#wordpress 2018-03-26
2018-03-26 UTC
[miklb] joined the channel
matigo, [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] There is no new version of the mf2 lib... just updates to the master and I am not sure if the actual version is stable...

[pfefferle] Good morning

[gerwitz] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
kaushalmodi joined the channel
[eddie], [kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr], kaushalmodi, gRegorLove_, [cleverdevil], [Mike] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Semantic linkbacks uses composer and I check regularly

[cb] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
[cb] joined the channel
[cb] anybody know how to get micro.blog to send webmentions back to my site? It works if I do it manually on my WP site...
kaushalmod and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] It should work automatically but I’m seeing big delays with m.b webmentions at the moment. Manton has been working on some performance issues so I’ve let him know.

[cb] [colinwalker] [aaronpk] oh! ok cool, thanks! I thought maybe I was missing something. I just noticed I got a webmention from something earlier today, so perhaps the performance is improving
[colinwalker] I just got two from about 11 hours ago.

kaushalmodi joined the channel
tantek are there actionable things in this post http://kimberlyhirsh.com/dear-indieweb/ that we can file as issues on various plugins / themes?

chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich kimberlyhirsch++ for making some progress on her site over the weekend!

Loqi chrisaldrich: jeremycherfas left you a message 3 days, 10 hours ago: Maybe this week you won't be driving? In any case, are you each recording locally and then splicing, or is one of you recording? The former is a little easier for audio level matching, but it isn't hard the other way either.

chrisaldrich I think two of her issues are microformat and theme specific. I suspect she's using Bridgy publish, but I thought that /Independent_Publisher did better for that)

chrisaldrich Sharing on mobile requires a bit of set up that's relatively well documented. Movement will be better with some of the new mobile (micropub) apps that are on the horizon.

[stefp] joined the channel
[stefp] I’m finding sharing with OwnYourSwarm frustrating.
chrisaldrich tantek, it sounds like she was having issues with POSSE from her site to Twitter, et al. and that's usually a microformats issue in the theme being parsed to translate to the target properly.

chrisaldrich (presuming that she's using Bridgy Publish plugin)

chrisaldrich stefp, what particular part are you finding frustrating with aaronpk's OYS?

[stefp] It worked intermittently before but now it has stopped altogether. Micropub is returning errors.
chrisaldrich What kind of errors is it throwing?

tantek chrisaldrich: this is probably worth investigating: "Posting notes to Facebook and Twitter without weird link previews or my Gravatar popping up" and figuring out how to *stop* a /link-preview from happening

tantek that could be a minimal /link-preview#How_to - for specifically how to have none

{“error”:“invalid_request”,“error_description”:“Invalid Post Status”}
Loqi mobile posting is the act of using a mobile device to post to a site, including and especially replying to or sharing a web page, typically using your own personal indieweb site https://indieweb.org/sharing_on_mobile

chrisaldrich stefp, nothing strikes me directly from either of those. If GWG or snarfed don't show up in a few, you can also drop an issue at https://github.com/snarfed/wordpress-micropub/issues (preferably) or https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/micropub where they and others will see them to provide help.

[stefp] Thanks.
chrisaldrich I've seen some quirks in how wordpress handles emoji from instagram with various filters and that causing problems. Do these posts you're having problems with have emoji in their descriptions by chance?

[stefp] Sorry was that question for me?
chrisaldrich yes, stefp, the emoji question was for you

[stefp] No. It’s just the location sharing that’s causing the problems.
chrisaldrich stefp, do you also happen to be using the /Simple_Location plugin as well?

[stefp] Yes. I have that turned on.
chrisaldrich Mention that in your error report as well, just in case.

[stefp] Okay.
[stefp] Hmmm… just noticed I’m getting errors on Quill too. Trying to figure out if I’ve changed anything else.
[stefp] It’s the same errors too.
[stefp] Issue posted to Github.
[sdepolo], j12t, j12t_, kaushalmodi, tbbrown and [asuh] joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich asuh, WP can do much more.

chrisaldrich The benefit of micro.blog when you bring your own website to it is that it becomes a place to syndicate content and engage with others.

chrisaldrich It's like syndicating to Twitter, but it provides webmentions for interaction. The community is also much nicer. :)

chrisaldrich micro.blog has a built in "feed reader" for reading and interacting.

chrisaldrich To some extent it's a gen3/4 friendly pseudo-silo, but it allows you relatively easy import/export if you want to move your data out.

chrisaldrich It's paid hosting service is also a simple turnkey indieweb presence for those who don't want to build and maintain their own infrastructure.

chrisaldrich I use it to syndicate my content to via RSS so that I can interact with friends I have who are on the platform.

chrisaldrich I did test it out a bit a year ago as a primary site (using their paid tier) just to see what it offered and how it works.

tantek perhaps an opportunity to expand /micro.blog#Why?

chrisaldrich I should go back and test it out again now that it's expanded it's functionality.

chrisaldrich tantek, that's been on my to do list for a while because it's been confusing to many (most?) who come across it.

tantek [asuh] that's pretty much what is behind the frustration of articles like http://kimberlyhirsh.com/dear-indieweb/ and the one she linked to

chrisaldrich GWG++ for excellent support over the weekend (and in general)

chrisaldrich asuh, there are a variety of issues spread over the wealth of plugins, but there's also a "mini-roadmap" of sorts here: /WordPress/Development

chrisaldrich though that link may need some updating.

chrisaldrich several of us will often also post informal blue sky ideas or comments into the issue queues just so they're documented. I don't think many of us are too "precious" about issues that help to make things better.

tantek.com edited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+54) "link to existing tutorial to setup a new WP site if they haven't already" (view diff)

tantek.com edited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+69) "see getting started for domain and web hosting service" (view diff)

[kevinmarks] joined the channel