particular ones they do support.
Right! So in a sense, Post Kinds can just ignore that built-in functionality and continue on and use its own
You can get into some display trouble if you move a site that supports all 9 Formats to a theme that only supports 3, for example.
It’s not that you really lose Post Formats and what they do for the theme, it’s that your Post format would transition into Post Kinds URLs
Even if the theme supports 3, those 9 will still show up if they’re built into core?
Sort of, the way the two are handled from a display perspective is a bit different while still being really flexible.
The 9 will still show up, but the way they're displayed may be very drastically different looking than they were before.
Do you mean b/c of missing classes and such?
The hooks that could be used to style the 9 would potentially not show up for the missing 6? Is that your thought?
That's certainly part of it.
So that’s making the assumption that devs are smart enough to custom style Post Formats posts, which I can’t say I’ve ever seen in practice?
Post Kinds has many more data fields and moving pieces than Post Formats does and is also a lot more flexible
Yes, in practice most themes don't care much about Post Formats anymore or they're all relatively the same.
The primary difference often being that asides and status updates don't display the titles.
Post Formats really only have the title, the body, and maybe the excerpt to be able to play around with. Thus they rely on the user only putting very specific things into those fields.
In the scheme I’ve been talking about, I can’t see any of this to practically be an issue. Even with the problem you brought up from the 9 to 3, it seems highly unlikely there’d be a lot of issues
If your Video format is styled to better feature YouTube or other embedded videos as their only content in the_body, then things can go sideways if you add a few paragraphs of text underneath them
Sadly, I think there are often more issues between functional code and themes than we'd like to admit.
Under what circumstance are you thinking this would be something someone would do, adding paragraphs under a video?
I’m sure my naivety is high for what I’m saying as I can’t say I’ve inspected tons of themes in the last few years
Even some of the IndieWeb friendly themes that do exist can have odd quirks with Post Kinds
As an example the Post Format for Video would have been a horrible choice for something like this: http://boffosocko.com/2018/03/22/wont-you-be-my-neighbor-official-trailer-focus-features/
[Chris Aldrich] 📺 Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – Official Trailer | Focus Features
It features some additional metadata about the video and includes some commentary on it as well.
A well featured Post Format version would really have only best contained the video by itself (at least the way the Format was originally intended), and some of it would depend on the particular theme and how it wanted to handle those things.
You’re using this as an example of a IndieWeb friendly theme that has an odd quirk with Post Kinds?
Even David regularly admits he could be better at theme integration (he did just a day ago: https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress/2018-03-21#t1521670513323200)
[GWG] [pfefferle]: To be honest, I could be better at theme integration.
No, it's an example of how Post Kinds does better with video/watch posts compared with the Post Format of Video.
ok, that makes sense
Examples of the other can be found in the issue queue of ZenPress: https://github.com/pfefferle/ZenPress/issues
And even there, Pfefferle really knows what he's doing and GWG is usually actively trying to make things work better and dovetail in a nicer way.
Themes aren't always easy because you often need a bit of spackle between the theme and how not only core will work with it, but how any of the thousands of plugins is going to react with it.
Right. All that work being done is wonderful and I realize there’s probably no ideal for some issues
I think I’ve mused enough about this for the night. Waking up in only a few hours so I’m calling it a night!
I know the feeling... hope some of this has helped... there's a lot of subtlety
for sure, thanks for the great discussion!
jeremycherfas joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich Maybe this week you won't be driving? In any case, are you each recording locally and then splicing, or is one of you recording? The former is a little easier for audio level matching, but it isn't hard the other way either.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I did the recording. I'll fiddle.
GWG: [jeremycherfas] left you a message 5 hours, 18 minutes ago: chrisaldrich Can you please try and balance the volume on the two channels a bit better. David too soft, Chris too loud. Relatively speaking.
You recorded both ends? On separate tracks?
I actually use an analog mixer.
But I do stuff like mix-minus to record one speaker hard left and the other hard right, which makes it relatively easy to split them and then normalise.
I'll see about calibrating for next time.
It would improve my listening experience, for sure!
How was the content?
Er, unstructured? I know it perplexed some people who aren't into IndieWeb and WP and all that.
I'll keep listening, of course, but I think maybe you need to have at least a bit of a clear outline in mind, and maybe keep it under 45 minutes if possible.
I sort of like the conversational format, but we are going to try and not go as long.
I love the conversational format. Nothing wrong with that. But you can still plan what you're going to say, and maybe even who is going to say it.
We have an idea of what we're going to talk about.
We'll see as it develops
Good plan.
I have to improve my podcast support on my site, and by extension via Post Kinds, other sites
But I have another project to finish first.
test, [cb], [kevinmarks], [eddie] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
I understand its related to H Card, but not sure how to proceed here.
Getting <span class='p-name'></span> in the RSS feed for the blog title and link to the blog post.
Any pointers please?
And getting <span class='p-author h-card'>Abraham</span> for the post author and post archive link.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
you have to disable the uf2 plugin
[cleverdevil] and tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks], [manton] and tantek joined the channel
[snarfed], [jgmac1106], [kim_landwehr], [jeremycherfas], [manton], [eddie], [kevinmarks], tantek, toomim, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
created /wordpress_jetpack (+20) "prompted by tantek and redirect added by snarfed"
(view diff)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel